Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

Did you see the “apology” on the podcast last night?

I wouldn’t say it was heartfelt

Nah TS I didn't. Just read an article on it earlier,
I don't listen to them - I think they're losers. Way
too emotional and opinionated...agenda driven.
Not a lot of analysis. Just waffle on, they've gotten
so much wrong over the past few years too mate
Nah TS I didn't. Just read an article on it earlier,
I don't listen to them - I think they're losers. Way
too emotional and opinionated...agenda driven.
Not a lot of analysis. Just waffle on, they've gotten
so much wrong over the past few years too mate
Fair enough … I’ve only been watching them the past couple of months …

I admire their passion… they are fans like the rest of us and we are all just looking for modest levels of success …

They went to far this time though…although given they have a limited audience it was seen by relatively few originally…Lee has turned this into a bigger story , ironically exposing the comments to more people who wouldn’t have heard them otherwise ..
Fair enough … I’ve only been watching them the past couple of months …

I admire their passion… they are fans like the rest of us and we are all just looking for modest levels of success …

They went to far this time though…although given they have a limited audience it was seen by relatively few originally…Lee has turned this into a bigger story , ironically exposing the comments to more people who wouldn’t have heard them otherwise ..

Each to their own mate, I saw one of them at
training a few years ago chasing balls. Just
fanboy. The other ones an attention whre.
One of the guys on there goes ok, they just get
too much wrong end of the day but all good!
Challenge me on my views all you like; I was merely accepting our differences and trying to get back on topic. But if you want to make yourself feel better by playing the archetypal sjw by ramming your point down my neck go ahead.

I'll point out that I was not in fact the poster who introduced race into this thread. I was saying he was doing himself no favours by using his heritage as a get out clause and I found his reasoning transparent and ridiculous.

I'm so sick and tired of pontificating pseudo intellects enforcing their own insecurities onto others in an attempt to try to appear to have the moral high ground.

"You sir, have NOT been silenced!"

I'm also sick and tired of the fact that EVERY time I say something that isn't 100% what the hive minded drones think I should, I have to point out that not only am I not racist, but that I do in fact have 3 half brothers, a half sister and several other relatives of indigenous heritage and descent.

So have your little win, feel good about yourself for your witty riposte incorrectly accusing someone (you have no knowledge of whatsoever) of being a racist, and let's get back on topic shall we?
I never accused you of being a racist - that is you playing the victim. I never asked you to make these proclamations about whether or not you're racist or what your family background is. As you point out, I don't know anything about you nor do I particularly care to learn. I also know you weren't the first person to mention race in this thread. But let's be fair, you weren't responding to anyone saying "if you criticise Lattrell Mitchell about anything you're a racist" - you decided to say that's what would happen, even though it hasn't. Yours happened to be the comment along these lines that I responded to, and I don't think the fact it wasn't the first one really makes any difference.

It's also fascinating that you're now talking about Mitchell "using his heritage as a get out clause". I know he has referred to his heritage in the past when he's been criticised for off-field stuff. But we're talking here about his on-field performance, where to the best of my knowledge he hasn't said anything about this. If you can point me to Mitchell saying the reason he's been putting in shithouse performances at fullback is because he's Indigenous and that somehow makes it ok I will wholeheartedly agree with you. But I bet you can't.

There's another response on this thread from someone saying race is important to this conversation because Aboriginal footballers tend to be lazy. Now, as it happens, I tend to think that is quite a racist perspective even if the commenter thinks he's seen enough examples of it that it's "just an observation". You haven't done that, which is why I haven't called you a racist. Which is why my only question to you has been: why did you think it was important to bring up race at all?

Don't feel the need to respond to this - believe it or not I'm not particularly interested in having some internet guy telling me I'm a "pontificating pseudo intellect" (you'll notice that I haven't said anything rude about you at any stage, even though you are consistently responding as if I have). Maybe you could just give some thought to why you didn't feel it was permissable for you to voice your entirely unrelated to race criticisms of Lattrell Mitchell as a footballer, when it is very clear that lots of people are doing exactly that with no blowback whatsoever. It never crossed my mind that if I said Mitchell is burgling a living putting in zero effort at fullback I'd be called a racist; why did you assume that you would?
I never accused you of being a racist - that is you playing the victim. I never asked you to make these proclamations about whether or not you're racist or what your family background is. As you point out, I don't know anything about you nor do I particularly care to learn. I also know you weren't the first person to mention race in this thread. But let's be fair, you weren't responding to anyone saying "if you criticise Lattrell Mitchell about anything you're a racist" - you decided to say that's what would happen, even though it hasn't. Yours happened to be the comment along these lines that I responded to, and I don't think the fact it wasn't the first one really makes any difference.

It's also fascinating that you're now talking about Mitchell "using his heritage as a get out clause". I know he has referred to his heritage in the past when he's been criticised for off-field stuff. But we're talking here about his on-field performance, where to the best of my knowledge he hasn't said anything about this. If you can point me to Mitchell saying the reason he's been putting in shithouse performances at fullback is because he's Indigenous and that somehow makes it ok I will wholeheartedly agree with you. But I bet you can't.

There's another response on this thread from someone saying race is important to this conversation because Aboriginal footballers tend to be lazy. Now, as it happens, I tend to think that is quite a racist perspective even if the commenter thinks he's seen enough examples of it that it's "just an observation". You haven't done that, which is why I haven't called you a racist. Which is why my only question to you has been: why did you think it was important to bring up race at all?

Don't feel the need to respond to this - believe it or not I'm not particularly interested in having some internet guy telling me I'm a "pontificating pseudo intellect" (you'll notice that I haven't said anything rude about you at any stage, even though you are consistently responding as if I have). Maybe you could just give some thought to why you didn't feel it was permissable for you to voice your entirely unrelated to race criticisms of Lattrell Mitchell as a footballer, when it is very clear that lots of people are doing exactly that with no blowback whatsoever. It never crossed my mind that if I said Mitchell is burgling a living putting in zero effort at fullback I'd be called a racist; why did you assume that you would?

Pontificating pseudo intellect, archetypical social
justice warrior haha. Using all those buzz words
in one long string had me thinking TurnStyle
is actually Jordan Peterson's burner account lol
Don't disagree...
Although, If you spend that much money at Centre
- Doesn't leave you much money to spend on your spine running things
(which is seen to be more important) and would certainly affect the position you'd move him to
- With the quality of the affordable player feeding him out there.

Interestingly, You mention Tino
- If he's in the top 10 players in the world on top dollar - He should be leading them to finals...
I think he's a great player, But they're paying him (And Fifita) massive money

And while they're influencing 'some' results
They're not within cooey of winning a comp atm
- And are missing a great deal in those important positions
to be giving it a shake anytime soon.
I don't disagree with a lot of what you have said here but the statement that any player should be leading their team to finals to me is just wrong. I believe it is an unrealistic expectation for such a team sport to expect one player to influence the final standings of a team to such a degree.

Wests Tigers chairman may take legal action against fans over Moses mockery​

Podcast ladies may have more to worry about than petitions soon.

Why does he listen to them? He seems to be constantly reacting to them. I follow the tigers closely but I've never bothered with podcasts and don't really have the time.

As chairman of Wests tigers and Brydens lawyers, isn't he too busy?

It's also weird he cares what they say, surely there's bigger issues for him to be worried about?
Shawn Blore info I got off a mate who is usually on the money

Fulton told him he’s not wanted and to look for a deal.

He found a deal a month later for same price at a much better club

Met with sheens and benji who had no knowledge of fultons plans. Release denied

Club in question really want him and have offered a centre in exchange

Not sure what’s happened since and I don’t know which club or which centre
Why does he listen to them? He seems to be constantly reacting to them. I follow the tigers closely but I've never bothered with podcasts and don't really have the time.

As chairman of Wests tigers and Brydens lawyers, isn't he too busy?

It's also weird he cares what they say, surely there's bigger issues for him to be worried about?
It's probably more the case of someone told him what they said.
Tob be fair if someone implied what they implied about him about me and I ran a law firm I'd be shooting off a mind your manners letter too.
It was juvenile below the belt stuff.
Shawn Blore info I got off a mate who is usually on the money

Fulton told him he’s not wanted and to look for a deal.

He found a deal a month later for same price at a much better club

Met with sheens and benji who had no knowledge of fultons plans. Release denied

Club in question really want him and have offered a centre in exchange

Not sure what’s happened since and I don’t know which club or which centre
Probably Eels and Waqa Blake, no thanks
Shawn Blore info I got off a mate who is usually on the money

Fulton told him he’s not wanted and to look for a deal.

He found a deal a month later for same price at a much better club

Met with sheens and benji who had no knowledge of fultons plans. Release denied

Club in question really want him and have offered a centre in exchange

Not sure what’s happened since and I don’t know which club or which centre
If true, that’s not what we want to hear.
By all reports Scott Fulton has a bit of influence over a few player managers which at times helps with recruitment, but is a very arrogant and unlikeable bloke.
"Trell's" problem is that he is an arrogant a-hole and despite certain segments trying to paint it otherwise, has always been. No argument, he can play, but I said as much when we were looking at signing him...trouble follows him everywhere.
He might get along real well with Hagi and Fulton 😂
  • Haha
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Shawn Blore info I got off a mate who is usually on the money

Fulton told him he’s not wanted and to look for a deal.

He found a deal a month later for same price at a much better club

Met with sheens and benji who had no knowledge of fultons plans. Release denied

Club in question really want him and have offered a centre in exchange

Not sure what’s happened since and I don’t know which club or which centre
If and a big if this true...whether you back Fulton ,Benji or neither we can't expect to improve with the recruitment guy thinking he can take control of recruiting without the coaches knowledge.
The arrogance is mind boggling and suggests that he thinks he has the control to do what he wants and he cant be thinking that unless he has the green light from the blokes that employed him.