Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

Lol you don’t know footy
Says the person who thinks we'd be better off struggling with the losers we we currently have, than bring in someone to plug a short term hole while we search for the long term solution. You would rather lose than win. You have zero credibility

Of course if we could suddenly sign Hunt or another top quality half immediately that would be preferable. But that's highly unlikely and a loan for a quality player as a last resort is better than playing Brooks and Wakeham for the rest of the season
Says the person who thinks we'd be better off struggling with the losers we we currently have, than bring in someone to plug a short term hole while we search for the long term solution. You would rather lose than win. You have zero credibility

Of course if we could suddenly sign Hunt or another top quality half immediately that would be preferable. But that's highly unlikely and a loan for a quality player as a last resort is better than playing Brooks and Wakeham for the rest of the season
Typical supporter who prefers a Band-Aid on a broken leg rather than actually addressing the problem and providing effective solutions.
You are pathetic and don’t know footy. Go away.
Typical supporter who prefers a Band-Aid on a broken leg rather than actually addressing the problem and providing effective solutions.
You are pathetic and don’t know footy. Go away.
Holy crap you're one of the stupidest most arrogant #$&@ on here since nug ginkoms. Are you too dumb to read that I'm suggesting we find the most effective solutions for both the short and longer term? Seriously, stick to the Winnie Blues and VB
Holy crap you're one of the stupidest most arrogant #$&@ on here since nug ginkoms. Are you too dumb to read that I'm suggesting we find the most effective solutions for both the short and longer term? Seriously, stick to the Winnie Blues and VB
Lol you don’t know footy. Run along boy….
I don’t think he would be the first one of our players to hang around the cross
how far back does your memory stretch?,jarryd hayne was shot at after leaving the Sapphire Club,a league hangout in the 00"s,owned operated by 1 of our best wingers n his Father,Hassan Saleh
Tartak trying to get them out of Manly. Obviously a big ask as Latu is on a long contract for big bucks but that is built around performance benchmarks. Fulton's best work at Manly was the Fainu's and it gets him off to a good start at WT if he can pull this off.
Is the Half fainu any good?

Hooker fainu was sharp
Holy crap you're one of the stupidest most arrogant #$&@ on here since nug ginkoms. Are you too dumb to read that I'm suggesting we find the most effective solutions for both the short and longer term? Seriously, stick to the Winnie Blues and VB
I dont like to get involved with a couple of forumers who agree to disagree,but why dont you guys just wait and see if the win we had against the Riff could lead us to bigger and better things...what Im suggesting is for example we had some close calls that we could have won bar some dumb errors and uncertain plays...Brooks and Wakeham seem to be combineing well and who knows they could win us the next 4/5 games...I dont know,but the change in the team is quite noticable and lets wait and see before we neck you guys and stay strong...