Driver Beware:

We already have laws for that.

The logical endpoint of supporting AI facial recognition cameras everywhere on the roads, is also having them in the home, to ensure you're not breaking any laws behind closed doors. "If you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to fear", eh?
I don't like the facial recognition software, it's very very dangerous
More people question. More possibility of changing.

It’s very simple economics. Bunnings got backlash against FR software in stores and punted it. The $$$$ will be the intimate yard stick on what’s acceptable. What I saw in the post I replied to was someone saying “ if you’re not doing anything wrong, don’t worry about it” that type of sentiment , imho, is a mixture of stupidity and dangerous. Stupiderous™️

Yeah... Fair enough, I agree with that.
It's just not something that's on my mind at all really
And it just keeps on growing, every aspect of our lives is more and more monitored and more and more controlled every year that passes.

RIP the care-free larrikin, replaced by the all-powerful finger-waving nagger.
Can't argue re monitoring but don't see controlled any more now than in the past.
I still usually do what I want when I want without care; the more a person believes they are controlled, the more they become so.
Take me wife's control over me for example. Got me by those things Buttface worries about when he zips his jeans.
Yeah... Fair enough, I agree with that.
It's just not something that's on my mind at all really

Not on most people’s mind until it is.

At its core, it’s only data. If you’re not doing anything wrong, you assume the data is useless. Problem is, the data is protected by bureaucratic organizations or governments and the data, even if it’s of good people is valuable.

I predict in the next 5 years, internet scammers will be able to generate a hostage video of a loved one and blackmail people into paying for their release. It would take a simple hack of bunnings facial recognition software. Link a face to a creditcard holder. You log your mobile when you check out to get electronic receipt and it snowballs. Sounds sci-fi but it’s not. Take ownership of your data (including your face) serious.
Not on most people’s mind until it is.

At its core, it’s only data. If you’re not doing anything wrong, you assume the data is useless. Problem is, the data is protected by bureaucratic organizations or governments and the data, even if it’s of good people is valuable.

I predict in the next 5 years, internet scammers will be able to generate a hostage video of a loved one and blackmail people into paying for their release. It would take a simple hack of bunnings facial recognition software. Link a face to a creditcard holder. You log your mobile when you check out to get electronic receipt and it snowballs. Sounds sci-fi but it’s not. Take ownership of your data (including your face) serious.
To simplify this a little.

There was a time when the government needed a warrant to access your bank records.

Today, and without our knowledge or consent, they have made legislation that forces banks to share this data with them. Why on earth I'm not entitled to my financial privacy is beyond me.

The camera that is installed "for our safety", is then programmed to check for traffic infringments. Then it's further programmed for facial recognition and on it goes.

There is a distinct difference in this thread of those that look at the issue skin deep and those that see the domino effect of giving the government a little bit of access for whatever reason they can justify to the public.

Did they ask the people if we wanted these things? No. Do you think they'll ask the people when they want to implement something more sinister? Hell no...

I'm willing to trade a little bit of safety to hold onto my rights any day. The government and their good for nothing employees should stay out of our lives because they only seem to make things worse.

We've paid taxes for this government for years and what have they done other than blow our surplus and get us into debt...debt that gets paid by your tax dollars. The only solution these smooth brains can think of is mass immigration to increase the tax base and keep the ponzi scheme going.

Look at me....I delivered a budget surplus! All the while no one can buy or rent a house. The people have been mugged off and we all need to wake up.
Can't argue re monitoring but don't see controlled any more now than in the past.
I still usually do what I want when I want without care; the more a person believes they are controlled, the more they become so.
Take me wife's control over me for example. Got me by those things Buttface worries about when he zips his jeans.
So what you’re saying is that you freeball in jeans bcoz you know that if (heaven forbid), the jaws snap down on your bait, you know your Mrs will kiwis it better?
I think it might be cold enough to start wearing jeans tomorrow. Time to be brave.
So what you’re saying is that you freeball in jeans bcoz you know that if (heaven forbid), the jaws snap down on your bait, you know your Mrs will kiwis it better?
I think it might be cold enough to start wearing jeans tomorrow. Time to be brave.
If only. :)
She has chains attached to keep me in line
What's your full name, date of birth and street address? The internet is a public place, and after all you have no right to privacy, you said so yourself.

The internet is a wee bit different to cameras on public streets and in private businesses but I'll play along.

You are correct, the internet is a public place and that is the risk I take in my CHOICE to use the internet, as you said the internet and social media also are to a point public places and I have little RIGHT to privacy if I choose to use it, we are aware of the risks and choose to accept that risk if we want to use the medium.
Not sure if you’re being facetious or not but if you think about what you’re saying, it’s a little scary.

We have been conditioned to accept that if we are outside, we somehow have given up any right to privacy??? I didn’t agree to that but if I want to use self checkout, my face will be logged. Go to buy some paint at bunnings, I’m logged. I know we are told that the video is watched by security staff but I know there are certain business that filter this through a AI facial recognition software. I’m not saying it’s used for something “evil” BUT imagine a time when your face is used for targeted advertising. Last time you were in Cole’s you purchased a certain coffee, next time you come in you are alerted that the coffee is on sale. Helpful right? Until they sell that data or it’s hacked and sold…then your likeness, your shopping habits, your football team ( stadiums use FR) is all available and with AI face reconstruction that’s available now, who knows?

Again, at these early stages I don’t think it’s too scary but the more you accept without asking why, the easier it is to get to a much scarier place.

Also, people who don’t wear seatbelts are doing the gene pool a favor. I’d rather they not catch them and let nature take its course.

My response was more directed at the conspiracy type post of which there were many in this thread.

People need to get over this misconception that they have a right to privacy when in public or in a private business.

As for Bunnings or Coles that is the world we now live in, if I choose to use my rewards card at Woolies I have made the choice to let them know what I have purchased, if it was a concern I could simply use cash, if I look up a product online I know I will start receiving ads for that product and that is without giving over any of my personal details.

It is the misconception that cameras mean everything you do in public is being watched, yes you may be seen by a camera but there isn't enough people in the world to scrutinise every minute of video footage or data recorded by the millions of public cameras recording every minute of the day.

It is also the misconception that you have a right to privacy in a public place or even inside a business, a business has the right to protect its property the same as you have the right to protect your home, and if you choose to shop in a particular store you accept that they may be recording you and if you have already given them your details in the form of loyalty cards expect to receive advertising.

The simple truth is many people can't be trusted to act reasonably or legally in public so we have created the environment we now live in, and the conception that EVERYTHING we do in public view is being watched or scrutinised, guess what people, for the majority of us we are not that important, if you are not being stupid, doing something wrong or just being a total *anker no one really cares.

Once when I made a purchase with a credit card they would need to manually swipe the card and I would the sign for it, the cashier would check the signature and if it was a large purchase they would have to ring up the company to clear the purchase, now I just swipe and put in a pin and all done electronically, quick and easy, there is always a risk of the card information being hacked but it is the price of convenience, we all want convenience but not the risks that may go along with it.
My response was more directed at the conspiracy type post of which there were many in this thread.

People need to get over this misconception that they have a right to privacy when in public or in a private business.

As for Bunnings or Coles that is the world we now live in, if I choose to use my rewards card at Woolies I have made the choice to let them know what I have purchased, if it was a concern I could simply use cash, if I look up a product online I know I will start receiving ads for that product and that is without giving over any of my personal details.

It is the misconception that cameras mean everything you do in public is being watched, yes you may be seen by a camera but there isn't enough people in the world to scrutinise every minute of video footage or data recorded by the millions of public cameras recording every minute of the day.

It is also the misconception that you have a right to privacy in a public place or even inside a business, a business has the right to protect its property the same as you have the right to protect your home, and if you choose to shop in a particular store you accept that they may be recording you and if you have already given them your details in the form of loyalty cards expect to receive advertising.

The simple truth is many people can't be trusted to act reasonably or legally in public so we have created the environment we now live in, and the conception that EVERYTHING we do in public view is being watched or scrutinised, guess what people, for the majority of us we are not that important, if you are not being stupid, doing something wrong or just being a total *anker no one really cares.

Once when I made a purchase with a credit card they would need to manually swipe the card and I would the sign for it, the cashier would check the signature and if it was a large purchase they would have to ring up the company to clear the purchase, now I just swipe and put in a pin and all done electronically, quick and easy, there is always a risk of the card information being hacked but it is the price of convenience, we all want convenience but not the risks that may go along with it.
“but there isn't enough people in the world to scrutinise every minute of video footage or data recorded”

I more agree than disagree with your post but that’s what AI can do.
“but there isn't enough people in the world to scrutinise every minute of video footage or data recorded”

I more agree than disagree with your post but that’s what AI can do.

To a point, it can tell who you are, (if that information has been given), it can easily tell what transactions you may have made if you use debit and credit cards or store and loyalty cards, if you have a mobile phone on your lap while driving, not wearing a seat belt, but even then then it can still make errors.

But seriously it's like some believe bells and whistles go off because a camera and AI caught Joe Blow picking his nose in public and again back to the idea that you have a right to privacy in a public environment and the idea some have that if you're going about your own business your every movement is being scrutinised.
My response was more directed at the conspiracy type post of which there were many in this thread.

People need to get over this misconception that they have a right to privacy when in public or in a private business.

As for Bunnings or Coles that is the world we now live in, if I choose to use my rewards card at Woolies I have made the choice to let them know what I have purchased, if it was a concern I could simply use cash, if I look up a product online I know I will start receiving ads for that product and that is without giving over any of my personal details.

It is the misconception that cameras mean everything you do in public is being watched, yes you may be seen by a camera but there isn't enough people in the world to scrutinise every minute of video footage or data recorded by the millions of public cameras recording every minute of the day.

It is also the misconception that you have a right to privacy in a public place or even inside a business, a business has the right to protect its property the same as you have the right to protect your home, and if you choose to shop in a particular store you accept that they may be recording you and if you have already given them your details in the form of loyalty cards expect to receive advertising.

The simple truth is many people can't be trusted to act reasonably or legally in public so we have created the environment we now live in, and the conception that EVERYTHING we do in public view is being watched or scrutinised, guess what people, for the majority of us we are not that important, if you are not being stupid, doing something wrong or just being a total *anker no one really cares.

Once when I made a purchase with a credit card they would need to manually swipe the card and I would the sign for it, the cashier would check the signature and if it was a large purchase they would have to ring up the company to clear the purchase, now I just swipe and put in a pin and all done electronically, quick and easy, there is always a risk of the card information being hacked but it is the price of convenience, we all want convenience but not the risks that may go along with it.

again, you see privacy as a luxury, not a right. What if your Cole’s installed cameras in their toilets? It’s on their property, is that ok?

In my mind, I don’t give many thoughts to the actual camera recording, it’s who’s in charge of the recordings. Who’s storing them and where? Optus thought they were well protected and many people not being “wankers” had their data taken. I understand you think bad stuff only happens to bad people but the reality is, it happens to everyone. Mix this with facial tune and ai generated images and your data becomes infinitely more valuable. Emails claiming to be from a Nigerian prince wanting to send you money now become random / blackmail where someone has a video of you doing something horrible that they will release if you don’t pay up.
Would you call yourself a 'conspiracy theorist' AHX.
I saw your AHX photo on "Free To Thrive", which on the face of it looks reasonably interesting, but there's certainly plenty of Conspiracy bull :poop: on there.
As opposed to believing our leaders have our back???
To a point, it can tell who you are, (if that information has been given), it can easily tell what transactions you may have made if you use debit and credit cards or store and loyalty cards, if you have a mobile phone on your lap while driving, not wearing a seat belt, but even then then it can still make errors.

But seriously it's like some believe bells and whistles go off because a camera and AI caught Joe Blow picking his nose in public and again back to the idea that you have a right to privacy in a public environment and the idea some have that if you're going about your own business your every movement is being scrutinised.
For me it’s more what it’s capable of not what it’s doing atm. If a future regime wants nose pickers to be taxed more or rounded up into concentration camps? That’s pretty extreme but so has every dictatorship.

Some things are outside our sphere of control. I just try and enjoy each day as it comes.

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