Jarome Luai

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This is how I see it too. I’m still not over how he dumped us, but apart from the standard inter club rivalry and noxious journo beat ups, I don’t really see any evidence of all this hate people talk about.
But I'll always have a special "kiss" that I'll blow his way at our home ground games. ;)
I reckon he hates us cause he knows we hate him, don't buy his good guy image, and he doesn't like it.We are the reminder that he jumped off the stupid bloody bus he was driving and left us on it. If we were to get another one of his prize players it will have his tense jaw even more tense.
he lost many friends post-2018, especially when it all went to hell the year after. you could definitely make an argument that Madge's tenure was doomed before it began simply because of the state of the cap and the players we had taking up space.

but winning does indeed fix everything.

after their first premiership in 2021 I found it pretty difficult to hold a grudge. then 2022 happened, then 2023. I'd rather die than ever praise him, but you have to respect what he has created there alongside guys like Cameron, O'Neill and Gus.

that is the blueprint every single club in the league (sans the Chooks) are trying to create now. a sustainable pathways stream backed by a strong culture and identity to their region. they are far and away the best of this era. Melbourne in 2017 was far more dominant, but they were gone in a flash.

Jarome Luai is the lightning in the bottle from over there that could transform us overnight. I don't think he's far off landing on our doorstep either.
Anyone else getting nervous? I remember Latrell and JAC were seemingly done deals. We were all excited they were coming here. Then they changed their minds last minute. I guess this time the major difference is there is no Lee H to screw it up.

It's probably completely normal with our recent history to assume we can find a way to cock up a deal. Under the previous management i'd be very skeptical im hoping this new management is different. Time will tell whether the PTSD from Pascoe and Lee can be minimized.
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Anyone else getting nervous? I remember Latrell and JAC were seemingly done deals. We were all excited they were coming here. Then they changed their minds last minute. I guess this time the major difference is there is no Lee H to screw it up.
I would expect if Penrith have reluctantly given him three days leave they would have said get it done and dusted and come Back here in the new year ready to train for 24.
Anyone else getting nervous? I remember Latrell and JAC were seemingly done deals. We were all excited they were coming here. Then they changed their minds last minute. I guess this time the major difference is there is no Lee H to screw it up.
no I think we are sweet for 2025, I think we will land him for 2024 and be moving klemmer on to dragons to create the space
Anyone else getting nervous? I remember Latrell and JAC were seemingly done deals. We were all excited they were coming here. Then they changed their minds last minute. I guess this time the major difference is there is no Lee H to screw it up.
Richo fills me with confidence. Benji also. The legacy of those who came before them make me extremely nervous.

Would love to hear about Bennett coming in for a cameo in the footy department next.
Penrith have already said they won’t let him go early. Besides we shouldn’t be moving on Klemmer now that we’ve pulled out for AFB. Klem is needed right now we should just wait until 25.
if the player doesn't want to be there let's see how long Penrith stance lasts
Klemmer to dragons
Simpkin to Penrith
Luai to Tigers
if the player doesn't want to be there let's see how long Penrith stance lasts
Klemmer to dragons
Simpkin to Penrith
Luai to Tigers
I don’t think Luai will back out of his deal early with Penrith he doesn’t seem like that kind of guy. Besides we need Klem more than we need Luai for 24. We would be dumb to let him go. Simpkin is the only one we can afford to lose.
I don’t think Luai will back out of his deal early with Penrith he doesn’t seem like that kind of guy. Besides we need Klem more than we need Luai for 24. We would be dumb to let him go. Simpkin is the only one we can afford to lose.
Luai this year we can make the semis
klemmer is allegedly on 650k to 750k for 24 and 25 that is plenty of coin.
if our second rowers go ok push Ice upfront with stef and twal
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