2023 Forum Updates and Issues

Hi Cobar and KUL
I just got on to the forum and tried signing suggestions but just like yesterday couldn't get through any other topic is fine, I pressed onto your link from yesterday and it worked straight away??? "WHY IS IT SO " lol
Certainly sounds like an issue with your browser.

Are on a phone or computer?
I've just clicked on to your link from yesterday and got straight into the signing suggestions and rumours
Haha for me I can't go straight to weststigersforum.com like I normally do it just white screens, I've gotta go via the signings page :p
Malwarebytes is blocking the forum. Says that there is a Trojan on the site. Might be worth a scan
For the record, I just ran a scan


Can you provide a screenshot of the message that you are receiving?
We did recently change IP addresses so it may be that...
Kul check post #159 for a similar problem and my PM to you this morning for other examples
Anyone else having issues getting this to load? I just get a blank screen when I click the link.View attachment 2678
I've tried to replicate this on several different devices and it works fine each time for me.

When it gets a blank page, can you please copy the URL and paste It here?
Not sure if it was supposed to only be up for limited time only but I was curious as to whether Geo's tribute banner was likely to be put back up.

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