Jury Duty

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Would have been on the Hilton Bombing Jury but I whinged about how important my job was it being a 6 week trial - they dumped me quick smart.

Another time I was on a jury for a Tommy Smith trained 2 year old racehorse who had been killed whilst crossing a road at Randwick. The owners wanted the full insurance value as fair payment for the loss. The Insurers claimed that the horse had lousy form and wasn't worth the dough.

2 Melbourne starts for terrible results but when it came to Sydney under Smith it showed promise finishing 4th in its next two starts before its untimely death.

We were shown all race videos and had expert witnesses for its ability, breeding (By Century I think) etc. incl Bart Cummings. In the end, we were unanimous that if you paid the premiums then you were entitled to the payout. We found in favour of the owner. Then Justice Roden surprised us all when he agreed and made the Insurance Company pay in full PLUS at Compound Interest - They walked away with gazillions in those days!
I was put on the Jury roll and was then called in soon after. I thought for sure I’d get out of it, because it’s more likely that will be the case. I did end up going through though, and sat on a case for 3 days I think. So wasn’t too long.

Actually had a really good time, and I’m not normally one to enjoy socialising in that sort of environment. They were a great bunch of people - old, young, a pretty varied group, and there was some good banter when we weren’t talking about the case, which was very interesting. I was on a drug possession and supply case (there’s a certain quantity of drugs that will qualify you for a charge of supply - and it’s a lot smaller than you’d think). The charge of supply carries a much bigger penalty too..

I can’t say I’d be rushing to do it again, but having said that, I wouldn’t be too unhappy if I did get called up again.
I was jury duty on a very high profile alleged murder case. It got thrown out of court because one of the jurers talked about the case on radio. I think they just wanted to get out of jury duties.
I was on a jury years ago ( probably around 25 years). Copper charged with lying to the Woods Royal Commission and obtaining drugs for a sex worker he was enamoured with. Interesting experience, we were all pretty sold on a guilty verdict but did our proper diligence and reviewed the evidence.
I've always found it interesting, though it only takes one dickhead to make it a frustrating experience. In my first case (a blue in a notoriously squalid caravan park) we were unanimous except for one bloke who just refused to turn up for the last day. He got a medical certificate saying he was stressed, retrial, approx $80k later.

In the court next door, there were 11 jurors ready to go guilty for rape. One Asian fella absolutely refused to believe the tiny, very young woman wouldn't have been able to fight the rapist off.
I was jury duty on a very high profile alleged murder case. It got thrown out of court because one of the jurers talked about the case on radio. I think they just wanted to get out of jury duties.
Good to hear the murderer got to walk because Kyle sandilands got the scoop. Justice system FTW
That would have been interesting. I know who you are talking about.
At the time he was like the king of Darlinghurst Police Station.Not too long after the s#@t hit the fan, and everything that we were led to believe at the trial about his reputation and credibility became questionable at the very least.
Just ring and tell them you can't get out of LONG BAY
bwahahahaaaaaaaa hahahaaaaaaaaaaa

Ps: sorry if I've offended anyone bwahahahaaaaaaaa hahahaaaaaaaaaaa
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