Slater kicks Klemmer in the neck

@Tiger Watto said:
Their is no rule which addresses the aspect of how an attacking player can attempt to catch a kick, but he rules clearly state Klemmer shouldn't be there!

I'd say the match review panel will send it to the judiciary, but nothing will come of it once you apply a legal argument.

Exactly right…. Smiths argument on the field was correct, had K not been charging in to effect an illegal tackle he wouldn't have copped it. Penalty storm for K making contact with legs in the air. If they're goin to be so tight with the rule book with obstruction, they can work to the letter in this case too.

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I disagree.

I think suspension is the call that needs to be made.

A fullback use their knees to protect themselves. Extendinding the legso the studs of your boots hit a player approaching from front on is a continuation of his illegal sliding tactics.

In effect he actually closed the range and initiated the contact. If Kleemer hits him in the air he gets penalised. Slater nullified this by what I would deem a action outside the rules.

The Klemmer tackle would have been a result of poor timing if he put the hit on, in fact a half second or so later and he probably would have put on a perfectly timed hit in a style that actually led to a try last weekend.

By extending the leg Slater initiates the contact
Fair point…. But a penalty won't fix a broken neck IF, and I stress IF K had hit him in the air and flipped him its a chance. Billy may have seen a blur coming at him and reflexed to protect himself at worst. Look, no one wants to see it happen again, but I don't think there was intent to harm K or kick him in the face. Pro foul..? No, negligent maybe... Worth a suspension..?? I don't think so.

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@stryker said:
Thought Klemmer should have been charged for leading with his head. What if his headbutt broke Billy's foot? Something must be done to stamp out this type of play….shocking.

He scratched Slater's boot, so he deserves 3 weeks minimum, if any studs were dislodged -> grade 5 :frowning:
disagree with the majority. watch slater catch every other kick and he NEVER throws his foot out like that. it was intentional, whether to harm klemmer or to 'protect' himself it was still an act outside of the rules and a dog act. He's always been a scummy player, 2 weeks to set an example.
@smeghead said:
I disagree.

I think suspension is the call that needs to be made.

A fullback use their knees to protect themselves. Extendinding the legso the studs of your boots hit a player approaching from front on is a continuation of his illegal sliding tactics.

In effect he actually closed the range and initiated the contact. If Kleemer hits him in the air he gets penalised. Slater nullified this by what I would deem a action outside the rules.

The Klemmer tackle would have been a result of poor timing if he put the hit on, in fact a half second or so later and he probably would have put on a perfectly timed hit in a style that actually led to a try last weekend.

By extending the leg Slater initiates the contact

Unless an opponent is actually contesting the bomb, they shouldn't be that close to the man catching the ball anyway in my opinion - tackling in mid air is the real danger here - I am still amazed a player hasn't done serious injury after getting flipped on their head. If Slater caught Klemmer 10cm lower in the chest, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Storm would have got the penalty instead.

Slater gets significant air because he throws his whole body into it, which results in his legs extending mid air to get that extra lift. I see nothing wrong with it. If we are going to start dictating how players leap for the ball we better strap ourselves in for 90% of tries being scored off kicks.
^^ agreed…. Had K been contesting the ball, he would have got kicked in the guts or lower, probably pushing billy back off the ball.... He was there to tackle the man in the air and he got one in the neck for it, and I dunno y ppl are saying Billy's dirty ect .. He plays hard and fast with passion.. I for one love his commitment and style, wish we had him. Not that the leg lifting should be an every catch practice, particularly studs first lol... But then why should he be subject to serious injury thru illegal plays. I can see both sides tho. Be an interesting outcome.

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Billy should get a suspension for reckless play.
Then NRL should send a memo with acceptable technique (when jumping raising one knee above the other is acceptable, extending the leg isn't).
Also Billy is looking at Klemmer when he makes contact and extends the leg after he gets the ball. The idea might be defensive/self protecting in theory but it is reckless. It's like defending grubbers, you can kick it away if there is no one near but if there is you can't lead with the studs (another Billy special).
Chicken wings, crushers, studs up when defending try line, all deliberate moves by Melbourne and their players to gain a competitive advantage. I see this as another to add to the list.
@Centaur said:
@smeghead said:
I disagree.

I think suspension is the call that needs to be made.

A fullback use their knees to protect themselves. Extendinding the legso the studs of your boots hit a player approaching from front on is a continuation of his illegal sliding tactics.

In effect he actually closed the range and initiated the contact. If Kleemer hits him in the air he gets penalised. Slater nullified this by what I would deem a action outside the rules.

The Klemmer tackle would have been a result of poor timing if he put the hit on, in fact a half second or so later and he probably would have put on a perfectly timed hit in a style that actually led to a try last weekend.

By extending the leg Slater initiates the contact

Unless an opponent is actually contesting the bomb, they shouldn't be that close to the man catching the ball anyway in my opinion - tackling in mid air is the real danger here - I am still amazed a player hasn't done serious injury after getting flipped on their head. If Slater caught Klemmer 10cm lower in the chest, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Storm would have got the penalty instead.

Slater gets significant air because he throws his whole body into it, which results in his legs extending mid air to get that extra lift. I see nothing wrong with it. If we are going to start dictating how players leap for the ball we better strap ourselves in for 90% of tries being scored off kicks.

Agree 100%. Any player who has the balls to leap high into the air to take a catch has the right to protect himself. There is no way Slater initially intended to kick Klemmer, you can't leap into the air and then throw a kick, it's just not possible.

I only wish Timmy Moltzen had the tenacity to do something similar.
@Blake93 said:
disagree with the majority. watch slater catch every other kick and he NEVER throws his foot out like that. it was intentional, whether to harm klemmer or to 'protect' himself it was still an act outside of the rules and a dog act. He's always been a scummy player, 2 weeks to set an example.

Can not agree with this…in fact will call it flat out wrong. Slater catchs bombs in this fashion 75% of the time. It is a reflex to protect himself and although it looks rough, is within the rules. If anything, this may cause a rule change but that is all. No suspension for mine.
The question is: did he do it on purpose or not? BS has had a penchant for using his feet. Like when he got suspended for using his feet to stop a try. He will say it's just an accident. It depends what the judiciary think.
I reckon he might be charged.
IMO Slater has mostly used this style when taking bombs.

It harks back to the day when the fullback needed to do everything in his power to protect himself from being monstered - in fact I was coached to jump that way!

Considering the protection the fullbacks now get, it is probably timely to outlaw it though. Knees are probably okay and hard not to do sometimes, but leading with your foot is dangerous.

I hope Slater doesn't cop it this time though.
@Tiger Watto said:
Their is no rule which addresses the aspect of how an attacking player can attempt to catch a kick, but he rules clearly state Klemmer shouldn't be there!

I'd say the match review panel will send it to the judiciary, but nothing will come of it once you apply a legal argument.

But Klemmer can be there Watto ,as long as he doesn't hit him until his feet touches the ground he's fine

Klemmer can't assume ,"oh it's billy Slater so I'd better watch out for his flying leg "

But from Slater's pov I'm surprised he's never been injured catching bombs like that ,having not done an ankle or knee landing on one foot and or getting his leg sandwiched between and oncoming defender in an awkward position

I agree it will go to the match review and he will get off though,maybe not if it was one week before a SOO game though
Slater intentionally extends his leg to defend himself (not to inflict injury to the opposition). He's been doing it for years. It was only a matter of time before someone got hurt.

Incidentally, he got off.
The rare occasion that sanity had prevailed IMO.

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Ok. The precedence is set for me. It won't be the last time that an incident like this occurs. Lets see how many fullbacks start to take the ball like this now.

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Craig Bellamy and the other people who say "he is just protecting himself" are right. But you surely are not allow to protect yourself this way…how many times did former St George prop Craig Smith get suspended for raising his knee into defenders when he hit the line (I am positive it was more than once that he got rubbed out for it). He was just "trying to protect himself" too.
And what about players who carry the football leading with their elbow into the defence? They too are "just trying to protect themselves". But they get sent to the judiciary for it also.
Doesn't the rule apply re:dangerous contact? Not to our Billy they don't!

Maybe he should be allowed to protect himself in this way and by doing this he is also eligible to be tackled in mid-air and pummelled into the ground on his head (that would be fair IMO). I would say he would stop doing it if that was the case.

Camoron Smith's comments in the post-game press conference just goes to prove that he really is as dumb as he looks.
Craig Bellamy and the other people who say "he is just protecting himself" are right. But you surely are not allow to protect yourself this way…how many times did former St George prop Craig Smith get suspended for raising his knee into defenders when he hit the line (I am positive it was more than once that he got rubbed out for it). He was just "trying to protect himself" too.
And what about players who carry the football leading with their elbow into the defence? They too are "just trying to protect themselves". But they get sent to the judiciary for it also.
Doesn't the rule apply re:dangerous contact? Not to our Billy they don't!

Maybe he should be allowed to protect himself in this way and by doing this he is also eligible to be tackled in mid-air and pummelled into the ground on his head (that would be fair IMO). I would say he would stop doing it if that was the case.

Camoron Smith's comments in the post-game press conference just goes to prove that he really is as dumb as he looks.