
New member
Jun 26, 2011
Is there any way us as fans and the public can remove theses shitheads? Petitions, withdrawal of membership, campaigns etc???
Is there something ppl can do to get something going that is loud and gains momentum???
Just feel as though heaps of journos get there info and rumours from this forum maybe we can get momentum rolling from here as make things really escalate until the current board is gone?
Noticed when the heat was on sheens late last year the forum ramped up all it's energy to remove sheens just before the media did. Hoping we can do anything possible to dismiss these morons
We love to see some major changes on the Board, Lets get professional & put some people on there who know what they are doing, & leave Potter alone & let him Coach this Team next year. As someone said if we keep going the way we are in 5 yrs we wont be in the comp, So to the Board SMARTEN UP & get on with running this Club properly otherwise P.O. & get people in who will do the job Properly as it should be an Honor to be on the Wests Tigers Board.
Yeah this is what I'd like to find out as well.

Heh, set up our own fan based board, get fans to sign on as members, once all set up, go to the media, then the club itself and demand some changes
Isn't any board elected by it's members? I'm not a member (gladly so at the moment), so I don't know the ins and outs of how these idiots get voted in. But I am a member of a lot of other clubs, which has a boards. And they are all on the board because the voters, us members put them there. Does the wests tigers have such elections process?
Would be great if it could be done. After nearly 15 yrs you'd think its time for an independent board, one whose best interests are that of WT's and not only their 50% share. I think it would also go a long way to ending the bickering between fans seeing as no fossil from either side could accuse them of being bias.
We need ppl in big business to get on our board. That doesn't include Benny.

_Posted using RoarFEED 2013_
@Justo said:
Isn't any board elected by it's members? I'm not a member (gladly so at the moment), so I don't know the ins and outs of how these idiots get voted in. But I am a member of a lot of other clubs, which has a boards. And they are all on the board because the voters, us members put them there. Does the wests tigers have such elections process?

Well this comes up semi-frequently but here we go. As you probably know the WT is a joint venture of Balmain and Wests, both of whom have their own football clubs with members and directors. Each club elects people from their directors to sit on the Wests Tigers board.

So if you want to change the WT Board you need to change the make-up of the individual club boards. Anyone can become a member of the Balmain or Wests football clubs for a nominal fee. After that you need to be financial for a period (I think it's 3 years for Balmain) before you can vote and stand in elections. Someone from this forum ran this year but I've not seen anything with any results yet.
@tigerlogic said:
Is there any way us as fans and the public can remove theses s***? Petitions, withdrawal of membership, campaigns etc???
Is there something ppl can do to get something going that is loud and gains momentum???

I wonder what our sponsors think of this debacle we are going through right now, if they started to walk, that may get some attention to crappy board's performance.
It's all about people power, if enough supporter's turned up to the games with banner's calling for potter to be left alone and the board be restructured and replaced eventually the media will catch on then they start applying pressure, it's a snowball effect but it has to start with us, if enough of us do it and do it every week, eventually the board will be given their marching orders. If i were still in sydney i would be on my way to the game tonight with my banner in hand.
@Cultured Bogan said:
Become a member of Balmain and Wests Magpies, that's the only way you'll be heard.

That's probably going to be too little too late for this episode of the on-going WT saga. Very good for the longer term though.

Liltiger is probably right, the media seems to be able to drive everything these days and if the fans riot there would be a huge media focus on it.
@Cultured Bogan said:
Become a member of Balmain and Wests Magpies, that's the only way you'll be heard.

no it's not. The shark's supporters proved that this year by demanding flanaghan be reinstated as head coach. It's people power, enough people, enough media, enough talk, then bye bye to the board.
@barra said:
@Cultured Bogan said:
Become a member of Balmain and Wests Magpies, that's the only way you'll be heard.

That's probably going to be too little too late for this episode of the on-going WT saga. Very good for the longer term though.

Liltiger is probably right, the media seems to be able to drive everything these days and if the fans riot there would be a huge media focus on it.

Barra i hate the board with a passion but i'm not talking about rioting literally :roll
sorry i cant afford to get locked up.