Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

And they are worth every cent of the investment.. if they turn out to become the players they have shown the potential to become that will be absolute bargain.. Latu is Kalyn Ponga or Trbojevic or Munster like Junior talent , I think he can have an immediate impact on first grade the way they did and we will be glad we showed early faith in them . Same with Galvin and also Sullivan ..
Goodness me, so we have generational talent coming out our arse , wonder why their original clubs weren’t that fussed.
On one hand, you say they have a voice when it comes to talk of clubs moving them on to make cap room, but the way they kowtow to their manages makes you think they are really are pawns. Crazy how much power their managers wield over them.
Managers/Leeches are a blight on the game and should be NRL regulated somehow. I know I’m dreaming bcoz the NRL can’t even police the cap.
We ARE their original club (jnrs we kept).
The OP compared Fainu to Ponga and Sullivan got a mention too. I think we need to take a chill pill on our juniors. If a great footy mind like Bellamy was to summarise their talent he would be quick to tell you they are nowhere near competent NRL players and any building them up prior to seeing them in FG is pretty counterproductive.
The OP compared Fainu to Ponga and Sullivan got a mention too. I think we need to take a chill pill on our juniors. If a great footy mind like Bellamy was to summarise their talent he would be quick to tell you they are nowhere near competent NRL players and any building them up prior to seeing them in FG is pretty counterproductive.

My bad I didn't read OP's post I should have.
I agree with your sentiment Bags. Give them
time, they're not ready yet 4 the most part.
The cream always rises 2 the top, let's see
My bad I didn't read OP's post I should have.
I agree with your sentiment Bags. Give them
time, they're not ready yet 4 the most part.
The cream always rises 2 the top, let's see
Our rookie coach and our rookie players will need time. I suspect wins won’t be frequent this year and I’m most interested to see how our shitty administrators handle another failed season.
Our rookie coach and our rookie players will need time. I suspect wins won’t be frequent this year and I’m most interested to see how our shitty administrators handle another failed season.

Haha I'm confident we'll do much better!
admin is a whole other story though lol
Managers/Leeches are a blight on the game and should be NRL regulated somehow. I know I’m dreaming bcoz the NRL can’t even police the cap.
Managers are needed simply because slot of players don't understand or don't want any part of the business side of negotiations they just want to play footy
Managers are needed simply because slot of players don't understand or don't want any part of the business side of negotiations they just want to play footy
Yeah a necessary evil.
I’ve done a fair bit of sales, training and negotiating, and I reckon I’d use one in a players situation too. You need to take the emotion out of it.
Blore played his best footy in the middle. He may do better with better halves if he does go back to the edge but if Blore stays with us, I see him as a middle going forward. He hasn’t performed as well on the edge IMO but the only way if he does want to be a backrower he needs to train their full time and oddly enough, I haven’t seen him in any of the training pics the club has posted on their website and social media.

Would I like AFB? Of course but we’re also making our squad weaker by making the trade for him even if we did Stef instead of Ipap it’s the same thing. Let’s be honest we don’t have a back rower that can replace him and the ones on the market apart from Haumole aren’t better or as good as he is but in saying that Haumole isn’t available to talk with until Nov 1 next year.

We need a good replacement if we’re gonna let Ipap go. If we had Haumole already coming i’d bite the bullet but we don’t and we can’t guarantee he’ll come to us as well. Unless we get a genuine replacement, I wouldn’t even consider letting Ipap go for another Prop where we have enough depth already, and our depth in the backrow is atrocious.
AFB is in the top 5 front rowers in the game at the moment. IPap is a very good player but you could probably argue not currently in the top 10 edge forwards in the NRL. If IPap was the trade you had to make to get AFB, it’s a no brainer. Ideally you keep IPap and get AFB anyway, but if you have to choose…
A damaging, elite front rower or a very good edge forward who needs good players around him? AFB makes the players around him more effective, I reckon IPap needs good players around him to get the best out of him.
AFB is in the top 5 front rowers in the game at the moment. IPap is a very good player but you could probably argue not currently in the top 10 edge forwards in the NRL. If IPap was the trade you had to make to get AFB, it’s a no brainer. Ideally you keep IPap and get AFB anyway, but if you have to choose…
A damaging, elite front rower or a very good edge forward who needs good players around him? AFB makes the players around him more effective, I reckon IPap needs good players around him to get the best out of him.
Easy swap. Make it happen Pascoe!

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