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  1. O

    Marina Go resigns Barry O'Farrell appointed

    Stand by for some brain dead former politician to be appointed in her place. Who??? Too many choices. After putting Beattie in charge of the commission, nothing will surprise me. They could even resurrect Osama bin Laden for this one.
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    Bulldogs apologise for Mad Monday behaviour

    Grubby journalism .. my understanding is that they hired a private room on the third floor. Nobody was going to see them there .. they could do what they liked. But grubby journo gets a vantage point and a telephoto lens and there is the story. Payback for last year perhaps??? Hate where...
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    REPORTS: Manly prop considering exit

    A short history lesson. Easts had a couple of seasons in the 1960s (???) where they just bought players so that other teams could not get them. Then they would just play them in reserve grade. I ***think ** Dick Thornett (League and Union international) was one of them, who they bought from...
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    Ivan Cleary - THREAD..

    Difficult to believe that Gould was not a part of this or knew nothing (Sgt Shultz???) when, only a few weeks ago he stated that he could fully understand Nathan and Ivan wanting to be in the same team together. Was he trying to soften the blow for the Tigers fans? I doubt that Gould could lie...
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    Chris Lawrence - Media

    If Danny Weidler kept at me and sticking his microphone in my face the way he does I'd lay him out. Another media parasite. Well done Chris.
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    Moses Suli

    You did well there … you managed to get Rothfield and integrity into the one sentence!!! That doesn't happen often. Give that man a new!!!!
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    James Tedesco Signs with Roosters [Official]

    If only he would have played like that for the Tigers. He didn't so it's not that great a loss. Better off with blokes who want to play for the club.
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    How much $$$$ is the Tedesco deal?

    TPAs from the Ivy Nightclub .. could be a good little earner there, my son.
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    Elijah Taylor - Ordeal..

    Yes, much different to how our current captain is acting.
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    Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

    Haven't you heard .. ??? His club won't grant him a release so he is in talks with I Moses to see if they can get around it. :slight_smile:
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    Rankin Released...Official..

    Huh ?????? You mean he wasn't??????????? Really ???????????? I need to sit down and absorrb this, now. I'll get Jordan on the phone .. he can tell me. :smiley:
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    **Live game thread**

    A few of us watching the game here. One suggested Woods might 'run dead' today against his new club. We want to know, how will we know?
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    New captain

    I used to love watching Scott Prince laying down the law to them in the in-goal area during a game. I see most of the capable captains from other teams doing things to motivate their team during a game. I never see Woods doing this at all. I'd be happy for a change of captain, but it might be...
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    Brooks re-signs - Reportedly

    I would have thought so soon after Cooper Cronk announced he was coming to Sydney might have made him make up his mind a little faster :smiley:
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    Official - Josh Reynolds Signs Megathread

    Do you think if you do that we could also entice Jason Taylor back? :slight_smile:
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    Tim Simona - Deregistered

    I liked Tim too, and I hope this is not as serious as has been made out. I further hope that Simona has not been mixed up with that clown that Foran was mixed up with either, the 'colourful Sydney former brothel owner'. No names, no packdrill.
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    Omar Slaimankhel

    :slight_smile: Perhaps you mean .. Ok now .. everybody back on your heads!!!
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    Farah to SOUTH SYDNEY in 2017..OFFICIAL..

    I have a recollection of hearing when Potter was coming in at coach that one of the prospective coaches said he was not too interested because Farah runs the place anyway. Not sure if it was Brown or someone else. But there is a common thread there isn't there as regards run-ins with coaches...
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    Benji Marshall will leave Dragons if another NRL club meets his asking price

    Gotta love his management. They have been costing him heaps ever since he left the Tigers. Well done, Brian Taber. Next time I need a salary cut, I'll give you the job to negotiate it!
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    Wests Tigers to adopt themes for all home games in 2016 in bid to boost engagement with fans

    What utter garbage. Who goes to a football game to support multi-culturalism or multi-anything else?? We go to see our team play football. Want to engage with fans??? Win bloody games. Pure and simple. Pascoe .. hand in your pay for last week because if that is your best shot we are in for...