5 day turn around


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2013
Apart from our first two tries our attack seemed
Pretty flat out there tonight I'm not sure why but
It reminded me of Taylor ball from last year surely brooks and Moses kicking game is a lot better than just putting up bombs I'm just curious to know how much of an impact the quick turn around after playing Monday night had on the lads cause in attack we just looked one dimensional we didn't look nowhere near as sharp as we have over the past fortnight.
No excuses.
They were arrogant and thought they'd win without putting in the hard yards.

Just throw it out wide and we'll score….it was terrible.
I reckon they lost intentionally because it's better psychologically to lose now than streak 8 wins then lose and all the bubble burst articles snowball pressure.
This is honestly the only logical explanation.

A five day turn around is hard but not impossible.

Then you throw in the travel to QLD

Then you throw in 85% humidity

Then you thrown in a 8:30pm start

Maybe taken individually they seem just excuses but add them all together and look at our play tonight compared to the first 2 weeks and it makes sense.

We came out firing for the first 25 minutes but from there we just looked so lathargic and tired and that was before the Titans threw anything at us.

Grant inparticular looked gassed. Woods had his worst game in a Tigers jersey, Lawerence had a shocker and the tiger trio just looked out of sorts.

Apart from the four tries we scored, absolutely nothing else came off. Players got in each others way, Attempted kicks couldnt even find the foot, passes went to ground.

Compared to out first 2 weeks something was off tonight. I don't think they were ready to play this week.
"Compared to out first 2 weeks something was off tonight. I don't think they were ready to play this week."

Tony - all of the issues you mention played a part, I'm sure. However, I don't think the match was much different to the second half of the Warriors game. We reverted to touch football and gifted them many scoring opportunities. There is no excuse for the multitude of unforced errors we made last night. The difference between our best and worst is stark, and until we can tough out the periods when the momentum swings against us, we won't be genuine contenders.
Exactly Fibro.
When the pressure is on and a team is coming at them they panic.They lose concentration and move away from any structure they have.

When the pressure eases they go back to their winning play and look good again.
Dare I say they are flat track bullies???lol
Rocks and diamonds, you do not go from coming second last in 2015 to being a red hot side in 2016\. They will have a few more shockers of the couple of months but fingers crossed we are on the improve
@Tony33 said:
This is honestly the only logical explanation.

A five day turn around is hard but not impossible.

Then you throw in the travel to QLD

Then you throw in 85% humidity

Then you thrown in a 8:30pm start

Maybe taken individually they seem just excuses but add them all together and look at our play tonight compared to the first 2 weeks and it makes sense.

We came out firing for the first 25 minutes but from there we just looked so lathargic and tired and that was before the Titans threw anything at us.

Grant inparticular looked gassed. Woods had his worst game in a Tigers jersey, Lawerence had a shocker and the tiger trio just looked out of sorts.

Apart from the four tries we scored, absolutely nothing else came off. Players got in each others way, Attempted kicks couldnt even find the foot, passes went to ground.

Compared to out first 2 weeks something was off tonight. I don't think they were ready to play this week.

I agree. You see it every year that teams that play on Monday struggle if they have a short turnaround plus throw in travelling, playing late in the evening and the humid temperature. It was against us and i wish they had of played better but this probably brings them back to earth. Let them get back, have a rest and get ready for the Eels.
For whatever reason the team in general was often a half-second off the pace.

Getting back into the line, getting the ball to 1st receiver and particularly when going to the line in attack - a lot of those dropped balls and fluffed kicks were because the defence was breathing down their neck at the time. Make those plays a half second earlier and they probably come off fine.

Whether it was panic, or tiredness, or the loss that was surely going to come after a couple of wins who knows? But hopefully the coaching staff is onto it. The team will continue to lose if it plays like that.