Luke Brooks - Mega Thread

I feel like I've already had enough chance to look at Madden.

But, it can't hurt. Brooks being injured is better than him being dumped, because there's no controversy and you can test out whatever other combinations you had in mind.
Yes, the dumping didn’t work too well did it?
OH NO 🤯🤯🤯 who are the keyboard warrior's and coaches going to Bash now.
In all honesty , I hope it never happens again.
I have time to be on this forum , luxury of a mental illness.
i am good , but I’ve also been there at times , and who ever has never been there I hope you never do.
ye s I’m on lifetime meds
no cure
not life ending
ive never been embarrassed talking about it
i encourage don’t do it
but open forums are open slather
I don’t tell people what to do, because I know what could send someone off by reading it
my say for today
PS this was never meant to upset you bro , nor did you say anything wrong
Brooks has had 8 years to prove he can cut it, 5 or 6 games remaining isn't much time to prove anything in a depleted side.
- Here's an excuse I prepared earlier....

He's up against a solid team now...
Good luck to him - He's going to need it.
In all honesty , I hope it never happens again.
I have time to be on this forum , luxury of a mental illness.
i am good , but I’ve also been there at times , and who ever has never been there I hope you never do.
ye s I’m on lifetime meds
no cure
not life ending
ive never been embarrassed talking about it
i encourage don’t do it
but open forums are open slather
I don’t tell people what to do, because I know what could send someone off by reading it
my say for today
PS this was never meant to upset you bro , nor did you say anything wrong
All good keep well
In all honesty , I hope it never happens again.
I have time to be on this forum , luxury of a mental illness.
i am good , but I’ve also been there at times , and who ever has never been there I hope you never do.
ye s I’m on lifetime meds
no cure
not life ending
ive never been embarrassed talking about it
i encourage don’t do it
but open forums are open slather
I don’t tell people what to do, because I know what could send someone off by reading it
my say for today
PS this was never meant to upset you bro , nor did you say anything wrong
Beautifully said mate. Hope you continue to manage your illness and the Forum provides you with a source of enjoyment and fulfilment.
People are knocking putting Hastings at 7 because the defence knew he'd get the ball every time, but that's because he was partnering a very unconfident Brooks. Doueihi is a threat, Hastings is a threat, for the love of god lets at least try it out for a few games and see how it goes.
I feel like I've already had enough chance to look at Madden.

But, it can't hurt. Brooks being injured is better than him being dumped, because there's no controversy and you can test out whatever other combinations you had in mind.
I like Brooks, but I think it's time to move on. As much for him as it is for us. At this point he is undoubtedly a better player than Madden is, but it's time.
One way to look at it is, if we replace Brooks with Madden, we can use the dollars saved to upgrade the the position in the 30 previously occupied by Garner. Plucking numbers from thin air: $800K (Brooks) + $300K (Garner) = $1.1M. So $1.1M - $400K (Madden) = $700k left for Garner's replacement = Liam Martin maybe??
In the right team, with good forwards, Brooks will kill it and the DT will get to write countless stories about how we let another one go; to that I say good luck, I'm happy for Luke!
I think madden in crap but I am willing to give him the rest of the season to prove he can cut it , but not holding my breath
I reckon he could do the same role as what Brooks was doing playing wide receiver on the left of the scrum.
Plus in my opinion is a better general play kicker.

Could be a look into the future until the end of the season. If Brooksy decides to move clubs next year.

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