Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

No idea what Back-door is up to here. Whatever it is ..he’s probably trying to fool someone more than twice. Just dont know if its us or the Eels.
Yes that is true.
The other side of the coin is potentially he is making these comments publicly in order to remove any possible link he could have in getting Moses to the club behind the scenes.
Benny doesn’t want to be known as the influencer, he does everything behind the scenes
Rugby union players coming over to rugby league has been happening since Day 1 when league started.
We all know about Dally Messenger as the first way back when and there's been heaps more over the years, especially when league players were paid and the union players were amateur.

Then in more recent times (sort of), Rex Mossop, Michael O'Connor, Ricky Stuart, Semi Radradra, Daryl Halligan, Ben Kennedy, Matthew Ridge, Brad Thorn, among others.

Some hits, some misses.

Kevin Ryan ,Johny Brass, Phil Hawthorne, Peter Jones-- and many more.
I believe they are still contracted to us for the HNW so they’ll play in the lower tier comp making us a strong side then leave to other clubs making us possibly the weakest side in the top tier comp in our inaugural season.
Probably have to imagine Emily Curtin is in the same boat as well and Latu (sorry can’t remember her first name)
Who the hell are we going to have available for the NRLW?
The players are contracted year to year... so we could sign sergis and apps if wanted to... multi year contracts are only just coming in from next year, and that's only for a couple of players per team..
No idea what Back-door is up to here. Whatever it is ..he’s probably trying to fool someone more than twice. Just dont know if its us or the Eels.
I tend to think it might be a smoke screen to deflect any attention he may attract as a little extra side agreement he might of conjured up, just thinking outside the square ⬛ 🤔
That's nonsense, Tigers had no leg to stand on. Lee H even got expert (external) legal opinion on the matter - he made a public statement that the advice he was given was that there was no case Tigers could bring and win against the NRL.

As badly as we got screwed against Cowboys, you can't pin that on the club. No club gets the NRL to reverse the final decision from a ref's call, it will never happen.
Massive can of worms it would be
Benny has the same right to comment on WTF as anyone else making comment.
Give him credit for at least loving the
West Tigers the same as the rest of us, and trying to help best as he can.
Absolutely, Benny has the right to comment and everyone else has the right to share thier opinion on Benny.
Yes I have met him - a couple of times.

Was extremely charming and polite.

I’ve met countless narcissists who are the same though.

The true colors come out when you disagree with them.

Exactly what happened when Lee said he wouldn’t listen to people who don’t invest money in the club.

Donald Trump clone - without the commercial negotiation skills.

Wish him all the best though but we’re second rate with him and Justin at the helm… proofs in the pudding.

On the narcissist front - he drives a black Ferrari to the training session - the day he sacks Madge.

Players, football department staff, media all take note of this. They would prefer a billionaire who drives a normal car to work - read the room.
That’s not good, not good at all mate. An attitude like that can reverberate throughout the entire club.
A man driving a Ferrari tells you he’s not listening to people who don’t invest money in the club?
I wonder how ingrained that attitude is?
There was a period in 22 when Sheens espoused the same view at a presser when deflecting criticism about the club heading for the spoon. He was only interested in talking to members.
But I thought that rhetoric had changed toward the end of the year?
One of the things which stands out like inflatable beach balls is our constant lack of leadership in the players and often wonder what’s driving this?
Players like Tamou a gf captain but found it difficult. Other players who show leadership are needing to move on...?
I’ve got nothing against Ferrari but Kia is the NRL preferred car.
I am sure i am in a minority but i hope that we miss out on Moses.
We need a halfback but on the same token at the price they are talking I don't think it will help us in the long run. Moses will get us to the finals but won't win a premiership so do we get him to get the monkey off our back or wait a few more years and use our development to go to the next level like the Panthers have.
Moses is a good half, he's no Cleary but can get a job done, is he the missing piece of the puzzle we need I doubt it, I think we need to sort our forward pack out first then start looking at everything else. That's just me though. If we miss out on him life goes on, I look at it this way how many of the grand final winning teams did Moses play in, in the last 5 years. So he might be helpful toward success but he isn't nessisary for it.