Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

Have we gone away from plan A, which was to have an experienced half around 28-32 to replace Brooks, while we wait for our kids to grow over the next 3-5 years?
Plan B, I assume is, find a half of any age who is unwanted at his club and make an offer too good to pass up? We only have $550k for a 7 though?

Neither of them in a natural organising half, I know that's what they've earmarked Burton for but I don't think he's up to it. Personally think he should be in the centres all he has is a bomb.
Burton is a massive fraud as is the coach Ciro.

Trying to turn him into a 7.
Sheens hinted they were looking to SL for halves - players:
My list to start with;
Pommy SL Halfbacks (all young)
Jordan Abdull. Pom - 1/2
Lewis Dodd Pom 1/2, best all-round game of those below
Mikey Lewis Pom - 1/2, quick, elusive, off the cuff stuff
Harry Smith Pom - 1/2, organiser, good kicker under pressure

Morgan Smithies Wigan-lock – 22 years, (Nov. 2000) At 6ft1 (185cm) and 106 kgs
4 yr. contract from 2019 (ends 2023)
Abdull has an absolutely LETHAL boot. He punts the ball as high and as accurately as Matt Burton and his short yardage kicks are a nightmare to deal with. He's a bit of a late developer but since he nailed down his shirt he's been nothing short of excellent. The only question is - how well does he handle pressure in big games because Hull KR hardly play in any.
Dodd is, IMO, the best of the crop. But he's still rehabbing a torn Achilles. His form (predictably) has been up and down since he returned for the WCC. But he appears back to his best in the last few weeks with no obvious issues with his Achilles.
Mikey Lewis is a crowd favourite. Plays to the fans. Naturally gifted footballer. Very quick and tough to tackle. Defence needs work as does his kicking game. But the raw materials are there. Same knock as Abdull, tho. No great experience in big-match football.
Harry Smith - oldest barring Abdull at 24. Above average kicking game both short and long. Appears to have the clutch gene and has iced several games in the final seconds via drop goal. Possibly the slowest of all of these candidates but I don't necessarily see this as a problem. Prone to occasionally misreads in defence. But this is fixable.
I should mention that Dodd is the best defensive scrum half in the competition - by a long way. Great technique.
Of the English halves it's worth pointing out that Will Pryce signed for Newcastle last season. He's the type of player who will either become one of the best players on the planet or sink without trace. Physically he has all the tools. Blistering acceleration. Devastating footwork (including a gorgeous body swerve). Great hands. If he turns out to be anything like his dad Newcastle will have some player on their hands.
Smithies - if you need someone to do the dirty work in midfield he's your guy. Capable of 65-70+ tackles per game. A bit of a nasty streak in him. Needs to make more yards going forward but I expect this will come as he reaches full physical maturity.
One final point - I'm pretty sure Sheens recruited Mikey Lewis and so I'm guessing he stands a better chance with him than possibly some of the others.
Rogers on Sen radio this morning was saying he had a reliable source telling him Hunt is heading to the Tigers, said he was dumbfounded but the source is reliable.
Starting to believe media people love to wind up WTs supporters.....miracles don't happen but we love to dream.
So we just buy players based on being mates.....get Benji away from the recruitment and let Fulton do his job. Hunt is 33 years old and makes no sense to buy out his contract and give him extra years on top if this is indeed any truth to it.

Trindall or Cogger or Lam- you can get 2 of those and still have money left over. That covers your halves depth plus you need a new 5/8 which is where Tracey comes in.
The sharks have raided our team for years - get Trindall, Tracey and Iro and you solve a few problems with cash left over.
So we just buy players based on being mates.....get Benji away from the recruitment and let Fulton do his job. Hunt is 33 years old and makes no sense to buy out his contract and give him extra years on top if this is indeed any truth to it.

Trindall or Cogger or Lam- you can get 2 of those and still have money left over. That covers your halves depth plus you need a new 5/8 which is where Tracey comes in.
The sharks have raided our team for years - get Trindall, Tracey and Iro and you solve a few problems with cash left over.
I would take these 2 player every day of the week and don't care if benji is friends or not.
They make us a top 8 team instantly and Hunt has 3 years left easy.

It's easy to say Trindall but he will not be released so that's a no go anyway.

We don't need to save cash either so may as well spend it on a SOO player who would develop the next half coming through.
Sorry - I missed the forum teleconference with all those club CEOS "DIRECTLY" confirming this....

OR - did you read/hear it via the normal News Ltd f-wits???

Learn the meaning of DIRECTLY!!
Sorry to burst your Brooks bubble but their have been direct quotes saying a big no thanks.
Never know how desperate some team might get though.
Personally think we’ll sign a decent half and he’ll accept our lower offer and play five eigtht.
This would make me extremely happy at least until we see them on the park for us. Is this at all possible ?

I'll say this. I think Sheens is a worker in that he will try and recruit players. He got Klem and Bateman here.
Just to give you some idea of what you'd be getting in Welsby - if he plays as well as I'm convinced he will he'll very quickly be in the debate for the MOST HATED PLAYER in the NRL. Very similar in temperament to Owen Farrell. Just wants it that bit more than anyone else. Constantly getting in the face of the opposition's best playmaker. Rubs visiting fans noses in the dirt at every opportunity. Grubby. Regularly involves himself in the Dark Arts. If he's playing for you - instant cult hero. If he's playing for the opposition he'll drive you insane. I should say all of the above would seem to make him a poor candidate for a big contract. But you can get away with pretty much anything if you can back it up. And Welsby constantly backs it up. Type of guy who after making a blunder when you are down with two minutes remaining demands the ball and tells his teammates to get the hell out of his way. Nothing fazes him. He's just turned 22 and is built like a tank. Hits like one, too. Quick. Can throw a 25 yard pass either way cutting out three defenders and putting in his winger. Reads the game as well as any footballer I've seen. Defenders are constantly being forced to pick their poison. If they stay with their opponent he'll use his size, speed and step to force a one-on-one with a forward or halfback near the line. If they jam in he'll hit the wingers. And if you don't make any defensive misreads he'll put the ball on the floor, regather and score. Comparisons to Prezet - to me - are nonsensical. Prezet is a dangerous player. I like him and he's acquitted himself superbly this season. But Welsby is just different potatoes. It's the reason half the NRL is circling for his signature. The kid is a born winner. When the Aussie schoolboys came over in 2019 he had both Stephen Crichton and Bradman Best on Bambi legs and he's been ruining opponents ever since.
Abdull has an absolutely LETHAL boot. He punts the ball as high and as accurately as Matt Burton and his short yardage kicks are a nightmare to deal with. He's a bit of a late developer but since he nailed down his shirt he's been nothing short of excellent. The only question is - how well does he handle pressure in big games because Hull KR hardly play in any.
Dodd is, IMO, the best of the crop. But he's still rehabbing a torn Achilles. His form (predictably) has been up and down since he returned for the WCC. But he appears back to his best in the last few weeks with no obvious issues with his Achilles.
Mikey Lewis is a crowd favourite. Plays to the fans. Naturally gifted footballer. Very quick and tough to tackle. Defence needs work as does his kicking game. But the raw materials are there. Same knock as Abdull, tho. No great experience in big-match football.
Harry Smith - oldest barring Abdull at 24. Above average kicking game both short and long. Appears to have the clutch gene and has iced several games in the final seconds via drop goal. Possibly the slowest of all of these candidates but I don't necessarily see this as a problem. Prone to occasionally misreads in defence. But this is fixable.
I should mention that Dodd is the best defensive scrum half in the competition - by a long way. Great technique.
Of the English halves it's worth pointing out that Will Pryce signed for Newcastle last season. He's the type of player who will either become one of the best players on the planet or sink without trace. Physically he has all the tools. Blistering acceleration. Devastating footwork (including a gorgeous body swerve). Great hands. If he turns out to be anything like his dad Newcastle will have some player on their hands.
Smithies - if you need someone to do the dirty work in midfield he's your guy. Capable of 65-70+ tackles per game. A bit of a nasty streak in him. Needs to make more yards going forward but I expect this will come as he reaches full physical maturity.
One final point - I'm pretty sure Sheens recruited Mikey Lewis and so I'm guessing he stands a better chance with him than possibly some of the others.
Thanks for the summary @ovoevo brilliant!

Also where does Lachlan Lam sit amongst them? Reportedly had a great last month & did a good apprenticeship behind Keary, Cronk and played WC. I'm sure if he was playing NSW Cup today, he'd be going as good as Trindall.
Rogers on Sen radio this morning was saying he had a reliable source telling him Hunt is heading to the Tigers, said he was dumbfounded but the source is reliable.
Certainly hope Rogers is right

Hunt has a few dumb moments in his game but is an absolute champion competitor with loads of ability and a heart to match

Would also suit our style of play and has enough left in him to keep us going until either our youngsters make it or we get someone else
I doubt Hunt comes here but have a slight feeling he might. Just on his age, yes he's 34 next year. However was Cronk not the same age when he joined the roos? He'd be very valuable to us if he could get out now. pick up the rest of the contract and it takes him to 35. I wouldn't even mind adding the extra year, 36ys old aint that bad for a half.

6.?? unkown young talent

Very impressive if you ask me.
Half truth…
He was injured a heap in his younger years - was always going to make it
My point his previous clubs,just not seeing a lot of talent in Cogger and hope those in power recruit on that rather than emotion.
We need much better
Hunt, with brooks at 6 on a reduced deal = Top 8

People who don't think he will be after money forget these guys usually move onto much lower salaries. My old man had a Parramatta fwd selling cars for him.

If you don't grab one of the limited commentary spots, you're NRL earnings become so much more crucial.