Are the Wests Tigers Improving? Stats to break it down.

Are the Wests Tigers improving?
A question that we all have probably asked. In order to accurately see, I have decided to check it out through stats.
Bold stats allude to the better round the Tigers had in accordance with the stats in the last two years.
So if your brave and want to see how painfully mediocre the tigers are. Dig in

Round 1:

Possession in 2023: 56%

Possession in 2024: BYE

Completion rate in 2023: 71%

Completion rate in 2024: BYE

Post Contact metres in 2023: 625m

Post Contact metres in 2024: BYE

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 47

Tackle Breaks in 2024: BYE

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 87.92%

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: BYE

Errors in in 2023: 14

Errors in in 2024: BYE

2023 Result: Loss

2024 Result: Bye

Thus, so far in round 1, improvements cannot be assessed.

Round 2:

Possession in 2023: 52%

Possession in 2024: 45%

Completion rate in 2023: 63%

Completion rate in 2024: 81%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 420m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 462

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 30

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 24

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 88 %

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 86%

Errors in in 2023: 18

Errors in in 2024: 9

2023 Result: Loss

2024 Result: Loss

We can see a slight improvement in Post Contact metres, yet a substantial drop off in tackle breaks. A decent improvement in completion rate, although 81% isn’t great. No improvement in tackle efficiency (drops off by 2%)

Round 3:

Possession in 2023: 52%

Possession in 2024: 46%

Completion rate in 2023: 70%

Completion rate in 2024: 86%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 363m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 631

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 31

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 38

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 88 %

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 86%

Errors in in 2023: 14

Errors in in 2024: 6

2023 Result: Loss

2024 Result: Win

A notion I am tending to see is that although this season we have an increase in run metres, we don’t get far enough tackle breaks as we have prior.

Round 4:

Possession in 2023: 47%

Possession in 2024: 47%

Completion rate in 2023: 78%

Completion rate in 2024: 86%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 540m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 693m

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 26

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 24

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 90 %

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 85%

Errors in in 2023: 9

Errors in in 2024: 10

2023 Result: Loss

2024 Result: Win

A sloppy win for 2024. Regressed in nearly all categories minus completion rate and post contact metres.

Round 5:

Possession in 2023: 47%

Possession in 2024: 52%

Completion rate in 2023: 73%

Completion rate in 2024: 80%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 451m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 566m

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 20

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 27

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 87.26 %

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 88.83%

Errors in in 2023: 11

Errors in in 2024: 11

2023 Result: Loss

2024 Result: Loss

Bare improvements…

Round 6:

Possession in 2023: 57%

Possession in 2024: 49%

Completion rate in 2023: 76%

Completion rate in 2024: 79%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 556m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 543m

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 39

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 31

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 90.71 %

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 87.04%

Errors in in 2023: 13

Errors in in 2024: 9

2023 Result: Loss

2024 Result: Loss

Nothing improving except completion by a tiny amount and a couple less errors. Only 10 less post contact metres yet 8 less tackle breaks, YIKES…

Round 8:

Possession in 2023: 58%

Possession in 2024: 50%

Completion rate in 2023: 74%

Completion rate in 2024: 79%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 427m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 561m

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 36

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 32

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 87.94%

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 87.86%

Errors in in 2023: 12

Errors in in 2024: 13

2023 Result: LOSS

2024 Result: Loss


Round 9:

Possession in 2023: 53%

Possession in 2024: 47%

Completion rate in 2023: 90%

Completion rate in 2024: 79%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 501m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 465m

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 39

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 38

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 91.21%

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 88.40%

Errors in in 2023: 5

Errors in in 2024: 8 (+ 2 sin bins)

2023 Result: Win

2024 Result: Loss

On paper could be the best game in ages. Probably the best tigers game in the last two years minus the Leichardt Cowboys beauty.

Round 10

Possession in 2023: 53%

Possession in 2024: 48%

Completion rate in 2023: 86%

Completion rate in 2024: 82%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 501m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 470m

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 43

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 27

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 87.47%

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 87.32%

Errors in in 2023: 10

Errors in in 2024: 10

2023 Result: Win

2024 Result: Loss

Round 11

Possession in 2023: 50%

Possession in 2024: 54%

Completion rate in 2023: 86%

Completion rate in 2024: 82%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 542m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 531m

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 14

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 44

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 90.26%

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 89.80%

Errors in in 2023: 7

Errors in in 2024: 6

2023 Result: Loss

2024 Result: Loss


2023 total errors by round 11: 113

2024 total errors by round 11: 85

Wins 2023: 2

Wins 2024: 2

Total Tackle Breaks by Round 11 in 2023: 325

Total Tackle Breaks by Round 11 in 2024: 285

Points Differential by Round 11 in 2023: -90

Points Differential by Round 11 in 2024: -81
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It’s hard to compare stats week on week over two seasons due to the inconsistency of variables….different sides, different opposition, injuries to all sides and opponents, where the games were played, weather etc…

I see improvement in attitude in regard to trying to play 80 minutes
I see marginal improvement in defence
I think our attack has gone backwards
I think our discipline has gotten worse
I think our effort plays are possibly better? Maybe…
All in all, just as bad as last year for mine. Our only chance of winning more games is the origin period.
It’s hard to compare stats week on week over two seasons due to the inconsistency of variables….different sides, different opposition, injuries to all sides and opponents, where the games were played, weather etc…

I see improvement in attitude in regard to trying to play 80 minutes
I see marginal improvement in defence
I think our attack has gone backwards
I think our discipline has gotten worse
I think our effort plays are possibly better? Maybe…
All in all, just as bad as last year for mine. Our only chance of winning more games is the origin period.
Yeah I came to the realisation that this means nothing paired with the fact that we versed different people, plus injuries. But just an interesting way to see it all in numbers. In my personal view I think we are stagnant if not slightllllllly improving
Nope. And my belief that we could challenge for a top 8 in 2025 is diminishing almost to nothing. This year we needed to lay some kind of foundation for Luai next year, but we haven’t. You aren’t going to go from winning 4 or 5 games in a year (if we’re lucky), then win 12 or 13 next year. No way will Luai make that much of a difference. As usual, the club is on a road to nowhere.
Nope. And my belief that we could challenge for a top 8 in 2025 is diminishing almost to nothing. This year we needed to lay some kind of foundation for Luai next year, but we haven’t. You aren’t going to go from winning 4 or 5 games in a year (if we’re lucky), then win 12 or 13 next year. No way will Luai make that much of a difference. As usual, the club is on a road to nowhere.
I hate to see it but thats absolutely true
What we’ve been lacking since Jacko left is a controlling half

Look at what he’s doing at newy

I keep saying (much to everyone bagging the sh!t out of me) if we had Jacko in this team we’d be top 8 like the knights

Our attack is stifled bc Api is running everything … we’re a headless chook in attacking zones

We need a Dominant half who demands the ball and sets up plays and attacking structure

Bud sullivan is a 6

Sezer started ok but has been sub par

Controlling halves are hard to find

That’s why the best teams have them
The coach is the most important cog in the wheel. We have an apprentice coach with an average squad( apart from Api, Olam and Ute).
Look at the Fins with a team mostly of rejects assembled with a great coach doing well in first season and improved in 2024.
Benji was a great player but I don't see him as the the person to drive the WT to top 8.
We need a hard nosed coach with expierenced first graders who have size and speed.
I pulled some stats from to back up whats being said above:

  • Points scored - 17th (145)
  • Tries scored - 17th (25)
  • Goals scored - 16th (22)
  • Conversion % - 8th (79%)
  • Points conceeded - 7th (226)
  • Possession % - 11th (50%)
  • Set completion % - 4th (81%)
  • All runs - 16th (1817)
  • Run meters - 13th (15918)
  • PCMs - 9th (5604)
  • Line engaged - 16th (169)
  • Line breaks - 17th (35)
  • Linebreak assists - 16th (28)
  • Tackle breaks - 11th (321)
  • Dummy half runs - 13th (67)
  • Try assists - 17th (24)
  • Decoy runs - 4th (512)
  • Supports - 9th (492)
  • Offloads - 3rd (117)

  • Total kicks - 10th (212)
  • Kick meters - 9th (5996)
  • Kick return meters - 14th (1415)
  • Tackles - 13th (3358)
  • Missed tackles - 10th (328)
  • Charge Downs - 2nd (6)
  • Intercepts - 8th (6)
  • Errors - 15th (98)
  • Ineffective tackles - 12th (144)
  • Penalties conceeded - 2nd (66)
  • Handling errors - 11th (96)
  • Sinbins - 1st (8)
  • Match Review Charges - 1st (17)
  • Judiciary Guilty Verdicts - 1st (15)
  • Judiciary Fines - 1st ($18,100.00)
  • Judiciary suspensions - 2nd (7 weeks)
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Are the Wests Tigers improving?
A question that we all have probably asked. In order to accurately see, I have decided to check it out through stats.
Bold stats allude to the better round the Tigers had in accordance with the stats in the last two years.
So if your brave and want to see how painfully mediocre the tigers are. Dig in

Round 1:

Possession in 2023: 56%

Possession in 2024: BYE

Completion rate in 2023: 71%

Completion rate in 2024: BYE

Post Contact metres in 2023: 625m

Post Contact metres in 2024: BYE

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 47

Tackle Breaks in 2024: BYE

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 87.92%

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: BYE

Errors in in 2023: 14

Errors in in 2024: BYE

2023 Result: Loss

2024 Result: Bye

Thus, so far in round 1, improvements cannot be assessed.

Round 2:

Possession in 2023: 52%

Possession in 2024: 45%

Completion rate in 2023: 63%

Completion rate in 2024: 81%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 420m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 462

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 30

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 24

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 88 %

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 86%

Errors in in 2023: 18

Errors in in 2024: 9

2023 Result: Loss

2024 Result: Loss

We can see a slight improvement in Post Contact metres, yet a substantial drop off in tackle breaks. A decent improvement in completion rate, although 81% isn’t great. No improvement in tackle efficiency (drops off by 2%)

Round 3:

Possession in 2023: 52%

Possession in 2024: 46%

Completion rate in 2023: 70%

Completion rate in 2024: 86%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 363m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 631

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 31

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 38

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 88 %

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 86%

Errors in in 2023: 14

Errors in in 2024: 6

2023 Result: Loss

2024 Result: Win

A notion I am tending to see is that although this season we have an increase in run metres, we don’t get far enough tackle breaks as we have prior.

Round 4:

Possession in 2023: 47%

Possession in 2024: 47%

Completion rate in 2023: 78%

Completion rate in 2024: 86%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 540m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 693m

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 26

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 24

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 90 %

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 85%

Errors in in 2023: 9

Errors in in 2024: 10

2023 Result: Loss

2024 Result: Win

A sloppy win for 2024. Regressed in nearly all categories minus completion rate and post contact metres.

Round 5:

Possession in 2023: 47%

Possession in 2024: 52%

Completion rate in 2023: 73%

Completion rate in 2024: 80%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 451m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 566m

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 20

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 27

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 87.26 %

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 88.83%

Errors in in 2023: 11

Errors in in 2024: 11

2023 Result: Loss

2024 Result: Loss

Bare improvements…

Round 6:

Possession in 2023: 57%

Possession in 2024: 49%

Completion rate in 2023: 76%

Completion rate in 2024: 79%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 556m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 543m

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 39

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 31

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 90.71 %

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 87.04%

Errors in in 2023: 13

Errors in in 2024: 9

2023 Result: Loss

2024 Result: Loss

Nothing improving except completion by a tiny amount and a couple less errors. Only 10 less post contact metres yet 8 less tackle breaks, YIKES…

Round 8:

Possession in 2023: 58%

Possession in 2024: 50%

Completion rate in 2023: 74%

Completion rate in 2024: 79%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 427m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 561m

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 36

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 32

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 87.94%

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 87.86%

Errors in in 2023: 12

Errors in in 2024: 13

2023 Result: LOSS

2024 Result: Loss


Round 9:

Possession in 2023: 53%

Possession in 2024: 47%

Completion rate in 2023: 90%

Completion rate in 2024: 79%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 501m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 465m

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 39

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 38

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 91.21%

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 88.40%

Errors in in 2023: 5

Errors in in 2024: 8 (+ 2 sin bins)

2023 Result: Win

2024 Result: Loss

On paper could be the best game in ages. Probably the best tigers game in the last two years minus the Leichardt Cowboys beauty.

Round 10

Possession in 2023: 53%

Possession in 2024: 48%

Completion rate in 2023: 86%

Completion rate in 2024: 82%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 501m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 470m

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 43

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 27

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 87.47%

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 87.32%

Errors in in 2023: 10

Errors in in 2024: 10

2023 Result: Win

2024 Result: Loss

Round 11

Possession in 2023: 50%

Possession in 2024: 54%

Completion rate in 2023: 86%

Completion rate in 2024: 82%

Post Contact metres in 2023: 542m

Post Contact metres in 2024: 531m

Tackle Breaks in 2023: 14

Tackle Breaks in 2024: 44

Effective Tackle % in in 2023: 90.26%

Effective Tackle % in in 2024: 89.80%

Errors in in 2023: 7

Errors in in 2024: 6

2023 Result: Loss

2024 Result: Loss


2023 total errors by round 11: 113

2024 total errors by round 11: 85

Wins 2023: 2

Wins 2024: 2

Total Tackle Breaks by Round 11 in 2023: 325

Total Tackle Breaks by Round 11 in 2024: 285

Points Differential by Round 11 in 2023: -90

Points Differential by Round 11 in 2024: -81
Appreciate the effort you went to here. End of season comparison will be interesting.

Im finding it difficult to see any improvements on this stage last year. Simply are not scoring enough points to win games. Hoping something clicks soon

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