LIVE GAME Round 4 vs. Eels

Live Game Discussion
The refs need to have a rethink on their high kick rules because they just aren’t consistent and it’s creating confusion - Bula twice had an issue which could’ve gone our way

I actually think Harper played the ball and the play-on call was ok. The bomb earlier though wasn’t the right call.

Papa wasn’t accidentally offside also, he knew what he was doing and intentionally prevented the Eels players to grab it, so if it’s a play on = penalty.
Yeh I know the accidental bit just my biased slant
Great win off the back of gritty play. I know we won by a lot last week, but the Sharks had some stupid plays with kicks out on the full and some relieving penalties. It just felt like the ball fell for us last week. Feel like we got very little this week and our defense was great. Definitely earnt that victory.

Big wrap to seyfarth. Two weeks ago I said he was unplayable because he was such a defensive liability. Not sure what happened to him but he made so many quality and important tackles and was dominant there against a strong forward pack.

Also, agree with praise for the big performers but just reckon Olam is huge in both our victories. His play is one of the biggest differences between our first game and these last 2. So strong in hit ups but also just really hurting people and intimidating players in defense. When was the last time we had a player who hit so hard? He's special. Another player I was wrong about.

Finally, a lot of addition by subtraction here. Where were nofo and brooks to stuff up or misread just when we didn't need it?
Far from clinical, but plenty of grit.
Someone tell me how a hip drop can be called for a one on one tackle ? Anyone who’s played the game knows you cannot slide upwards,
Then a penalty for a shoulder charge that did not connect ?
Based on that theory every tackle could be considered a high tackle that missed.
Anyway 2 points is very valuable and plenty of Wests Tigers supporters at the game today which was great to see.
Not sure what you mean by sliding up for the hip drop? Galvin had hold around the waist and dropped his weight down behind Tuilagi onto his ankle. It is a textbook hip drop. What does one on one or sliiding up have to do with it?
There was also no penalty for a shoulder charge. The penalty was for a 'Grapple' against Seyfarth. About the only penalty against us that i didn't think was obviously there for the ref to blow.
Not sure what you mean by sliding up for the hip drop? Galvin had hold around the waist and dropped his weight down behind Tuilagi onto his ankle. It is a textbook hip drop. What does one on one or sliiding up have to do with it?
There was also no penalty for a shoulder charge. The penalty was for a 'Grapple' against Seyfarth. About the only penalty against us that i didn't think was obviously there for the ref to blow.
Definite hip drop unfortunately - no doubt about it.

Cant believe Galvin is this good. Now I’m a fan!
Just to digress as I haven’t gone back to read it , but did we cop some absolutely wtf penalties today ?
The boys did amazing overcoming it , but I thought at least 3 times the eels were gifted field position on dubious “offside” penalties .
I mean it is the eels , and they do fish for them more than any team , but still I thought the ref wasn’t up to the occasion . To have multiple overturned challenges as well speaks to this .
Great win off the back of gritty play. I know we won by a lot last week, but the Sharks had some stupid plays with kicks out on the full and some relieving penalties. It just felt like the ball fell for us last week. Feel like we got very little this week and our defense was great. Definitely earnt that victory.

Big wrap to seyfarth. Two weeks ago I said he was unplayable because he was such a defensive liability. Not sure what happened to him but he made so many quality and important tackles and was dominant there against a strong forward pack.

Also, agree with praise for the big performers but just reckon Olam is huge in both our victories. His play is one of the biggest differences between our first game and these last 2. So strong in hit ups but also just really hurting people and intimidating players in defense. When was the last time we had a player who hit so hard? He's special. Another player I was wrong about.

Finally, a lot of addition by subtraction here. Where were nofo and brooks to stuff up or misread just when we didn't need it?
I've also been wrong about Olam thus far. Fingers crossed he can keep it up. I cannot agree with the final sentence however. I thought Sezer had the type of game that Brooks has been criticised for for years. Defended exceptionally well but when the game was in the balance he put in 2 very poor kicks followed by an attempted field goal that was closer to the sideline than the goal post. The final shot sneaking over redeemed his previous errors.
No they werent. We went ballistic trying to turn the awful possession stat around and through that desperation gave many penalties away. We started the second half still doing it but when possession turned around, we settled down.
The non penalty for the textbook "disruptor", and the dead set 35 non penalties for the 3rd man flops.
Olam is lucky he stayed on the field. If he he’d have connected on that shoulder charge, I think he’d be looking at a stint on the sideline too.
Never thought Glavin could do what he has been doing this consistently, this early. The talent appeared there but still looks like, with his frame, he should be getting folded by hardened first graders.

Geez I hope Benji is talking about Sezer for next year. Need to keep him in the club and dangle a carrot. Backup utility? His kick chase is amazing. I said from day dot this is a great signing. A battle hardened leader that can guide a team.
I've also been wrong about Olam thus far. Fingers crossed he can keep it up. I cannot agree with the final sentence however. I thought Sezer had the type of game that Brooks has been criticised for for years. Defended exceptionally well but when the game was in the balance he put in 2 very poor kicks followed by an attempted field goal that was closer to the sideline than the goal post. The final shot sneaking over redeemed his previous errors.
Yeah, fair comments about Sezer. The poor kicks were the first thing Sezer mentioned in post game interview when asked about the winning field goal. Really like that desire to be accountable.

I also think despite those poor kicks he was very good for us throughout the game. Level headed and sharp. And not just great defensively but also the player who knocked the ball out to give us the opportunity for him to kick that field goal. So maybe he wasn't perfect throughout the game but he certainly more than made up for it and got it done when it mattered most.
What a great day great seats great win ! When you lose pen count
10-3 and have 46% possession and one in the bin and still win with 3 tries to two -that takes guts
The kid will be a star ,Bula and Api already are stars as is Steph imo
Shout out to Olam great game
Also to Staines who dropped Sivo with a couple of classic legs tackles
Well done guys !!!

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