Jayden "Bud" Sullivan #278

I’m happy with the signing. Not happy that him and Latau will come off contract at the same time. A good problem to have in the future I suppose.
You also need to remember that Sullivan came into grade in 2020 so his first 2 seasons playing with men he missed a lot of development because of Covid with nsw cup seasons being cancelled and cut short. This would have also restricted a lot of training and development opportunities. People have quickly forgotten but this is something that really slowed down a lot of players development and especially so in positions in the spine where it’s more then just run hard, tackle hard
Brooks set the bar so low and with the stats of our forward pack an average half is going to turn this cub around. Our team is very saleable to half’s. Sullivan, Sezer and Fainu is just what we need. Things are on the up! I’m glad we have Sullivan. Welcome to the club!
The terms listed in the Telecrap are ludicrous. We're giving him a payrise? from his already inflated salary? A 4 year deal would be a disaster. 550k average for a reserve grader is absurd..

He's achieved nothing. Dragons want to get rid of him and will be chipping in.

Give him a 2+1 (co) offer, where we chip in 700k, dragons 300k. Third year we pay full freight if we take the option at 500k.

No one else wants him, there's no bidding war. He's injured and currently still a fringe first grader.
Seems like standard money for a half. Can’t really complain about the money. As for the player, who knows. My expectations are generally pretty low on these things with this club.
What a load of absolute crap

If we pay the price they suggest it's only a bit less than Brooks. Who has achieved far far more than Sullivan, and for whom we all agreed is overpaid at manly.
What a load of absolute crap

If we pay the price they suggest it's only a bit less than Brooks. Who has achieved far far more than Sullivan, and for whom we all agreed is overpaid at manly.
A bit less than Brooks? We're paying him double the reported Sullivan salary
What do people expect???
We have been coming last for the past 10 years - no offence but coming 9th is just the same as last - we have been terrible for over 10 years.

This kid is not the messiah, he is not Benji 2.0. He is a kid that needs to be given a chance to prove his talent and be the gamebreaker he can potentially be.
He was used terrible by Griffin at the Dragons. He is an out and out 5/8. He is not a game management half.
We need gamebreakers in our team and this kid can be one if the coaching is correct and the forwards lay the platform instead of being ball players.

I like this signing for what it is. There is so limited halves in coming through this comp and we have acquired, potentially, a decent player, in a position we need to strengthen.
Getting Sezer also we give us some time to determine the next move also while giving us some breathing room to recruit and develop.
The worst thing we can do again is anoint the next Brooks from our juniors and death riding him.
Brooks was not a bad player, he just didnt have the support around him to be the player we all wanted him to be.
As long as he does not have "Rigor Mortis" he will pass our stringent medical test and then the talking heads in the administration Lee/Pascoe /Sheens can tell us what a brilliant coup we have made.
Having said that i still welcome him to the club and hope he can do what we all are hoping for in becoming a better side
Sounds like you can’t wait to bag him….poor bugger hasn’t yet worn the WT jersey ….
Again taken out of context , I just don’t think he is what we need , I have only seen him play a few times and he did not fill me with any great hope , but if u missed the last bit of my post I did say I would give him a go , that’s more than u gave me 🤔
Mate I am bloody hyped. This guy is one of the most hyped junior players from the last 5 years. He absolutely tore SG ball to shreds. Has had moments of showing his best form in first grade, but has lacked consistency. He could become anything with the right guidance and coaching.
Are we the people to give this guy the right coaching and guidance ?
Are we the people to give this guy the right coaching and guidance ?
I think one thing Marshall took from Wayne was that a big part of coaching is the person and guidance part and instilling confidence in players. I thought Michael McGuire was that style but the Fails of Tigertown showed it was alot of swearing and shouting that really put me off the guy.

So..maybe we can help Sullivan in that part...
Desperate teams are like a windfall for players like Sullivan. Hope it ends up being a good signing but at this point he has got the better end of the deal.
Personally - I think the best “game managers” are essentially still runners of the football with exceptional kicking and passing games. Their creativity is based on firstly creating doubt in the opposition’s mind as to whether they will run, pass or kick. This gives them time.

Think Ben Hunt who is very effective with ball in hand but has the necessary complimentary skills. Even Cleary, Reynolds and DCE who rely heavily on their kicking game can run the ball and threaten defenders.

I wasn’t overly concerned about Hastings departure as he is not a threat with ball in hand. His mindset is pass - kick - run hence he has a low try assist as defences sweat on his runners. Chad Townsend is in this mould.

Sullivan seems to be a runner first as he has speed. I personally like this. The question is can he (or has he already). The required complimentary kicking and passing games and when to use them?

Luke Brooks is a very effective runner with moderate kicking and passing games. This affected his decisions as he could not rely on his passing and kicking games when his running game wasn’t effective
Sullivan was the crown jewel of the next generation of superstar kids the Dragons were bringing through that won SG Ball a cpl years ago.

Then they signed Hook and Hunt and his path got blocked to first grade. Injuries meant Amone leapt ahead of him and Hook tried to cross train him into becoming a hooker/bench utility. He's an out and out 7. If he can stay healthy he's going to make us forget about Luke Brooks very quickly.

Dragons fans (Inc my dad) are very unhappy to lose Sullivan.

Got a few mistakes in him but tons of X factor that we need in the Red zone