Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

Personally believe the managers are a cancer to the game, if I owned the Tigers I'd make it clear to the players or any prospective players I deal with them alone, were all adults. If you need a manager to discuss things for you then imo you don't have nowhere near enough starch to put our jersey on.
You wouldn’t be talking to many players then…
Personally believe the managers are a cancer to the game, if I owned the Tigers I'd make it clear to the players or any prospective players I deal with them alone, were all adults. If you need a manager to discuss things for you then imo you don't have nowhere near enough starch to put our jersey on.
??? If I was a player and you said that to me , I’d say sweet . Go talk to my manager and get him to get me maximum value somewhere else . Because you know that’s their job .
The issue isn’t managers , and much like a lawyer , the very real need for anyone to have as good of representation as you can afford .
The issue is the amount of power that is afforded to them , and how things like the toothless nature in which Moses was “suspended”, just feeds the audacity of most of them , as they know there’s no real repercussions for their behaviour .
You reckon it’s bad here though ? Try in European football, where. It only do you deal with the manger and their company themselves , but you constantly deal with intermediaries, acting on behalf of players and managers to provide plausible deniability .
So now as a club you could be paying the agent , the player , the intermediaries and whoever just to even have a small chance of getting a player . And then you have to negotiate with the old club for 300m type transfer fees .
The sporting world let the sharks in the water , now they’re just chewing up all the fish . No one knew any better circa 1990s and the adopted americanisation and capitalism .
Just watched the st Helen’s game , sione Matautia the backrower, I think still has a lot to offer , he would be a great pickup. His defence is great and he runs the ball up with plenty of power
That is interesting Benji dragged Illias to the Bunnies from us, I’m guessing he rates or did rate him at one point. Wonder if he’ll end up falling out of a tree.
Illias and a Fainu could work I guess, we’ll still probably end up with the dream team of Wakeham and Smith next year anyway.
Illias only works because he has some superstars around him. Unless we sign a couple of superstars we should stay clear.
Feledy fell on his but in the dressing room on camera. Not having a good night.
In the first half they were mainly going to the right side so he really didn't see any ball in the first half, although he did do a bit of a poor arm grab in defence leading up to a maroons try.

He did look a bit better and more involved towards the end of the game.

May have taken him a while to get over his half time butt hurt.
The issue isn’t managers , and much like a lawyer , the very real need for anyone to have as good of representation as you can afford .

It's not this simple. Lawyers send people bust. I've never used a financial adviser because they can charge a lot and be completely incompetent at worse and at best they don't beat the market.

I view player managers as very similar to financial advisers. The best they can get you is market value. They do this for a pretty penny as well. I think if the players were better educated (they are young so this is understandable) or there were better systems in place (ala Super and/or index funds for the average investor) then managers aren't that important. I think player managers are lucky in the business they are in.
There is probably some truth in that but the proof is in the pudding as they say and our inability to compete with clubs for players we want. We weren't competing with other clubs to get Klemmer or Bateman. The club has been in freefall since they sacked Maguire - results have not improved and that just adds to the noise on the back of recent decisions.
Good points but you have to not jump at the shadows because of the noise.
Sheens wants a half with experience and should hold course
We are at the bottom and every agent will try and pump up their players price even if there’s no interest in coming to us. I believe Munster and Moses are in this category
I actually think sheen’s is trying to right the salary cap with proper value of players ability and output
Sheens benji and Fulton are always going to differ in opinions but as long as they get on the same page after their decision is the important thing
In my mind sheens stopping the schuster deal is the right call for us
If Sheens really is kicking up a stink due to McDonnell getting replaced then he needs to swallow a can of harden the f up. He had a D grade recruitment manager, then management was able to replace him with a B grade recruitment manager. It's a win for all involved (other then McDonnell).
Fulton's job is to find targets for the club, work with the coaches on which players should be targeted and get them over the line. He's not there to dictate who the club must and mustn't sign.

If Sheens is moping then he needs to act now professionally.

Also Benji is and has always been his own man, and while he's being mentored to an extent by Sheens he's not going to alter his opinion on things just because someone else tells him to.
Gee your being generous giving McDonald a D and Fulton a B
I think these kids are smart enough to see they are effectively in year one of an apprenticeship. Sanders is under the mentorship of a NZL international and the current NSW halfback. We can’t offer the same education. Yes we have Benji and Robbie but they’re no longer on the tools.
Didn’t Jonah Pezet play 19s origin at 6 last year…
I think these kids are smart enough to see they are effectively in year one of an apprenticeship. Sanders is under the mentorship of a NZL international and the current NSW halfback. We can’t offer the same education. Yes we have Benji and Robbie but they’re no longer on the tools.
Yes, but we have management and a board that are a bunch of tools.
If Sheens really is kicking up a stink due to McDonnell getting replaced then he needs to swallow a can of harden the f up. He had a D grade recruitment manager, then management was able to replace him with a B grade recruitment manager. It's a win for all involved (other then McDonnell).
Fulton's job is to find targets for the club, work with the coaches on which players should be targeted and get them over the line. He's not there to dictate who the club must and mustn't sign.

If Sheens is moping then he needs to act now professionally.

Also Benji is and has always been his own man, and while he's being mentored to an extent by Sheens he's not going to alter his opinion on things just because someone else tells him to.

If Sheens really is kicking up a stink due to McDonnell getting replaced then he needs to swallow a can of harden the f up. He had a D grade recruitment manager, then management was able to replace him with a B grade recruitment manager. It's a win for all involved (other then McDonnell).
Fulton's job is to find targets for the club, work with the coaches on which players should be targeted and get them over the line. He's not there to dictate who the club must and mustn't sign.

If Sheens is moping then he needs to act now professionally.

Also Benji is and has always been his own man, and while he's being mentored to an extent by Sheens he's not going to alter his opinion on things just because someone else tells him to.

So, our recruitment issues are behind us now that Pascoe has replaced Sheens’ recruitment guy, and given his half the flick? 😂
Why does does it seem as though, that the board are backing managements idea of working against the coaching staff? Maybe the sacking of another coach will fix things?
But wait on? Is that what we’ve been doing for the last 12 years?
Personally believe the managers are a cancer to the game, if I owned the Tigers I'd make it clear to the players or any prospective players I deal with them alone, were all adults. If you need a manager to discuss things for you then imo you don't have nowhere near enough starch to put our jersey on.
Unfortunately many good players are not very bright when it comes to these matters