Driver Beware:

again, you see privacy as a luxury, not a right. What if your Cole’s installed cameras in their toilets? It’s on their property, is that ok?

In my mind, I don’t give many thoughts to the actual camera recording, it’s who’s in charge of the recordings. Who’s storing them and where? Optus thought they were well protected and many people not being “wankers” had their data taken. I understand you think bad stuff only happens to bad people but the reality is, it happens to everyone. Mix this with facial tune and ai generated images and your data becomes infinitely more valuable. Emails claiming to be from a Nigerian prince wanting to send you money now become random / blackmail where someone has a video of you doing something horrible that they will release if you don’t pay up.

Well there was a lot if gobbledygook there.

Firstly privacy in your home is a right, in public it is not, you obviously believe privacy in public is a right, maybe time to enter the world of reality.

And cameras in toilets then you would have a reason to complain, and a cameras watching what you might put in your pocket or what you don’t scan at the checkout is completely different to one in toilets, don't use that balderdash as a comparison for privacy.

Data taken is the same as a thief entering your property and stealing from you, there will always be people who want to take from others, what will you do to combat that, maybe install good locks and maybe security cameras, though locks and cameras won't prevent it just lessen the risk, better just never leave home again then.

Emails from Nigerian Princes have been circulating at random for a very, very, very long time, and AI has little to do with it, just simply need an email address, in fact scams have been around a very, very, very long time.

If you associate AI with scams you should never have given your email address to anyone or even ventured onto the internet in the first place, use cash for every purchase and avoid venturing out too often, once when we purchased things from a magazine we would give out our name, address and sometimes credit card details and guess what some of them were scams, and anyone could do that, didn't need any special skills, and they just disappeared into the sunset to set up the scam again. so what's so different, you should be aware of the risks you take.

And how will someone have a video of you doing something horrible unless you actually did something horrible, don't be so naive, even before AI, internet and today's technology someone could claim they had photos of you doing something horrible, and if you didn't do anything horrible why would you care, that whole claim against AI just makes no sense at all.

Everything has a risk, we choose what risks to take and most online risks we are willing to cop for the convenience it gives us until it inconveniences us, then we whine about it and everything is a conspiracy.
Well there was a lot if gobbledygook there.

Firstly privacy in your home is a right, in public it is not, you obviously believe privacy in public is a right, maybe time to enter the world of reality.

And cameras in toilets then you would have a reason to complain, and a cameras watching what you might put in your pocket or what you don’t scan at the checkout is completely different to one in toilets, don't use that balderdash as a comparison for privacy.

Data taken is the same as a thief entering your property and stealing from you, there will always be people who want to take from others, what will you do to combat that, maybe install good locks and maybe security cameras, though locks and cameras won't prevent it just lessen the risk, better just never leave home again then.

Emails from Nigerian Princes have been circulating at random for a very, very, very long time, and AI has little to do with it, just simply need an email address, in fact scams have been around a very, very, very long time.

If you associate AI with scams you should never have given your email address to anyone or even ventured onto the internet in the first place, use cash for every purchase and avoid venturing out too often, once when we purchased things from a magazine we would give out our name, address and sometimes credit card details and guess what some of them were scams, and anyone could do that, didn't need any special skills, and they just disappeared into the sunset to set up the scam again. so what's so different, you should be aware of the risks you take.

And how will someone have a video of you doing something horrible unless you actually did something horrible, don't be so naive, even before AI, internet and today's technology someone could claim they had photos of you doing something horrible, and if you didn't do anything horrible why would you care, that whole claim against AI just makes no sense at all.

Everything has a risk, we choose what risks to take and most online risks we are willing to cop for the convenience it gives us until it inconveniences us, then we whine about it and everything is a conspiracy.

After reading the words balderdash and goblysomething, I’ve worked out what I’m dealing with. Everything is fine, carry on bud.
Your refusal to share that information shows that you do, in fact, believe there should be a level of privacy in the public sphere.

If this forum required you to release personal details before using it then I would have the choice not to join and act accordingly same I can decide not to give personal details to a company and not use their service.

A business I may be dealing with either in person or online compared to a nuffie on an internet social page, if you can't recognise a difference between what you are saying and the discussion overall there is little hope, so by your reckoning you give your personal details to everyone you pass on the street or asks for it then, that is the comparison you are using.

Seriously clutching at straws with your recent posts.
then I would have the choice not to join
Cool. But government doesn't give you a choice. All your data is recorded and stored whether you like it or not.
Every number you dial, every website you visit, every transaction you make, everywhere you go, and now what you're doing inside your car, are all monitored and stored, using increasingly powerful technology.

Buy hey, someone might hurt themselves if we don't!
Sorry if you don’t understand what those words mean, I could have used a host of other words however it is a public forum.

No need to be sorry. I understand them and understand what demographic would use them…it adds context to your nonsensical posts. Enjoy your arvo nap mate!
For those asking in this thread why the government steps on freedom to place laws on people.

Because people like this exist.

Unfortunately Judge Simpson has to deal with sovereign citizens on a regular basis like many in the justice system in the USA.A crazier bunch of people have never existed imho
Unfortunately Judge Simpson has to deal with sovereign citizens on a regular basis like many in the justice system in the USA.A crazier bunch of people have never existed imho
I could maybe understand how the first sovereign citizen to try that shit in court may have thought they'd found a loophole and had a crack.
Now that it's been tried and failed thousands of times why do these dumbarses still persist with it?
I could maybe understand how the first sovereign citizen to try that shit in court may have thought they'd found a loophole and had a crack.
Now that it's been tried and failed thousands of times why do these dumbarses still persist with it?

Unfortunately Sovereign citizens do not recognise laws as most people do and it all comes from ideas which are perpetuated on the internet from fictional rulings on judicial cases in the USA.Not one has ever won a case in court but because they read it on the internet they think it is fact