What's In The Media ~ Other Than Footy

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I dont think its the fault of Luke Brooks. He wants a release. He wants a new lease of life. Wests won't release him from the prison of his mind and soul. Why cant we bag Wests for not releasing him? Doesn't every human want freedom. But I hear you. Those 5th tackle options are atrocious. But in defence - what a big heart he has. Just like you.
Rick and Vivian had a few spin off"s together.bizzare kids story time all the way thru to drunken debauchery,Eddy Monsoon (Vivian)-he is married 2 d ab fab lady,in that show here name is Edina Monsoon,lol,
Watcha talkin about Willis?
went to a generic site,7gossip colums in 1-my puter minder told me it was suss,first time in 4 years,probably close to a non payment for ratifacation blah blah-just my guess
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