Dib lifts lid on moses, tedesco and woods


New member
Oct 9, 2016
This will make tiger fan happy.
When you've got a lot of big-name players coming off contract, they want to know who the coach is before they re-sign. You're talking to Tedesco, Moses and Woods. All three were ready to sign, mate. All three. But Des didn't want Mitchell Moses because he said he wasn't the style of player and couldn't play the footy he wanted to play. Des said, He's not good enough to play. All three were done. Then Des wasn't convinced on Moses. I organised a personal meeting with Tedesco and Woods with Des Hasler. And they tried to convince Des Hasler that Mitchell was our man. Tedesco said, "I want to play for the Dogs but I need to know who the halves will be. If you sign Mitchell, I will sign tomorrow. I'm with you". Des said no. I remember both those players were prepared to sacrifice part of their contacts to bring Mitchell over. But once again, it was Des' call.
Ah Turde$co, he knew who the halves were at the WT, but didn’t sign….seriously the best thing we did is show those 3 guys the door....I truly hope all 3 flop at their new clubs
@jirskyr said:
I'm with Dessie on Moses, but interesting to hear Dogs thought they had all 3\. Sheds some light on why things fell apart with our negotiations on the same 3.

Turdesco wants to know who the halves are, signs on for Roosters and they backstab their incumbent half anyway.

True , but he probably stained his bedsheets when he found out who the replacement was :laughing:
@ said:
Ah Turde$co, he knew who the halves were at the WT, but didn’t sign….seriously the best thing we did is show those 3 guys the door....I truly hope all 3 flop at their new clubs

Geez we've gotten lucky getting rid of those three haven't we. What a bunch of absolute muppets.
Helps go to explain the dragging heels, and looks as if maybe they never intended to stay at WT.
They are gone, Who cares, We have new players. Just hope we go well to rub it into those three.
Deep down I think Woods would be seething. You could tell he had established a very good relationship with Cleary. Sad in a way, he could been a one club man. Instead, he went through a period where he believed he was bigger than the club and made a decision he’ll always regret.
@ said:
Deep down I think Woods would be seething. You could tell he had established a very good relationship with Cleary. Sad in a way, he could been a one club man. Instead, he went through a period where he believed he was bigger than the club and made a decision he’ll always regret.

I think you're half right. He certainly will regret it in the short term, but the Dogs aren't a club that tolerate poor performance for too long. They'll bounce back in a year or two and Woods may find himself regularly singing the team song.
I really never want to hear about those 3 players ever again. Regardless of the context.
Shame the dogs didn't get all 3\. The demands that could have followed after all 3 signed. Dogs got lucky I reckon.
What a complete disgrace to the Club Woods was. The guy was apparently our Captain yet was activley encouraging our star players to sign elsewhere. Compare him to James Graham who offered to take a pay cut to keep his players. Woods is scum, I'm so glad light has been shed on who he is really is.
It probably puts M Moses petulant behaviour with us last year into better perspective now. I always thought that Cleary taking their contracts off the table was the root cause of Moses petulance but now it seems Cleary didn’t want him at his asking price and Hasler didn’t want him at all.

His ego took a huge battering.

Ah fate, they all wanted to stay together, not here but at the Dogs - now they are all alone at separate clubs. Didums.