Luke Brooks #167

Brooks game plan is kicking it out on the full and kicking the ball dead in goal. That’s not what a so called 7 should be doing. If Brooks doesn’t step up he needs to be gone after this year. Or if he gets lucky he moves to 6 and we bring in an actual 7.
This is not true at all. His kicking errors percentage is on par with pretty much every half in the comp. He kicked the ball dead twice in all of 2022. Out on the full, from memory, twice also, but i can only find one recorded. Again on par with other halves. He has weaknesses. Plenty of them. Happy to debate about his position in our team. But you look the fool repeating obviously false claims.
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He silenced those "critics" pretty quick, didn't he.... 😂
Some content is clearly filler material taken from his last interview.

My main take on the article was that excessive media coverage can be somewhat harmful to a player's mindset and form by creating higher pressure for them. Especially when the team/club they are at isn't able to do it's part in limiting it and are more likely to push them into the media spotlight.
I therefore appreciate Luke's honest admission of what this has done for his confidence.

This isn't aimed at you @Demps but I'm not even going to engage in discussions about his abilities and development etc., as it's been argued on here ad nauseam. I can respect that it's more than a simple PR exercise to address the extreme media hype and scrutiny that's always been around Luke but also highlights how this has also played into fan expectations.
Take some of the carry on about AD for example. It's silly.

Certain comments on here suggest people still consider that he's more responsible the team's lack of success or poor fortunes over the last decade. However, despite how significant his role is for the team he's not actually accountable for that. Just like he isn't for building the roster around him or what the club pays him.

I'm hoping he has a great year and will continue to throw my support behind him.
Actually they agree that Brooks is overpaid. Sheens said so publicly when he said if Brooks re signs with the club it will be on a reduced rate
i think every Brooks supporter would agree he is overpaid. I dont think it quite as egregious as many state, and the constantly repeating of him getting 'a million a year' distorts the truth but yes, we all agree he is being overpaid.
i dont agree that Doueihi is particularly slow.
For a half, and the 5/8 which i think are interchangable in the modern game, the first 10 to 15 yds are crucial, This is what he lacks, he is awkward to tackle,but sides soon worked that out, his service to the outside was lazy, he tried for himself, and occasionally threw a good pass to the winger,. That sums up AD , BUT I HOPE HE COMES GOOD.

For a half, and the 5/8 which i think are interchangable in the modern game, the first 10 to 15 yds are crucial, This is what he lacks, he is awkward to tackle,but sides soon worked that out, his service to the outside was lazy, he tried for himself, and occasionally threw a good pass to the winger,. That sums up AD , BUT I HOPE HE COMES GOOD.
agree with all of that. He is slow in terms of acceleration but his top speed isn't bad. He is a good power runner if you bring him onto the ball, just not going to skip around a defender and accelerate through a gap. Every player has their own limitations, just need to best utilise their strengths.
But my initial comment was to imply that he is not that slow....but he is a ball hog and can't defend. I cant believe people rated him our best, yet alone 'easily', in 21. Not sure i would have had him in the top 3.
Since he’s a professional NRL player or at least tries to be, then he’s no different to anyone else in the competition so yes I believe my comments are sensible as he’s a professional therefore he’s gonna get criticised. We may not have stars like they do, but Brooks job is still the same and he has failed so far. I hope 2023 is good for him, but I’m not getting my hopes up.
He definitely tries. That would be a positive?
His team mates have tanked on a regular basis. We’ve moved on most of the offenders so I’m hoping for a better season for him.

Once the opposition have more than one bloke to shut down against us then his positives will become more obvious to you.

I will be more comfortable if his contract is restructured but a shortage of halves and an increased salary cap doesn’t help our cause.
186 games yet he still hasn’t led the Tigers to finals footy. That’s just pathetic.
Mate are you kidding, Andrew Johns would take one look at our roster and spit on the ground. If you ever watched how competitive he was when he played he couldn’t stand stupidity on the field. And that’s what we’ve dished up constantly in Pascoe’s reign. Joey would last one game at Wests Tigers and throw his boots in a dumpster. Brooks has had very little help for years. We were never ever making finals, look at the bookmakers odds every year. It’s not the halfback.
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I have said before and I will say it again..I have been a critic of Luke's and also gave him credit over the last ten years,having said that,this year he has every opportunity to do his best as his potential shows he can. .let's give him the chance to prove he can be a good halfback and lead the team to the 8..
Well the club has given him one more year. If he steps on his dick this year I think he will be ESL or dolphins bound
agree with all of that. He is slow in terms of acceleration but his top speed isn't bad. He is a good power runner if you bring him onto the ball, just not going to skip around a defender and accelerate through a gap. Every player has their own limitations, just need to best utilise their strengths.
But my initial comment was to imply that he is not that slow....but he is a ball hog and can't defend. I cant believe people rated him our best, yet alone 'easily', in 21. Not sure i would have had him in the top 3.
Well him teammates certainly did. He was Player's player
Mate are you kidding, Andrew Johns would take one look at our roster and spit on the ground. If you ever watched how competitive he was when he played he couldn’t stand stupidity on the field. And that’s what we’ve dished up constantly in Pascoe’s reign. Joey would last one game at Wests Tigers and throw his boots in a dumpster. Brooks has had nothing but muppets and cats beside him for years. We were never ever making finals, look at the bookmakers odds every fkn year. It’s not the halfback.
Pfft. Andrew Johns won a comp with Sean Rudder as his 5/8 who was basically a park footballer
Mate are you kidding, Andrew Johns would take one look at our roster and spit on the ground. If you ever watched how competitive he was when he played he couldn’t stand stupidity on the field. And that’s what we’ve dished up constantly in Pascoe’s reign. Joey would last one game at Wests Tigers and throw his boots in a dumpster. Brooks has had nothing but muppets and cats beside him for years. We were never ever making finals, look at the bookmakers odds every fkn year. It’s not the halfback.
"Andrew Johns would take one look at our roster and spit on the ground."
That roster contains Luke Brooks

Why do you think its ok to blame all the people that played with Brooks and yet give him a decade long pass of mediocre performances? He has been a large part of those 'muppet' rosters. Maybe all those other players that have come and gone from the Tigers think Brooks is rubbish, no chance of ever making the finals with that numpty having zero ability to steer an NRL team around. Brooks should be blamed equally among the numpties or possibly more so as being the biggest career numpty of them all in a decade of muppet rosters.

Maybe those 'cat' forwards would have loved to have played with a half back that had a decent kicking game for example. Must be nice to play with a half back that can make great field position with kicks, get consistent repeat sets, time manage games, put the foot on the oppositions throat rather then feeling like you're running up hill all day getting zero support out of your playmaker.
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No mention of the international hooker, forward pack and outside backs 😂

Edit: Four out of the five tries in that GF scored by backrowers.

Any coincidence that’s what we’ve signed? Brooks has had little to no hope for years.
Andrew Johns made them look good and helped them become better players, if the Tigers go well this year it'll all be down to the talented experienced forwards coming into a team with a decade long proven failure at halfback and them doing it themselves, not Brooks doing it for them.
Maybe but Brooks to me was miles better last season. I don't see it as clear cut that AD is better than Brooks in that running 6/back-up half role.

I'd love them both to kill it next season.
Sheens was gifted a Golden ticket twice in his coaching career. He inherited the Meniga Raiders squad and struck gold again being in the right place at the right time on the back of the Benji, Farah, Fulton, Gibbs etc cubs coming through. Lets see how he does this year now he has his hands all over this squad. Time will tell
Sorry bud but that’s just looking at things through tainted glasses! So what your saying is he was lucky? Lucky 4 times in the NRL, please! What about all the great coaches that have come out in the modern game, that he had coached. Is he perfect, no. If your really talking about luck look no further than Maguire, one premiership of a star studded wabbit team that was just fat and lazy. He got them fit, then they won the comp. Never to be repeated again. One time is luck, not four!
Maybe but Brooks to me was miles better last season. I don't see it as clear cut that AD is better than Brooks in that running 6/back-up half role.

I'd love them both to kill it next season.
There is no doubt you are 100% right, however some of Sheen's fan brigade can see nothing wrong with Sheens despite us making the semis in 3 years in 10 while he was coach.
That is true, and the facts don’t lie. But how many times have we played in the semis since sheens has left???????
I reckon sheens did a great job with a basket case club with no money and a joint venture that were continuously in fighting over every little thing. That’s the problem with merges teams, it really needs to be one team who is dominant, but even then the drag queens aren’t going that flash…
Mate are you kidding, Andrew Johns would take one look at our roster and spit on the ground. If you ever watched how competitive he was when he played he couldn’t stand stupidity on the field. And that’s what we’ve dished up constantly in Pascoe’s reign. Joey would last one game at Wests Tigers and throw his boots in a dumpster. Brooks has had nothing but muppets and cats beside him for years. We were never ever making finals, look at the bookmakers odds every fkn year. It’s not the halfback.
Unfortunately you just described why Brooks deserves the criticism.
Unlike John’s he didn’t spit on the ground.
That’s because he’s not overly competitive and seems happy to put up with stupidity on the field and remain mute.
Ask anyone who played with John’s and they will all say that he made them a better player.
Reckon any of the players we’ve had over the past 10 years would say the same about Brooks?
In describing Johns traits you did, however, describe the bloke we got rid of.
Again, that is not correct. Take the time to read the Sheens' interview on Brooks. Sheens and no doubt Marshall want him post 23 on a deal similar to the Chris Lawrence contract.
of course they are going to say that and of course they would want him beyond 2023 publicly however, I cannot see them signing him if he doesn’t perform this year. The only caveat I will put on that is if they cannot land a better 7 they may keep him at a significantly reduced rate. Having said all of that if I was LB and this year doesnt work out I would pack my bags and leave.

I wouldn’t put any weight into what a coach says in preseason interviews.

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