Human diet + lifestyle

So when do all meet at a kfc then move on to maccas and finish off with sundaes and apple pies, bwahahahaaaaaaaa hahahaaaaaaaaaaa
Snacks. Sugar, chips and biscuits are the real issue.

Eating pasta, rice, meat, tofu all day everyday isnt the issue. Its the Cheezels, kit-kat, coke and ice cream. And being a wests tigers supporter thats the real health concern.
Pasta and rice carbs are converted in the body to sugar it's not good for you it's a treat like a chocolate bar
Pasta and rice carbs are converted in the body to sugar it's not good for you it's a treat like a chocolate bar
This is where partial truth is a dangerous thing used by conspiracy theorists to promote falsehoods.
There is a huge difference between the way your body deals with refined sugar and naturally occurring sugars in foods.
My people have proven over many centuries that you can eat pasta every day and live a long , more importantly healthy functioning life of quality until the end.
Maltese have one of the highest average lifespans in the world.
Guess what dominates our diet?
You guessed it, pasta and bread.
Then there's the Koreans, Chinese and Japanese who also live forever and they're eating rice every day.
So, Yeah, nah, I don't know that I believe you .
It comes down to race and genetics. If you're from an Asian background, rice has been the staple of your diet for thousands of years and is less likely to affect your sugar levels. The same is true for wheat, which grows in temperate parts of the world, Africa, North and South America.

If you're Caucasian, the primary starch staples have always been tubers and root vegetables: potatoes, beets, radishes, turnips, etc.

However, what every race has in common is a balanced diet of protein, both meat and fish, some starch as well as fermented foods.

Edit: The biggest problem we have in today's age is processed food, which contributes to increased cholesterol and then arteriosclerosis.
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Human beings are omnivores evolved scavengers and hunters.
Vegans are pussy losers.
If you want to be Vegan, great. That’s not the issue. The issue is when they stand around outside McDonalds protesting, blocking people from going in, or flat out abusing them. It’s a lot like Christianity, being a believer is fine. Shoving that belief down everyone else’s throats is the problem.
If you want to be Vegan, great. That’s not the issue. The issue is when they stand around outside McDonalds protesting, blocking people from going in, or flat out abusing them. It’s a lot like Christianity, being a believer is fine. Shoving that belief down everyone else’s throats is the problem.
I agree but it would only be a very small minority that would be doing something like that.
Thanks Mods for adjusting my thread into yours. Just dont understand how cholesterol blends in with meat. Otherwise. Good move. Im no doctor . Glad someone knows what they're talking about.
If you want to be Vegan, great. That’s not the issue. The issue is when they stand around outside McDonalds protesting, blocking people from going in, or flat out abusing them. It’s a lot like Christianity, being a believer is fine. Shoving that belief down everyone else’s throats is the problem.
On a side note, they have been very successful in pushing misinformation about methane from the beef industry to the point that it is now commonly accepted as truth.

It is now routine to see beef cited as one of the leading drivers of global emissions, yet when you dig down into it (which nobody ever does) almost all the figures are based on industrial feedlot production in the US, or slash and burn production in places like Brazil. So the cited emissions profile of beef is based on deforestation in the Amazon, and mega feedlots where feed is shipped in from interstate. This bears almost no relationship at all to the natural grazing cycle that you see in places like Australia, where livestock feed on existing grasslands and their waste returns to the soil as nutrients, in turn used by new grass, just as wild buffalo etc lived for millions of years.

Apologies for the tangent/rant, had to get it out of my system..
Its official folks. The Scientists that kept you all safe over the last 50 years- keep on giving... and its in the mainstream media... it MUST BE RIGHT.... sorry folks... Vegans Rock

There was a study published recently of vegans over 5 years and the brain and spinal cord shrunk by 5 percent vitamin B is very important for brain and spinal cord development

It's funny how lowering meat consumption over the last 40 years have brought on alot of health problems

Have you study up on the 7th day Aventis church?
Pasta and rice carbs are converted in the body to sugar it's not good for you it's a treat like a chocolate bar
That's the most basic way anyone can understand carbs turns to sugar/energy.

There is good cholesterol just like there are good fats.

The larger point is if you sit on your ass all day and do nothing but gorge on rice, bread and pasta no shit youll gain weight. If you eat all this stuff on the daily and use that energy youre ahead of the game. Eating a bowl of rice and working in the fields for 20hrs a day, you aint gonna gain weight. Eating 3 bowls of mums bolognaise, 2 loafs of garlic bread, 4 kit kats and a packet of Tim Tams just for dinner sitting on your ass playing Minecraft all day though.
This is where partial truth is a dangerous thing used by conspiracy theorists to promote falsehoods.
There is a huge difference between the way your body deals with refined sugar and naturally occurring sugars in foods.

My people have proven over many centuries that you can eat pasta every day and live a long , more importantly healthy functioning life of quality until the end.
Preach brother
Pasta and rice carbs are converted in the body to sugar it's not good for you it's a treat like a chocolate bar
Complete garbage. Yes paste and rice and ALL carbohydrates are converted to sugar. Thank god because otherwise you would die. You body is dependent on producing ATP which then converts carbohydrate to glucose to power your body. SUGAR isnt poison and you will die without oyur body producing sugar. Artificial sugar introduced into your body is very bad for you.