Farah's absence - a blessing in disguise ?


New member
Jul 13, 2009
The absence of Robbie Farah for 6 weeks could be a blessing in disguise.

There was a marked sprarkle in attack when Cheery came on with that extra pace and better pass.
I like the opportumity its gives him for an extended period to expand his game savvy, his teamwork with Brooks expecially, giving the team that fast go forward which will be a big part of us getting our attack going forward.

Obviously there are issues with the amount of time he can play at this point, we will need either or both Halatau/Liddle to cover for 20-25 minutes but this short 6 week period can be instrumental in getting this team driving forward, keeping teams on the back foot and giving the boys a chance of playing a positive attacking game which is our strength.
Changing of the guard.
Looking forward to seeing what happens, with Mania at hooker.
Like gatorman stated, "Obviously there are issues with the amount of time he can play at this point, we will need either or both Halatau/Liddle to cover for 20-25 minutes but this short 6 week period can be instrumental in getting this team driving forward, keeping teams on the back foot and giving the boys a chance of playing a positive attacking game which is our strength."

One day Robbie will not be there at all, may as well prepare for it well in advance.
If Mania starts the Warriors will run at him as part of their game plan. How JT combats that is the question?
As long as Halatua is playing i don't really see a downside tbh.
I think Cherrington will be good for 50-60 minutes per game initially. The key question is who does he rotate with for round 1? Halatau is a no brainer for round 2 onwards but I think Taylor could either go with the double dose of speed around the ruck and add Liddle to the bench, or otherwise I'd slot Cassel in to handle the brunt of defence work early on.
I know Cassel is a compact smaller middle forward that has great defence and an work tight in around the ruck.
Obviously he doesn't have Cherrington passing ability, But how good is his passing game off the ground ?
I don't think it's a good thing. If we had Halatau or Ballin on board it probably wouldn't be an issue.

It'll be interesting seeing how Cherrington goes. The kid looks like a gun but can he do it when the defence is fresh and he starts getting gassed.
Against Souths when halatau got injured cherrington probably played 55-60mins. I don't think he is ready for 80 mins yet but he might not be as far off we think
@fergiefurr said:
Against Souths when halatau got injured cherrington probably played 55-60mins. I don't think he is ready for 80 mins yet but he might not be as far off we think

Put Cherrington on for first and last 30 of each half….that way he gets a decent 35min rest between stints....
@gatorman said:
The absence of Robbie Farah for 6 weeks could be a blessing in disguise.

There was a marked sprarkle in attack when Cheery came on with that extra pace and better pass.
I like the opportumity its gives him for an extended period to expand his game savvy, his teamwork with Brooks expecially, giving the team that fast go forward which will be a big part of us getting our attack going forward.

Obviously there are issues with the amount of time he can play at this point, we will need either or both Halatau/Liddle to cover for 20-25 minutes but this short 6 week period can be instrumental in getting this team driving forward, keeping teams on the back foot and giving the boys a chance of playing a positive attacking game which is our strength.

With Farah out for 6 weeks it gives Taylor and us to see where Cherrington and how the sides plays with him a real insight…I hope he takes his opportunity with both hands and he and the team thrive...It could be the end for Farah....when he returns he could be 2nd fiddle to Cherrington....
@tigerap said:
@gatorman said:
The absence of Robbie Farah for 6 weeks could be a blessing in disguise.

There was a marked sprarkle in attack when Cheery came on with that extra pace and better pass.
I like the opportumity its gives him for an extended period to expand his game savvy, his teamwork with Brooks expecially, giving the team that fast go forward which will be a big part of us getting our attack going forward.

Obviously there are issues with the amount of time he can play at this point, we will need either or both Halatau/Liddle to cover for 20-25 minutes but this short 6 week period can be instrumental in getting this team driving forward, keeping teams on the back foot and giving the boys a chance of playing a positive attacking game which is our strength.

With Farah out for 6 weeks it gives Taylor and us to see where Cherrington and how the sides plays with him a real insight…I hope he takes his opportunity with both hands and he and the team thrive...It could be the end for Farah....when he returns he could be 2nd fiddle to Cherrington....

Could be win -win, means the team goes good and Robbie can hang on for full contract.
My only concern is Cherry's defence.

The attack speaks for itself, the times he has come on everything has sped up substantially and we look pretty damn good.
A good opportunity, Cherry is just one player in a team of 17…..he is not perfect, none of them are. As long as the team backs each other up it's all we can ask.
I expect all the little blokes know they will be targeted in defence, I assume there will be a plan for that? hopefully it'll work on the day. looking forward to seeing him start
At present Cherrington is playing short minutes, that allows him fresh fast legs and a fatigue free game.Be interesting how he goes when forced to play longer minutes. Will his passing game still be quick and crisp and will his running game still be dangerous. Time will tell

One last point, our kicking game will struggle a bit without Farah
As long as Cherrington hits and sticks in tackles I'll be happy. He has the attacking prowess and we grew another leg last year whenever he was on the field.

Farah isn't the defensive legend we think he is. Gets through a tonne of work and sticks in the tackle but he does get driven back frequently, although it's more than enough for another defender to help clean up. I wouldn't be upset if Cherry mirrors that.
@strrretch said:
A good opportunity, Cherry is just one player in a team of 17…..he is not perfect, none of them are. As long as the team backs each other up it's all we can ask.
I expect all the little blokes know they will be targeted in defence, I assume there will be a plan for that? hopefully it'll work on the day. looking forward to seeing him start

It'll be interesting to see how he goes against a first grade pack who aren't tired when he comes on, and someone will have to lift their game to cover for his defence .
@Cultured Bogan said:
As long as Cherrington hits and sticks in tackles I'll be happy. He has the attacking prowess and we grew another leg last year whenever he was on the field.

Farah isn't the defensive legend we think he is. Gets through a tonne of work and sticks in the tackle but he does get driven back frequently, although it's more than enough for another defender to help clean up. I wouldn't be upset if Cherry mirrors that.

the difference is that Farah doesn't get bounced off, or ran over on many occasions
@goldcoast tiger said:
@strrretch said:
A good opportunity, Cherry is just one player in a team of 17…..he is not perfect, none of them are. As long as the team backs each other up it's all we can ask.
I expect all the little blokes know they will be targeted in defence, I assume there will be a plan for that? hopefully it'll work on the day. looking forward to seeing him start

It'll be interesting to see how he goes against a first grade pack who aren't tired when he comes on, and someone will have to lift their game to cover for his defence .

It'll be interesting when they are tired due to the interchange adjustments. Those changes will benefit the zippy hookers.
As inopportune it may seem, the injury to Farah has given Taylor two weeks to try out the availabilities for replacement hooker. He will use all this time to make a decision, based on what he sees at training, as to the best combination dummy halves to use from the point of view of both attack and defence.