Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

I like how you immediately jumped to Hastings attck mode. I didnt say we should have kept him. Obviously you have a bias that you needed to express. I said I disagreed with your points but that was all.
My point to you was that due to our failure in recruitment and retention, we have lost 4 NRL halves and only managed to replace them with Brandon Wakeham so far. It is a fundamental failure to assume people want to come here and we let those two players from last year leave because we arrogantly predicted we could lure a big name talent here. That didnt occur and a knee jerk signing just a couple of weeks before the season started smacked of desperation. Additionally, we do have other backups, but it seems clear no one has managed to get anything out of them and so we are stuck using our knee jerk backup signing fulltime because of injury. Again this points to incompetant planning.

Of course our footy has been better this year in some regard. We have a top 6 pack who are not missing many games between them all. You seem to like pointing out we only won 4 games last year. We have only managed 3 this year and we still have our 5/8th out for about another year at best, our best player is busted and our halfback just signed elsewhere. Our spine is very inexperienced and we have no real strike out wide. You might say we are victims of circumstance but Im pointing the blame squarely at those responsible.
Lee and his board, Pascoe and Sheens. They created this cluster of a situation through decisions made from the end of 2021 onwards.
I don't disagree with any thing you have said above tbh.

But what you have to remember is going for that big name talent was above and beyond what any of us really expected, given Tim initially put a 3 year timeline on the rebuild. If we landed one of those targets you could probably say we would have had more success given the improvement of our forward pack.

There is no bias here, towards Jacko or Brooksy - just my assessment.

The club is run so poorly, I agree, incompetence in the pathways system plays a big part in that, and that's the mess Sheens has signed up to. Thankfully we have already identified and secured some great young talent in that regard. A bit of circumstance and a bit of bad planning - we have made good decisions in other areas and I agree its bleatingly obvious the halves is not one of those areas.

I still don't think Jacko would have done much for us, but it would have been nice to have someone to steer the ship - in hindsight.
If it comes down to a transfer fee to Manly, surely we have s***load more $$$ to offer than the Titans.

I think this girl on Twitter is trying to stir the pot.
Seen a photo of Chairman Lee and Sirro Snr , i could not work,out what Lee was trying to look like , then it hit me , he is trying to look like a 1940/50 s. Big Time Gangster , Pin stipe Suite , Long overcoat , Hat , I need to find it and post it ,
Where is Eliot Ness when you need him.

Surely he could get him for tax evasion, or at the very least, football department tampering.
Trying to be positive…….Seems like we have at least secured a potentially good 5/8 for the next few seasons in Fainu. Watching his highlights reel it is great to see that Feledy was running off him and scored a heap of tries doing it. The two of them have a great understanding that hopefully they can foster for us in 2024 and beyond.
What we need now is to keep looking for quality characters with winning attitudes and 100% effort to add to our roster. If we can just pick up a few more of these types all is not lost for 2024.
There are a few clubs that have a lot of guys needing upgraded contracts and hence will struggle to keep all their talent eg Souths, Cows. Hopefully this will provide us with some options.
Tigercast suggesting dragons may have come in with a big last minute offer for Latu, bigger than ours
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Sheens has an almost international pack of forwards. Dolphins do not or other clubs. No excuses for Sheens. 3 year time line for the last 20 years. Flogging a dead horse. I do agree however with you - when you state that the club is run poorly. Sheens signed up cause the club and Tim Sheens felt and concurred that Andrew Webster can not coach at the highest level. But Benji and Robbie can.
If it comes down to a transfer fee to Manly, surely we have s***load more $$$ to offer than the Titans.

I think this girl on Twitter is trying to stir the pot.

Well. They are allocated 46 or so pages in the mainstream media. Their subscription is paid for upfront. So they have to fill those pages whether its true or not. Their information that is. And you thought social media was incongruent.
  • Haha
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Tensions running high on the forum today!

Let's chill. We (hopefully) will get Latu and a couple of other credentialed halves. Plenty of cash. The signings will come.
Do u believe in the ester bunny 🐰 and Santa Claus 🎅, because if u do then u got a chance , us signing anyone really far fetched 🥴
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I don't disagree with any thing you have said above tbh.

But what you have to remember is going for that big name talent was above and beyond what any of us really expected, given Tim initially put a 3 year timeline on the rebuild. If we landed one of those targets you could probably say we would have had more success given the improvement of our forward pack.

There is no bias here, towards Jacko or Brooksy - just my assessment.

The club is run so poorly, I agree, incompetence in the pathways system plays a big part in that, and that's the mess Sheens has signed up to. Thankfully we have already identified and secured some great young talent in that regard. A bit of circumstance and a bit of bad planning - we have made good decisions in other areas and I agree its bleatingly obvious the halves is not one of those areas.

I still don't think Jacko would have done much for us, but it would have been nice to have someone to steer the ship - in hindsight.
I do admit, I was cranky that we let Jackson go because we had these forwards incoming with promise of more - who turned out to be Klemmer and Bateman to arrive for this season. I think he could have done more with this pack than Brooks, Doueihi and Wakeham have managed...but that is conjecture.

My focus is what the hell is happening moving forward. I was concerned before the season began that we'd have this pack firing with no one scoring points off their efforts and that has largely occurred. Now Brooks and most probably Doeuihi are gone, would you stay here if you were Wakeham? I mean that poor bastard is already getting shit talked. Can you imagine if through continued failure to recruit, we had to have him as the dominant half next year? So say he manages to leverage his efforts this year into something elsewhere and scampers as what are they doing behind the scenes? Most of us have suspected Brooks was going all year. I understand chasing Moses and Johnson and co but surely we had feelers out for the next level below them as well?
It seems our recruitment goes like this..."We want Moses. Back and forth, back and forth, ah shit we missed him. OK we'll go for Pearce. Back and forth, back and forth, ah shit we missed him. OK we'll go for Johnson. Back and forth, back and forth, ah shit we missed him. etc...etc...etc...Brooksie, youre still staying arent you? Brooksey? mate? ah shit we missed him"
Our failure to replace the departure of Madden and Hastings meant we had to secure Brooks first and then bring in the talent to work with him. We have no contingency. Very poor planning.