Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

At “unders” I am sick of players always trying to hold the club to ransom. I want players who want to be at the club, play for the badge and the fans. Players that want to make the club great again. Hopefully this crop of juniors coming through are as good as Sheenius reckons

He ain't that type of player. Needs to be in a top team.
From The Mole:

With Andrew McCullough likely to retire, another hooker has come up on the Dragons' radar.

Unwanted Bronco Jake Turpin is in St George Illawarra's sights for the key hooking spot.

The club has already been linked with the Cowboys' Reece Robson, Rooster Sam Verrills and Wests Tigers' Jacob Liddle.

The Cowboys are likely to retain Robson, a former Dragon who is having a fine season.

Verrills is set to join the Titans next year but Liddle is likely to move on from the Tigers following the club's signing of Panthers star Api Koroisau.

That leaves the Dragons with the choice between Turpin or Liddle - and they may even take on both.
The Dragons are going bad chasing our dregs
It often takes 2-3yrs of spending to get the team revamped and ready to go.

But if we break things down we are actually going after the right people in the right positions based on what is available

Api/Papa are the 2 best in their position signed the key now is to keep our cap fresh and ready for the right players. Both will make us better.

We had open discussions with Nanai, Luki, Nikora & Angus this year - all said no & are staying at current clubs. They didn't get poached by other clubs, they all chose to stay. However these are the right players for right position. Hopefully Nanai is on our radar for 24 (he only signed 1yr deal with Cowboys) & we nab an early release.

Yes we need more for 23 but there just aren't more out on the market for 23 unless we nab rejects or high priced players that will blow our cap space. So the focus is for 24 onwards and maybe we could get an early release when we snare a few more bodies to come inbound or we continue to build with 24 and the years after inmind.

It sucks but the reality is that's how the market place is situated atm.

Having a war chest of funds heading into the Nov period with a heap of roster spots & clear hit list of players puts us in probably the best position of all clubs to go hunting and snare a few more quality players provided they are for the right positions.
Closing deals the issue.
Watched the interview with Adam on Tigers site , they ask him about his contract and I don’t think he was happy about it , said he’s got nothing to do with it leaving It to his manager , I think he will sign else where and head for early depart in Off-season , need another player signed I think as he won’t stay
If he leaves, need to get Sheens to interview the bloke for 5 hours and find out why. Every gory detail. Winners just don’t stay at our club.
Watched the interview with Adam on Tigers site , they ask him about his contract and I don’t think he was happy about it , said he’s got nothing to do with it leaving It to his manager , I think he will sign else where and head for early depart in Off-season , need another player signed I think as he won’t stay

Do people think it's better, worse or don't care for a player to play world cup and being ready for next year?
The thing with players like Doueihi and Brooks is they could be a great 2nd/3rd foil in a decent attacking team but neither will ever be the main man. And that's our problem, we pay the co-pilots top dollar but have no desire to find a Captain who'll steer us to victory
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I see so so many recruitment suggestions some wishful thinking ,some older players on the outer where they are . I'm concerned that we at least keep the few class footballers we already have . Douehi being a prime example
Lose him and gain Shuster omg
Recruitment is difficult at the moment because anyone half decent is already signed for 2023
It's a kinda dead zone because we can't make offers to some of the stars for 2024 and beyond till Nov
I'm thinking how to broaden the marketplace so I've got a QUESTION
ARE WE ALLOWED TO RECRUIT SOME OF THE TOP STARS FROM THE TOP KOE CUP or QLD CUP teams even if they are feeder teams to other nrl clubs
For example. Teams like Newtown , Panthers, Bears etc

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