Driver Beware:

It's not minor when someone kills another while using that phone.
Having said that it is inconsistent that you can eat and drink while driving. Never understood that one is ok but not the other.
So are you punishing the crime or the possible crime? This thinking is not consistent. By your logic we should fine people for checking the speedo or changing the radio station because their eyes are off the road momentarily.

You didn't really engage with my point anyway...the answer is not punishments. It's technology. Then you would eliminate both the bad behaviour as well as the punishments and cost of enforcement.

Amazing how many people love having a police state. Less government is far better for everyone.
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All punishments are there as a deterrent. Don't know how old you are but if your parents didn't give you a clip around their or you didn't get the cane in school it would be hard to get your head around that concept. 😀
I chose not to address the technology comment but address what i did as I considered that of greater import.
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And who are the other citizens? Like you? What do you do??? Please set an example. You are not brain dead. Obviously. Teach us..Say something..
Lucky we have you.

If you have ever ran into one of those "people" you would see anarchy in action.No rules or laws apply to them as far as they are concerned they believe they can do whatever they want withour repercussions.Thankfully they are only a very small group in Australia but in the USA (naturally) they are becoming a much larger problem.
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All punishments are there as a deterrent. Don't know how old you are but if your parents didn't give you a clip around their or you didn't get the cane in school it would be hard to get your head around that concept. 😀
I chose not to address the technology comment but address what i did as I considered that of greater import.
Don't be so patronising. I'm 41 if that matters. We had way less rules when I was growing up. It's only increased year on year. If you're going to reference the good old days, you would have had to make the argument that we had more deterrents and now we don't. Or are you advocating for beating children with canes?

You really think I'm advocating for zero punishments or deterrents? Just saying that we default to this method when other solutions could be available to fix the behaviour you are trying to deter.

More surveillance and punishments are not the answer at all times. You don't need to hurt people physically or financially to teach good behaviour.
Don't be so patronising. I'm 41 if that matters. We had way less rules when I was growing up. It's only increased year on year. If you're going to reference the good old days, you would have had to make the argument that we had more deterrents and now we don't. Or are you advocating for beating children with canes?

You really think I'm advocating for zero punishments or deterrents? Just saying that we default to this method when other solutions could be available to fix the behaviour you are trying to deter.

More surveillance and punishments are not the answer at all times. You don't need to hurt people physically or financially to teach good behaviour.
You having a bad day? You seem antagonistic when someone has another take on something.
If I wanted to patronise I would have or maybe I wouldn't have put a smiley at the end to try to show you not to take it seriously.
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You having a bad day? You seem antagonistic when someone has another take on something.
If I wanted to patronise I would have or maybe I wouldn't have put a smiley at the end to try to show you not to take it seriously.
Takes a lot for me to have a bad day.
Because there are serious morons out there that need to be told/reminded daily to protect themselves from themselves
It should be survival of the smartest not survival of the dumbest.
As long as they don’t hurt or effect anyone else let the idiots skip close to the edge.
I don’t free-ball it when wearing jeans bcoz a zipper has a lot of teeth. Ya get me?
All you gotta do is set your cruise control to the speed limit or 2 or 3 kph below the limit.
I try to have mine set all the time.
Yeah you can do it that way. Or bcoz speedos are set a few Ks lower than what’s shown, you set your CC for a few Ks over knowing that will even you up and cruise on through at the correct speed.
Or you could not wear a seatbelt, turns out that’s a thing?