Terrible ref

Considering 99% of refs since 1908 have been men, and probably 90% of them have been incompetent, I don’t know what being a woman has to do with anything.

Good post, but I didn't say it's because they are female. I stated it's about picking the best available and the best avalaible at the moment are men. The 2 best female ref's aren't ready yet. Particularly Kasey, and I think we all agree on that. Their replacements will be incompetent too, just not as incompetent.
Good post, but I didn't say it's because they are female. I stated it's about picking the best available and the best avalaible at the moment are men. The 2 best female ref's aren't ready yet. Particularly Kasey, and I think we all agree on that. Their replacements will be incompetent too, just not as incompetent.
Are they really men, cos based on the years and years of incessant complaints, the men suck too.
She lost complete control of the game so early, had no idea when to call things either way it was really hard to watch.

And it's said time and time again about the touch judges performance, seriously how can you watch a poor pass roll about 4 meters forward on the ground and have no idea what to do.
Terrible Ref yes,however that second half from us was woeful,The Doggies were the far better team .
Bateman was a straight up liability
Bula was jogging in defence all game
Ice was completely missing
No foward ran with any sort of depth or intent.Can’t play for 20 minutes and expect to win.
Are they really men, cos based on the years and years of incessant complaints, the men suck too.

Are you missing what I'm saying? I agree the men suck too. But they don't suck as much as Kasey. I'm open minded about Sharpe. I like her controlled manner.
I couldn't care how the ref goes to the toilet to urinate, standing up or sitting down.
Today the ref lost control of the game and was clearly favouring the dogs.
Yes we didn't do our selves any favours but the ref's did so many favours for the dogs.

Today's ref should not be control an under 6 game.
2 players sent off and no dogs player sent off.
What can I say.
Terrible Ref yes,however that second half from us was woeful,The Doggies were the far better team .
Bateman was a straight up liability
Bula was jogging in defence all game
Ice was completely missing
No foward ran with any sort of depth or intent.Can’t play for 20 minutes and expect to win.
We could not get any momentum in our hit ups because the Dogs were offise all day and in our face as soon as we got the ball...why oh why can't the refs be fair to both sides!
I think we played to the best of our ability under difficult circumstances. We are a team that can't be expected to excel when not given fair opportunity. Again all our stats show that we were competitive but nothing much else went out way.
Are they really men, cos based on the years and years of incessant complaints, the men suck too.
Jesus mate. I'm reluctant to engage with you because i feel like it's just your thing to disagree to keep people engaged for the sake of it. Given the fact that in the past all refs have been men, it would be pretty logical to assume that men suck too. Nobody disputes they do. The simple reality is, it would appear, that while Kasey may be a competent ref, she is not competent enough for NRL
Theres no shame or misogyny or anything else in that. Players are not good enough, and neither are some refs.

She may just need a stint back in the lower grades for more experience as per players. Its not discriminatory, targeted just performance based. That is allowed, even in 2024.

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