Australia Day

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I'm grateful and lucky to be an Aussie

I find pride in things I do, they way I act or what I've achieve, or my kids... I find it difficult to have pride in something I've had nothing to do with.. Just luck I was born here/my parents lived here
Exactly. As George Carlin said. You take in pride in something you achieve. No has any control over where they are born
Not so much Hal.
Why don't we celebrate the particular migrants that pushed this country forward ?
I know it doesn't suit agenda's and identity political motives . . . but the migrant polulation that worked, developed, and help advance Australia . . . largely without government unemployment, and other social security handouts sure as hell deserve recognition.
They weren't a drain on funds and resources . . . they contributed to the country in a positive way, and still do.
Good call.

I often think of my Dad's story as a migrant and how he has contributed to Australia.

Moved to Australia on his own, spoke no English, worked on a farm for less than minimum wage, raised a family while working two jobs, paid taxes for 40 or so years, volunteered for decades, plus lots of other things.

The success story that is Australia does not belong to one group. Nor does any one group have a particular claim to define what it is to be Australian.
Good call.

I often think of my Dad's story as a migrant and how he has contributed to Australia.

Moved to Australia on his own, spoke no English, worked on a farm for less than minimum wage, raised a family while working two jobs, paid taxes for 40 or so years, volunteered for decades, plus lots of other things.

The success story that is Australia does not belong to one group. Nor does any one group have a particular claim to define what it is to be Australian.
Don't know him but sounds like your Dad is a great man and we are lucky to have him.
People are passionate about this critical subject.

Disgusting vandalism on Captain Cook statue in Melb.

This great nation should not be ashamed to celebrate what we are today together.

I am.proud to be Australian.

this may be pig headed, but vandalism of this sort just makes me dig my heels in even more and become more of a proponent of keeping the date.
I’m just reading an editorial in the Melbourne Herald Sun written by Peter Dutton and Jacinta Price. Assume it will be in the Sydney Daily Telegraph as well. Some of the key points;
“ on January 26 we should unashamedly celebrate the achievement of modern Australia”.
“ before every Australia Day you will hear the same elites, inner city advocates and corporate honchos deliver the same old sermons.
Such people are determined to examine history in the most hostile,unforgiving and unbalanced manner imaginable.
Today , the context and complexity of Australia past are far too frequently left out of lessons our children are taught. They can tell their parents about the ramifications of colonisation on Indigenous people and the harm to some of the Stolen generation but very little about the British institutions, laws and liberties we inherited that motored our success and benefited every Australian. “
“ Everyone country has dark chapters in its history but most don’t allow that cast long shadows like we do “
And finally,
“ But let us rediscover our greatness by expressing love for our country and pushing back against those who want to hate ourselves and our history.”.
Here here Mr. Dutton and Ms Price, ! If anyone can locate the entire article it’s worth printing.
Happy Australia Day !!!!
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I’m just reading an editorial in the Melbourne Herald Sun written by Oeter Dutton and Jacinta Price. Assume it will be in the Sydney Daily Telegraph as well. Sorry me key points;
“ on January 26 we should unashamedly celebrate the achievement of modern Australia”.
“ before Australia Day you will hear the same elites, inner city advocates and corporate honchos deliver the same old sermons.
Such people are determined toexami e history in the most hostile,u forgiving and unbalanced manner imaginable.
Today , the context and complexity of Australia past are far too frequently left out of lessons our children are taught. They can tell their parents about the ramifications of colonisation on I digenous people and the harm to some of the Stolen generation but very little about the British institutions, Kawasaki and liberties we inherited that motored our success and benefited every Australian. “
“ Everyone country has dark chapters in its history but most do t allow that cast long shadows like we do “
And finally,
“ But let us rediscover our greatness by expressing love for our country and pushing back against those who want to hate ourselves and our history.”.
Here here Mr. Dutton and Ms Price, ! If anyone can locate the entire article it’s worth printing.
Happy Australia Day !!!!
Sorry for the mistakes, I foolishly typed and sent without my glasses. Now I know why I need them !!!
Now help me here CK, I just typed my reply directly without saving it anywhere. So where is the edit feature so I can adjust or is that only relevant if I saved it.
Signed, “ Confused Boomer “
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I’m just reading an editorial in the Melbourne Herald Sun written by Peter Dutton and Jacinta Price. Assume it will be in the Sydney Daily Telegraph as well. Some of the key points;
“ on January 26 we should unashamedly celebrate the achievement of modern Australia”.
“ before every Australia Day you will hear the same elites, inner city advocates and corporate honchos deliver the same old sermons.
Such people are determined to examine history in the most hostile,unforgiving and unbalanced manner imaginable.
Today , the context and complexity of Australia past are far too frequently left out of lessons our children are taught. They can tell their parents about the ramifications of colonisation on Indigenous people and the harm to some of the Stolen generation but very little about the British institutions, laws and liberties we inherited that motored our success and benefited every Australian. “
“ Everyone country has dark chapters in its history but most don’t allow that cast long shadows like we do “
And finally,
“ But let us rediscover our greatness by expressing love for our country and pushing back against those who want to hate ourselves and our history.”.
Here here Mr. Dutton and Ms Price, ! If anyone can locate the entire article it’s worth printing.
Happy Australia Day !!!!
My printer does not work on toilet paper...

Jacinta Price and Dutton - two Great unifying Australians!

No political expediency to see here!

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