Terrible ref

Did she lose control of the game, yes. however, I believe some onus has to be put on the players. They were acting appalling and hindered her ability to do her job. The same happens with the male refs. we got some dud calls but the attacks on Badger are pathetic. She is a competent ref and had a bad game, move on. no one is perfect. Our best refs have poor officiating games now and then. They are humans, not robots.
Mate if you’ve ever played with a bias ref , in a highly competitive game , than you would know this feeling .
You’re frustrated with the ref , the other team smells blood in the water , so they start to niggle , words are exchanged …. Another WTF decision …. And it’s all over . Once the ref starts making decisions out of spite and losing thier head , which badger did really early in the game for no reason btw, than it’s on .
IMHO you could see her contempt for Bateman early in the game , and she let her opinion of him or someone else in our team , or our team as a whole , undermine and cloud her judgement .
Of course the players should have kept thier cool , but that’s a bit rich in my opinion .
Everyone sux here …. And as such everyone needs a good long hard look in the mirror .
The players most definitely will . They have to . No coach in the world would be dumb enough to allow them to make excuses , justified as they are , as it’s potentially allows players taking the easy way out .
The referees are doing the opposite and have for a very long time . They hide be the thin veil of “it’s a hard job they deserve respect “ , which only goes as far as the kickoff to full time .
Everything in between is the right time for accountability . And they have a really bad habit these last 5 years of not only showing zero accountability, but actually justifying thier behaviour .
Annelsley is an absolute politician . And is a huge hindrance to the ref ranks IMO. He makes excuses and talks in half truths , and spins narratives . It’s intellectually insulting to most people .
And like I keep saying it all goes back to the Sutton army , who are the ones who have brought in this shit way of interpreting rules and applying them . Ie. “game management” . It’s not about fairness /the spectacle it’s about number crunching and having stats be relatively even at the end .
Even though we all know a lot of the time that might be 5 penalties with 5 minutes to go when the team is behind by 30 .
If the guys wrrr being rude and disrespectful , then they should go to the bin for sure . But Bateman was literally asking “wtf?” And she got on her high horse . That’s ridiculous. The captains challenges were case in point and that forward pass as well .
She’d lost the plot and rather than regroup , she doubled down on it … and then chaos ensued .
I could not understand the Klemmer sin bin when watching it on Kayo.

The commentators mentioned that Klemmer had been sin binned but the camera was on what was happening with Seyfarth/Kikau and filthy grub 3rd man in Mahoney.

No one seemed to know the reason that Klemmer had been sent to the bin.

It was only later on that it was revealed that he got marched for dissent.

I thought he must have really been some filthy slur and that he had really given her a gob full.

Watching NRL360 last night, the question was asked about what Klemmer had said that got him into trouble and I expected that it would have been something that could not be repeated on air.

The answer from James Graham (at least I think it was him) was, "That's not a shoulder charge."

Did she lose control of the game, yes. however, I believe some onus has to be put on the players. They were acting appalling and hindered her ability to do her job. The same happens with the male refs. we got some dud calls but the attacks on Badger are pathetic. She is a competent ref and had a bad game, move on. no one is perfect. Our best refs have poor officiating games now and then. They are humans, not robots.
This is my stance.
Most on here are excusing our poor football and mental acuity because some poor reffing decisions occured on the weekend. Bulldogs recieved some rough calls as well. Didnt affect their game as much.
The poor reffing had some affect on our performance. Our reaction to it did moreso.
It has to be remembered that the ref was drowning and recieved zero support from her colleagues on the sideline and in the box. She had a team full of grown men screaming at her. You cant blame her for doubling down in an attempt to stay in control.
If our boys were smarter and more respectful, they could have influenced a better outcome...after all, we only went down by 8. Throwing tantrums never works and it was obvious from her warning to Bateman early in the second stanza that she'd reached her limit with our team. That was the time to shutup, and knuckle down. Our behaviour and discipline just continued to nose dive and the penalties flowed as a result.
This is my stance.
Most on here are excusing our poor football and mental acuity because some poor reffing decisions occured on the weekend. Bulldogs recieved some rough calls as well. Didnt affect their game as much.
The poor reffing had some affect on our performance. Our reaction to it did moreso.
It has to be remembered that the ref was drowning and recieved zero support from her colleagues on the sideline and in the box. She had a team full of grown men screaming at her. You cant blame her for doubling down in an attempt to stay in control.
If our boys were smarter and more respectful, they could have influenced a better outcome...after all, we only went down by 8. Throwing tantrums never works and it was obvious from her warning to Bateman early in the second stanza that she'd reached her limit with our team. That was the time to shutup, and knuckle down. Our behaviour and discipline just continued to nose dive and the penalties flowed as a result.
Agreed many fans are just incredibly biased at times(I am too)…it’s why cam smith was so good, in a game like that he would have taken full advantage of the situation unlike our dopes. Heat of the game is just crap they are professionals, act like it and use your head.
This is my stance.
Most on here are excusing our poor football and mental acuity because some poor reffing decisions occured on the weekend. Bulldogs recieved some rough calls as well. Didnt affect their game as much.
The poor reffing had some affect on our performance. Our reaction to it did moreso.
It has to be remembered that the ref was drowning and recieved zero support from her colleagues on the sideline and in the box. She had a team full of grown men screaming at her. You cant blame her for doubling down in an attempt to stay in control.
If our boys were smarter and more respectful, they could have influenced a better outcome...after all, we only went down by 8. Throwing tantrums never works and it was obvious from her warning to Bateman early in the second stanza that she'd reached her limit with our team. That was the time to shutup, and knuckle down. Our behaviour and discipline just continued to nose dive and the penalties flowed as a result.
Is that really you Tucker? That comment is absolutely, totally, 100% spot on. Have to stop agreeing with you.
Agreed many fans are just incredibly biased at times(I am too)…it’s why cam smith was so good, in a game like that he would have taken full advantage of the situation unlike our dopes. Heat of the game is just crap they are professionals, act like it and use your head.
Smith was a maestro and if he ever found himself in a similar position, I am pretty sure his reaction would have been to help her through it (albeit with 100% slant towards his team). He wouldnt have reacted after the fact, he would have been putting thoughts into her head right from the start...i.e. "they are getting in our faces very quickly Kasey, please check the onside next set". He would have been relentless and the continual reminders would have reaped reward.
Hate to answer a question with a question, but what’s the motive?
Yeah I dont get this way of thinking either.
Ive asked the same question in a lot of different ways this year and have recieved nothing but tumbleweeds in reply.
We never want a situation like in other sports where it is acceptable to shout and swear in referees faces. The way soccer players carry on towards the ref is an embarassment.

This stuff filters down to local footy too. If young kids (even some adults) see that kind of behaviour, more often than not they will copy it.

Most see Badger had a bad game. There isnt some grand conspiracy against the Tigers, there is zero sense in that. They just need to be better.
Good to see Joey, Freddy and Slater hammer Mahoney and Kikau for yesterday's blow up. All basically stated that Seyfarth did nothing wrong, except for the headbutt which wouldn't have happened if that little pest didn't run in. Still doesn't help our cause tho. We will remain the single ply toilet paper the NRL officials wipe their asses with.
I reckon you should get a free shot on Mahoney type 3rd man in
Hate to answer a question with a question, but what’s the motive?
That's a tangential discussion.

I'm not necessarily alluding to there being any conscious bias. Therefore, if something isn't deliberate, there can't be a motive attributable.

Unconscious bias exists though and it is removed of motive. But, like I said, different discussion.

So, back to my original question; have you got an example of a game-defining howler that gone our way?
This is my stance.
Most on here are excusing our poor football and mental acuity because some poor reffing decisions occured on the weekend. Bulldogs recieved some rough calls as well. Didnt affect their game as much.
The poor reffing had some affect on our performance. Our reaction to it did moreso.
It has to be remembered that the ref was drowning and recieved zero support from her colleagues on the sideline and in the box. She had a team full of grown men screaming at her. You cant blame her for doubling down in an attempt to stay in control.
If our boys were smarter and more respectful, they could have influenced a better outcome...after all, we only went down by 8. Throwing tantrums never works and it was obvious from her warning to Bateman early in the second stanza that she'd reached her limit with our team. That was the time to shutup, and knuckle down. Our behaviour and discipline just continued to nose dive and the penalties flowed as a result.
100%. It really showed our mental resilience. Anger and frustration should be vented in the way we play, not verbal abuse or punches. Run it harder, tackle harder.

The referring wasn't at fault, but when that happens, it adds so much doubt to how the game would have gone otherwise. It's a horrible product to watch.

The NRL needs to fix it for viewership alone. If games are reffed like that all the time, people would turn off in droves.
That was the correct call, Hal.

I'm referring to a howler. I'm happy to wait as long as needs be for someone to produce an example of a game-defining, incorrect decision going our way.

We simply don't get 'em.
It can only be game defining if the team has enough quality to capitalise on strokes of good luck. Good teams punish every inch given to them, and have the resilience to turn things around in spite of poor calls from the referee.

The decision not to sin bin Sezar could well have been "game defining" if the Tigers didn't completely implode in the 2nd half. That was, based on precedent, a howler of a decision.
The Tigers are just mentally weak and a dumb footy team. The DNA and culture of the club is pathetic.

Yes, Blind Freddy knows the ref was shit but coupled with a team that would struggle to register an average player IQ of 80 its no wonder they go to water at any sign of adversity.

The Tigers have had some unbelievable howlers in recent times, and howlers that have led directly to losing a game so it stays in your memory forever, the soft whistle, markers not square against Brisbane, I can name tens of examples going back to Nofos try not even looked at by the video ref against Manly in 2014. Haynes brother must have had money on that game. That was the most blatant cheating ive ever seen in Rugby League and I saw the Grasshopper ref many times!!

But do the better teams seem to get the better calls?? or does it appear that way when nobody remembers the bad calls blown against them because they dont let it effect them in anyway like it does the Tigers. Take off the bias lenses and yes, the opposition do get rough calls too, they just dont let it define their discipline and behaviour for the rest of the match.

The Tigers players are allowed and rewarded for being mental midgets, the culture is weak and it will never change until they lance it out by holding players accountable.
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The Tigers are just mentally weak and a dumb footy team. The DNA and culture of the club is pathetic.

Yes, Blind Freddy knows the ref was shit but coupled with a team that would struggle to register an average player IQ of 80 its no wonder they go to water at any sign of adversity.

The Tigers have had some unbelievable howlers in recent times, and howlers that have led directly to losing a game so it stays in your memory forever, the soft whistle, markers not square against Brisbane, I can name tens of examples going back to Nofos try not even looked at by the video ref against Manly in 2014. Haynes brother must have had money on that game. That was the most blatant cheating ive ever seen in Rugby League and I saw the Grasshopper ref many times!!

But do the better teams seem to get the better calls?? or does it appear that way when nobody remembers the bad calls blown against them because they dont let it effect them in anyway like it does the Tigers. Take of the bias lenses and yes, the opposition do get rough calls too, they just dont let it define their discipline and behaviour for the rest of the match.

The Tigers players are allowed and rewarded for being mental midgets, the culture is weak and it will never change until they lance it out by holding players accountable.
Can’t believe that Hayne decision wasn’t at least checked !
We never want a situation like in other sports where it is acceptable to shout and swear in referees faces. The way soccer players carry on towards the ref is an embarassment.

This stuff filters down to local footy too. If young kids (even some adults) see that kind of behaviour, more often than not they will copy it.

Most see Badger had a bad game. There isnt some grand conspiracy against the Tigers, there is zero sense in that. They just need to be better.
Yeah, that crap in soccer is a terrible look. It allows the fans to be arseholes as well.
I would like to see the narrative change post game with referees though. They dont need to be protected. If a player is having a rough patch, he is openly criticised by every talking head in the game. If he is a newbie to top level, he gets a few weeks in reserves to work on his game. When a ref has a shocker, and Kasey did, everyone rallies around them. What is wrong with referees putting their hand up and saying I had a poor game, Ill be better for the experience and their boss saying theyll have a few weeks in reserves to work on their deficiencies?
Its the inaction and lack of accountability that makes these issues drag on week after week.
I have respect for refs...it would be a tough job interrpreting everything that is happening around you at break neck pace and under severe fatigue. I have no respect for tough judges. They are as useless as Anne Frank's drumset or a D-flavored lolipop at a leso rally. I sincerely hope they are not paid. The bunker are equally as hopeless....tits on a nun for them.
This is where the game needs to improve. Help the refs out FFS.
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