Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

not many players on the market left for 2023

There are so few players available. Our recruitment has been top notch but we've lost Luc, Kelma and Garner.

I have no idea how they let all 3 go. That edge backrow position is a problem. They'll have to play Blore in that spot even though he might be better in the middle. We definitely need back-up for Blore and IP as well.
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There are so few players available. Our recruitment has been top notch but we've lost Luc, Kelma and Garner.

I have no idea how they let all 3 go. That edge backrow position is a problem. They'll have to play Blore in that spot even though he might be better in the middle. We definitely need back-up for Blore and IP as well.

We have recruited 2 good players for next year but that is all,that needs to change and quickly because atm all we have is a racecar without an engine
There are so few players available. Our recruitment has been top notch but we've lost Luc, Kelma and Garner.

I have no idea how they let all 3 go. That edge backrow position is a problem. They'll have to play Blore in that spot even though he might be better in the middle. We definitely need back-up for Blore and IP as well.
100%, hopefully there is some thought behind this, as we usually let go the better players and on positions we have no depth!
forget stains we need to be targeting Tyrell Sloan, backup fullback to Laurie but imo could be a really nice speedy winger for us, id much rather Sloan over Stains not sure why he isn't being talked up by any clubs but stains is.
Agreed. Gun player who hasn't had a look in at Dragons.
Kitione Kautoga is a prospect - big, quick for a big man and elusive. He is a destructive runner of the ball. Matamua, O'Kane and Tumeth are all great prospects as well. Sione Vaihu is a very good player from Balmain SG Ball. I have more confidence now that we will see these younger players progress. I hope the club is working overtime to head off the vultures.
In my opinion Kautoga would have been pushing for a 1st grade spot now if he didn't cop so many injuries. He has many attributes that can make him a quality 2nd rower with x factor. Tumeth is the other one for me who will be ready in 2023. Hopefully puts on a bit of size and has a massive pre-season. O'Kane and Vaihu both have potential, but still a little further away I reckon.
Not the slightest bit happy or impressed by what has been said by sheens in this article, I can see another major wests tigers stuff up coming with extending Mr hopeless for another 5 years and losing the real talent elsewhere to come back and bite us in the arse. There will be NO premiership wins if this is the outcome.
Re-sign Brooks and lose Madden. Not sure that's the way to go. Madden shows potential to improve while Luke, unfortunately, has gone nowhere.
100%, hopefully there is some thought behind this, as we usually let go the better players and on positions we have no depth!

It's an issue. I like Paws response but he is talking about guys that are unproven at the top grade and might not be ready just yet.
We have recruited 2 good players for next year but that is all,that needs to change and quickly because atm all we have is a racecar without an engine

Who can we possibly get ? There doesn't look to be many players available.

He must be 19 at best though. He'll have to come on like Nanai and the injuries are a concern. Look at Blore.

I think he looks much more like an edge backrower than Blore does.

If though Kautoga is considered to be an NRL edge player by the club it puts Sheens comments about Blore moving to the middle in context.
Wests Tigers have put an offer to Brooks management for $2.3M for the next 3 years including the final year on his current contract. Tiger for life.
Let's hope Brooks management rejects that.

It's a terrible contract for us and that contract is heavily inflated.

Brooks and Doueihi in the halves just doesn't work. Neither of them have a long kicking game.

It just beggars belief. Brooks is at his lowest ebb in his career. His confidence is shattered, he's a very pale immitation of the Brooks from a few years ago. Can he recapture his form? Maybe, but at his age it may be unlikey.

I'd expect his management to sign with another club for 2024 come November and then push for a release in 2023. So long as they communicate this to the club and we can plan accordingly i'm fine with this.
What is the latest contract details about Tommy Talau. Appears the forgotten person.

Played 35 NRL games but I think he has not played a game in 2022.

If he stays with WT is he still considered a back or has he bulked up and needs to be moved to Second Rower/ Lock in 2023.

Or Bench Utility - can play backs or forwards?
Wests Tigers have put an offer to Brooks management for $2.3M for the next 3 years including the final year on his current contract. Tiger for life.
Seems about right. Given 1.1 for next year im guessing we put 500k of next years into this years cap given the space we have. Then we are paing Brooks 600k a season but also remebering 100k of that is the long serving player allowance which only him or Nofa are eligble for - so effectively 500k a year for Brooks is goid business

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