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    Benji 2025

    We aren’t seriously going to entertain another off season with him are we? Look, I will always choose my words carefully cos he’s not just anybody. I love the guy, probably the biggest club legend we have. But get serious, we cannot waste another season with him at the helm. Idk what the club...

    Aaron Woods Retires

    Retires as a reserve grader. How fitting.

    2024 Presidential Race

    Things are suddenly looking much more interesting. Imagine right after his assassination attempt, Donald Trump thinking things would have turned this bad, this quickly.

    LIVE GAME Round 19 Discussion *Spoilers*

    Tonight’s game very well might be historic. It would have to be the first game in history that one of the coaches is calling the shots for both teams.


    Deserves its own thread as I don’t believe it’s getting the attention it deserves. I know it’s no secret how diabolical the second half was, but that score has rarely been highlighted

    What’s Richo Made Of

    We’re going to find out over the back end of the season. I know most of us weren’t expecting miracles, but this is just hot trash. And i don’t see any reason it’s going to change. We’re operating without a coach. Pretty crippling handicap in Rugby League. If Richo doesn’t make a tough call, I...

    Is Api the greatest Captain we’ve ever had?

    This is the easiest question in the world if we winning, however it’s not something that gets too much attention at times like this. This guy man….He’d still give 100% if he was missing a limb. He has every reason in the world to half arse it and try and do a Papali’i. And I have no doubt he’s...

    Mario Fenech

    Just saw this video. Very sad. Looks to be in the support of a carer. Read that by 2022, he had lost almost all memories of ever playing.

    Vale Terry Hill Wests Tiger #4

    Died from a heart attack RIP Tezza
  10. GNR4LIFE

    LIVE GAME *SPOILERS* Round 2 vs Raiders

    Whose ready?
  11. GNR4LIFE

    2024 Season Opener, Las Vegas Discussion *Spoilers*

    I’m over this Vegas bullshit. Will be glad when it’s over and we can get on with the rest of the season.
  12. GNR4LIFE

    NRL SuperCoach

    For any SuperCoach players, Seyfarth is looking like a good pick up. If he can start at lock and play 45-50 mins, with 1.1PPM, there is money to be made. Probably the only relevant Tiger SC wise. Api might be an option, but that’s it.
  13. GNR4LIFE

    Back Row Stocks

    It’s startling to think if Pap or Bateman go down, the next cab off the rank is a a guy with 5 games experience. Unless forum favourite AJ will step up as our number 3 back rower? 🤔
  14. GNR4LIFE

    Live music - Bands you have seen/Are planning to see

    I have been to well over 50 live shows in my time. First band I ever saw was RHCP when I was 15 at the SFS. Pretty much got hooked on live music from there. Some of the highlights over the years have been Green Day, Kiss, GNR and U2 Some things that didn’t seem like a big deal at the time, but...
  15. GNR4LIFE

    Nu Brown

    It’s time this lad had his own thread. Has come out of the ground this year, and the fact he’s done it coming back from an injury where he was told he’d never play again makes it an even bigger deal. Makes you think how good he’d be if injuries didn’t cruel him. I’d have no issue with him being...
  16. GNR4LIFE


    Has there ever been a bigger example of a guy killing his coaching career before it’s even begun? Has done himself no favours over the last 6 weeks
  17. GNR4LIFE

    The Spineless

    Just a reminder. The club is so desperate that they have opened negations with half of this current spine to remain at this club well over 12 months before they are free agents. A spine that has averaged 6 points a game the last 3 weeks.
  18. GNR4LIFE

    LIVE GAME vs Canterbury Bulldogs *Spoilers*

    Feeling good about tonight. It’s all about this man. Tonight’s the night.
  19. GNR4LIFE

    Twal’s First Try

    I‘ve noticed over the last few weeks this guy is starting to develop a bit of a cult following for not yet having crossed the stripe. When will he do it, if ever? He’s the modern day Jason Lowrie.
  20. GNR4LIFE

    LIVE GAME vs Parramatta *Spoilers*

    Whose game enough to watch? Whose even braver and is going?