CEO - Shane Richardson

“None of this happened when Justin Pascoe was here.

“I still love the club but I don’t like the people in charge.”

This comment hits me as being abit strange. I get hes upset at what's going in but just sounds like he doesn't approve of the recent shake up. I wonder if the sponsors share the same corporate boxes and can chat. Or if they're mates away from the club. It just seems like a dig at the changes that were made. Like he's got Lee in his ear.
Pascoe treated him appropriately, considering the contribution he was making?
Being made to share space with a competitor would piss me off as well.
This is a second red flag from Richo for me.

What was the 1st out of curiosity? members comments?
The shadiness of the stuff coming out about our goings on the last period of years , and the way Lee had a tantrum and basically screamed “you’ll be nothing without me” seems very , very similar to this situation .
I reckon there was a lot of guys in and around this club who had one interest themselves , and sitting in a corporate box away from the rest of us plebs … who knows the real reason . Richo is no fool , I wouldn’t even be surprised if this was a way to get of this guy , because he sold the back of their jersey slot for more money . Or if it was a way to get rid of more loyalists to the shit show regime we had going on …

Agree on both counts. Maybe nefarious intentions
behind it, maybe just got a better deal with Allied —
If that's the case probably should've been communicated
A bit better.. I don't like the Fabri bloke, or his logo
lol & going 2 media about daddy's sponsorship $ smh
“None of this happened when Justin Pascoe was here.

“I still love the club but I don’t like the people in charge.”

This comment hits me as being abit strange. I get hes upset at what's going in but just sounds like he doesn't approve of the recent shake up. I wonder if the sponsors share the same corporate boxes and can chat. Or if they're mates away from the club. It just seems like a dig at the changes that were made. Like he's got Lee in his ear.
I took over a company a while back. Old management had some ridiculous deals in place which weren't what you would call commercial.

People get upset when you cut their undeserved privelages.

In this case, the sponsor had a pretty normal clause stopping the club advertising another company in the same industry.

Contracts can always be discussed and negotiated during the term and deals often come across your desk that would breach contracts currently in place.

I'd say Richo got an offer and tried to put it to the sponsor. It's a delicate discussion, and in this case, it looks like the sponsor got upset. Not how I would have handled it, but we are all different.

Probably a calculated move by Richo, in knowing he would not lose anything if the sponsor walked away. It may have even been calculated by Allied, knowing full well the sponsor would be offended and walk.

Fans get whipped up about this stuff, but hard discussions like this happen every week at high levels. You don't see it, but it's normal.
Knowing Pascoe it was probably only ever a verbal
agreement, and we only every invoiced Fab peridiodicaly
and @ different amounts. What a loser talking 2 Buzz
Wow 😲 You know Pascoe? So well to know that he does verbal contracts? It's FACT! Because you know him. Great inside info. Keep it coming. Love your passion.
Wow 😲 You know Pascoe? So well to know that he does verbal contracts? It's FACT! Because you know him. Great inside info. Keep it coming. Love your passion.

No, I'm not claiming it as fact goofy, I'm saying it
wouldn't surprise me. Richo's the new sheriff in town
anyway. Who cares what Buzz has 2 say on the matter,
we won't have a problem getting sleeve or front sponsors
No, I'm not claiming it as fact goofy, I'm saying it
wouldn't surprise me. Richo's the new sheriff in town
anyway. Who cares what Buzz has 2 say on the matter,
we won't have a problem getting sleeve or front sponsors
You are smart. I am goofy. Very good. Forgive me.
Don't trust Buss as far as I could kick him..

people need to remember that Ricko was brought into fix this joint and its not always going to be a PR stunt with flowers.. IMO its seems he has bigger fish if this sponsor goes..

I trust him as he has a proven record and MAKES this happen.
The ideal outcome was for Richo to negotiate a situation where both sponsors felt valued and accommodated.
In that regard he failed. Unlike the majority of posts I don't believe sponsors are lining up to associate with a brand that the public currently equate with failure.
Now we've got ourselves a situation.
The ideal outcome was for Richo to negotiate a situation where both sponsors felt valued and accommodated.
In that regard he failed. Unlike the majority of posts I don't believe sponsors are lining up to associate with a brand that the public currently equate with failure.
Now we've got ourselves a situation.

FAB is welcome to stay, I think this is just a convenient excuse...