
Anyone notice there were no beers in the Tigers sheds for the post game celebrations. Interesting to know whether it was intentional or another Wests Tigers attention to details error.
they left the esky at concord
Anyone notice there were no beers in the Tigers sheds for the post game celebrations. Interesting to know whether it was intentional or another Wests Tigers attention to details error.

I would assume there's been no beer in the Sheds for quite a few rounds now....
Putrid look to be losing on the trot and be kicking around in the sheds with beer afterwards.

Also wouldn't imagine it's real good 'Beer Drinking' Weather.....
Anyone notice there were no beers in the Tigers sheds for the post game celebrations. Interesting to know whether it was intentional or another Wests Tigers attention to details error.
no team down;s tinnie;s anymore,unless a G F ,seemed Sheens fobbed TT after the game (no hug touchy, touchy there) n Naden got a split eyebrow from a water bottle during the song,
Anyone notice there were no beers in the Tigers sheds for the post game celebrations. Interesting to know whether it was intentional or another Wests Tigers attention to details error.
Yep definitely noticed. I assumed it was part of a fitness strategy/plan? Wouldn’t have wanted to waste the Gatorade.
Maybe just maybe they have all agreed to win a few games before getting on the drink , yes a win and a beer is good , no problem from me but , let’s face it , they still need to earn it and 1 win doesn’t cut it today , magic round win then yes by all means throw a couple cold ones down , then get back on the job
Anyone notice there were no beers in the Tigers sheds for the post game celebrations. Interesting to know whether it was intentional or another Wests Tigers attention to details error.
Yeah I noticed that to, I thought it looked odd celebrating with water. It should of been fine champagne seeing they have not won a game in God knows how long.
They got out of there fairly quickly (within 30mins) so probably would have had beers on the bus or back at the hotel.

Considering the facilities at the stadium the team would have packed light and only taken what they needed.