Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

When a player’s contract comes up for discussion the “loyalty” tag becomes a burden for him and an opportunity for the club to lowball. Nofa, Teddy, Brooks, Woods all discard the tag when it comes to negotiating a new deal. Brooks recently stated he would be thinking about himself this time.
You’re right about one thing haha, my opinion doesn’t make it right, but I don’t know what that has to do with the point in discussion?
The comment you made that "Brooks recently stated he would be thinking about himself this time" suggests he did display loyalty to the club by staying. The rumours of a Chris Lawrence type deal also requires a degree of loyalty.
If Brooks wants to go we need to make it happen now - crazy to persist any further given our current position on the table, and how much money he is "reportedly" going to cost next year.
Newcastle want him - just don't have much faith in the club to negotiate a deal that benefits us. Just get it done and then sort out Douehi Hastings and Laurie deals if in fact they are in their plans at all.
Brooks brigade in full force this morning.

Hopefully IF he goes to Newcastle, yas will admit you were wrong all along.
IF he wants to go good luck to him playing outside ponga better than Adam so good luck to him
On the rumour re: Brooks to Newcastle for $300K, we have got some quality players coming on board for 2023. IMO we're still short by 3 players on what we need to be a lock for the 8, but since there's been some decent signings, I'd like to see us not sabotage our season before it's started by paying Brooks upwards of $600K to play somewhere else. If we were footing the $300K for him to go to Newcastle, that's a much better outcome.

If we're getting next to nix for him to play somewhere else, it's not worth it especially if the destination club is apparently "desperate" for him. If it goes ahead like that anyone involved in signing that deal off needs to be sacked on the spot.

I'd rather he plays Ressies than goes to Newcastle for 300k back....
We can't buy a player of that calibre for 300k