Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

"Crichton labelled the Roosters' decision to sign Fifita as "interesting" and admitted it left him wondering about the club's thinking"
You wouldn't imagine Uncle Nick would be too happy with that

"I don’t want to be sitting behind anyone,” he said.

"If there’s an opportunity that makes sense (elsewhere), then I’ll definitely look at it.
On the phone Richo , spread the love hel come
He was reported as on 600k at Storm and was also reported Tigers picked up his full contract but who knows if either is true.
Not sure who reported that, but telegraph has him as 425k in this article.

Pretty sure it is a 1.3m, 3 year deal at the Tigers
Imo papalii actually played his best footy at para through the middle, yes he was good on the edge for them too but dynamic off the bench also. Hopefully they continue to play him at 13. Our edges are very weak asides from batemen, paps and fainu….we have a lack of quality young edges also angus would be a fantastic option for us to add some strike
Wonder if Richo was close with him during the South's days... hopefully he can put a call in.
Michael Chammas on 100% footy says we have offer Doueihi a min wage deal (150k)
Harsh but fair to be honest. Hate to see a bloke who tries as hard as Doueihi have such bad luck with injuries that it has pretty much ruined his career. Hope for the best with him, and wouldn't be mad if he goes for more money, he deserves more then a min wage if he can find it
Harsh but fair to be honest. Hate to see a bloke who tries as hard as Doueihi have such bad luck with injuries that it has pretty much ruined his career. Hope for the best with him, and wouldn't be mad if he goes for more money, he deserves more then a min wage if he can find it
Gus seemed completely perplexed we even offered that, looked like he was about to hop on the phone then and there.
I read his book. His recreational drug use was usually in the off season or when they had a bye. Sounds like he made a huge effort to never let it affect winning. There was a story where he showed up hungover one session and trained in his joggers and was the best on ground in the session. Joeys faults (bipolar disorder apparently) were countered bythe relentless competitor in him.
Cocaine is a performance enhancing drug, just ask Maradona... bugger we can't because he's dead.

I worked with his ex-wife Cath Mahoney, who wrote a book about that period in his and her life. It's an interesting read and offers a different perspective.
Cocaine is a performance enhancing drug, just ask Maradona... bugger we can't because he's dead.

I worked with his ex-wife Cath Mahoney, who wrote a book about that period in his and her life. It's an interesting read and offers a different perspective.
What’s it say about his drug use , I was told he was on it all the time not now and then , and the club hid him when required so he didn’t get court out
What’s it say about his drug use , I was told he was on it all the time not now and then , and the club hid him when required so he didn’t get court out
It's hard to say. I don't have an opinion because I don't know him personally and I wasn't there. But others were, and they do.
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