I hope they wear the "Wests" Jersey......


New member
Jul 11, 2009
Let me say up front I'm from the Balmain side of the merger…I have followed the Tigers since I was a kid..but for this weekends semi final I would love to see the Tigers wear the "**Wests**" **Jersey** of black and white...the same one they wore when the Tigers won against St George at the SFS...I think it would be a good gesture by the club to acknowledge the Western Suburbs Magpies side of the JV, which I don't think gets enough "airtime" plus I think the players would enjoy playing in this Jersey...Now I hope I dont upset anyone by posting this, as it's not my intent, but I think it would be a good idea....your views?!?
Hi everyone

You can't be serious, can you?

My view is that we are now Wests Tigers and as such should wear the Wests Tigers jersey!! :sign:

They are!!!

Wests is now Orange Black and White.
So r u saying the jersey they wore v dragons @ SFS wasn't a WT jersey?
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The one benefit of the B&W jumper would be to force the Warriors (Away Team) into that grey looking strip they sometimes wear.
Although I really don't care what we wear we could play them in our jock straps as long as we turn up to play.
@Yossarian said:
Seriously who cares what jumpers they wear? It doesn't matter…

Understand it doesn't matter….this is just a discussion topic...I'm happy to have the thread closed if it upsets people....Mods over to you.
Don't get me wrong Alexaki the thread doesn't upset me. I just think there are more important considerations than the dress code.
Before this turns into a free for all I think this topic needs to be locked.

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