Human diet + lifestyle

There was a study published recently of vegans over 5 years and the brain and spinal cord shrunk by 5 percent vitamin B is very important for brain and spinal cord development

It's funny how lowering meat consumption over the last 40 years have brought on alot of health problems

Have you study up on the 7th day Aventis church?
It's specifically vitamin b12, other B vitamins are commonly found in plants.
Over committing to any one food source/type without knowing the shortcomings of that diet and supplementing accordingly is going to have issues.
A vegan diet is fine if it includes nutritional yeast, spirulina or fortified foods but will have problems without them.
A carnivore diet is fine if you supplement for vitamins a, c and d but problematic if you do not.
An omnivorous works best but even that will have its own issues if not varied.
Complete garbage. Yes paste and rice and ALL carbohydrates are converted to sugar. Thank god because otherwise you would die. You body is dependent on producing ATP which then converts carbohydrate to glucose to power your body. SUGAR isnt poison and you will die without oyur body producing sugar. Artificial sugar introduced into your body is very bad for you.
No you wouldn't your body runs better on ketones and you can produce glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis pathway
It doesn't mean you never eat bread, pasta, potatoes or rice, if you eat one small portion roughly a few weeks then next time a small portion of another, once we reach roughly the age of 60 need to eat small portions
Would explain why I am a fat slob and can't get the weight off.
Was diagnosed years ago with high cholesterol, high blood pressure and pre-diabetic, borderline Type 2. I was a heart attack and stroke stat in the waiting if I didn't change my diet and lifestyle immediately.

Never been fat, have always been active just never cared about my health. Young and dumb until age catches up. Ate shit, drank, high stress job, no real exercise routine. Its a kick in the ass when told by the Dr if you dont change your lifestyle youll be cutting 20-30 years off your life. Overnight I stopped eating sugar and carbs. Changed my diet to purely protein based with a few greens here and there.

Morning was a coffee and eggs, lunch steak, dinner seafood. Snacks - nuts, cheese. There are hundreds of combos to never get bored. Eggs, diary, steak and seafood, that's all you need and eat as much as you want. I also took up a 30 minute walk every morning, nothing crazy just a brisk walk around the neighbourhood to get the blood flowing.

Within 6 months I was off blood pressure tablets and off Metformin for Type 2 diabetes. All my bloods were in the normal range. Never had so much energy. To this day, years later and pretty much a meat diet, the bloods are level and I take no meds for anything. The key to health is your diet period. Garbage in, garbage out. You can never outrun a bad diet.
Glad to hear the cigars have never been an issue.
No you wouldn't your body runs better on ketones and you can produce glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis pathway
Mate, with as much respect as I can muster, you have no idea what you are talking about and need to get your information from some other source than bro culture. Keto & gluconegenesis is cute and in every gym bro article but the sad fact is keto and glucogenesis works on fat in the liver and elsewhere in the body. It produces energy that is available on a macro level but not on a cellular level.

Carbohydrates are converted to ATP -> ADP by the mitochondria in EVERY cell of the body and not only provides energy on a macro level but fuels the intra cellular metabolism. See how long you live once your mitochondria die through lack of carbohydrate.
Honestly, I kinda hate looking up any diet recommendations.

Many friends have tried the high protien atkins style diets. They seem to work.

That said, almost everything I read is Contradictory!
Large group studies, disgareeing with Larger group studies.

High protien seem to help loose weight and build muscle.
Short term health consequinces;
High testosorone/baldness.
weaker kidneys.

Long term, Unsure. many are saying ti could cut 5-10 years at the end. ??

Gut scientsts are saying almost all guts are totally different when observed. Which would explain why everyone is disagreeing with everyone else.
Honestly, I kinda hate looking up any diet recommendations.

Many friends have tried the high protien atkins style diets. They seem to work.

That said, almost everything I read is Contradictory!
Large group studies, disgareeing with Larger group studies.

High protien seem to help loose weight and build muscle.
Short term health consequinces;
High testosorone/baldness.
weaker kidneys.

Long term, Unsure. many are saying ti could cut 5-10 years at the end. ??

Gut scientsts are saying almost all guts are totally different when observed. Which would explain why everyone is disagreeing with everyone else.
People should see a Bio Chemist. Get some bloods and bowel investigations going. Get to know what you should be putting in your body
100% every gut is different. The gut is also the central system of the body
Now that Albo is stopping live sheep exports, and financially compensating farmers to temper their protests, I’m expecting to be able to afford some quality what red pairs well with lamb? Cab Sauv?
Now that Albo is stopping live sheep exports, and financially compensating farmers to temper their protests, I’m expecting to be able to afford some quality what red pairs well with lamb? Cab Sauv?
They all do.
Chianti for me usually.
Mate, with as much respect as I can muster, you have no idea what you are talking about and need to get your information from some other source than bro culture. Keto & gluconegenesis is cute and in every gym bro article but the sad fact is keto and glucogenesis works on fat in the liver and elsewhere in the body. It produces energy that is available on a macro level but not on a cellular level.

Carbohydrates are converted to ATP -> ADP by the mitochondria in EVERY cell of the body and not only provides energy on a macro level but fuels the intra cellular metabolism. See how long you live once your mitochondria die through lack of carbohydrate.
He doesn't, you're right, there is nothing 'better' about ketone metabolism; it's a marketing cash cow.

But (and as someone who is not a proponent of keto diets per se), gluconeogensis is more than capable of synthesising enough glucose within the liver to power the mitochondria within the body. Plenty of protein and fat-rich cultural diets attest to this. Further, both amino and fatty acid oxidation can synthesis ATP indirectly, particularly the latter through beta-oxidation. Too much AA oxidation can become a problem though; it's expensive and the nitrogen build up can cause issues.

Funnily enough, alcohol is metabolised extremely efficiently in the body, so much so that it is often prioritised as an immediate energy source. It produces acetyl-CoA pretty cheaply.

It's also more fun.
This is where partial truth is a dangerous thing used by conspiracy theorists to promote falsehoods.
There is a huge difference between the way your body deals with refined sugar and naturally occurring sugars in foods.
My people have proven over many centuries that you can eat pasta every day and live a long , more importantly healthy functioning life of quality until the end.
Odessa has given an extreme (all meat) and so have you (all carbs), but in my humble opinion, from trying these extremes myself and having access to multiple doctors and tests, I've been able to come to the following conclusions:

1. We must first make a clear distinction between overall health and weight loss. For example, you could have 2 people at a perfect weight, but they're bloodwork can look very different based on diet. I do think an all meat diet would show an overall healthier person.

2. Weight loss will always be calories in vs calories out. It doesn't really matter what you eat per se.

3. Carnivore helps people lose weight simply because protein and fat keeps you feeling full and fat as the energy source burns slower and doesnt spike your insulin. It's actually very difficult to eat more than twice per day on a Carnivore diet. Ypu simply dont feel hubgry. Secondly, because you are not eating carbs, your glycogen stores are depleted, thus losing a huge amount of water weight. Carnivore is really for people with auto immune issues where they eliminate everything from their diet and slowly add back to see what is making them ill. It's not really necessary to be this extreme. What is true, however, is that excess sugar or carbs will make a diet almost Impossible to follow because you will fell hungry all the time.

4. Eating carbs alone will probably make you feel bloated and hungry all the time. They are addictive, much like sugar. Carbs are quickly converted to glucose by the body followed by an insulin spike to try and deal with the blood sugar. Weight aside, you will probably get diabetes if you eat in this way. Carbs are also converted to fat very quickly compared with fat and protein.

5. In my experience, Carnivore was fantastic for the first 3 or 4 months and I did lose a lot of weight (around 10kg in the first 2 months) that I was able to maintain. Bloods were very impressive too. I found after this I generally felt quite flat and moody. I always struggled to eat enough fat with that diet which is likely the reason for the low energy. Depending on how active one is, adding a small amount of carbs will help balance that out because the brain ultimately needs glucose, so I added 100-200g carbs per day and felt a lot better without jeopardising weight.

The answer, in my experience, is a balance between a diet that is practical and sustainable and one that hits the right health markers. Adding a small amount of carbs allows flexibility at say a friends birthday dinner, where you might all go out to a Chinese restaurant and everything is covered in sauce. You can skip the rice or have a small portion and focus of the vegetables and meat despite there being some carbs and sugars in the mix.

if you don't have a plan on how you'll execute your diet in a variety of situations, you'll fail for sure. This is probably the thing that diet gurus leave out the most. For example, you wake up late and have to go to work, so you've got no time to cook your eggs in the morning. Where everyone else is reaching for a muesli bar or a bacon and egg roll or Maccas breakfast drive thru, what are you going to eat in that scenario? This is where a lot of people fall off the wagon simply because it becomes hard to comply due to lack of thought and planning.
People should see a Bio Chemist. Get some bloods and bowel investigations going. Get to know what you should be putting in your body
100% every gut is different. The gut is also the central system of the body
Genetic methylation test - very valuable and only needs doing once in a lifetime
Genetic methylation test - very valuable and only needs doing once in a lifetime
Can you explain more?
The test covers an extensive 92 genes, and 113 SNP’s across the following categories:

  • Digestion
  • Energy
  • Hormones
  • Stress & Cognitive Performance
  • Inflammation
  • Athletic Performance
  • DNA Protection & Repair
  • Detoxification
Is Detoxification real? Are you just saying "scan for Genetic weaknesses" aka are you Mongrel Blood!
He doesn't, you're right, there is nothing 'better' about ketone metabolism; it's a marketing cash cow.

But (and as someone who is not a proponent of keto diets per se), gluconeogensis is more than capable of synthesising enough glucose within the liver to power the mitochondria within the body. Plenty of protein and fat-rich cultural diets attest to this. Further, both amino and fatty acid oxidation can synthesis ATP indirectly, particularly the latter through beta-oxidation. Too much AA oxidation can become a problem though; it's expensive and the nitrogen build up can cause issues.
Of course, there is nothing "wrong" with keto/gloconeogenisis but as an adjunct. the easiest, safest and lowest cost (metabolically) pathway is carbohydrate->ATP->ADP->Glucose, remembering that my initial point that Odessa pushed back on was that someone says you should avoid carbohydrate because "your body converts it to sugar" is ridiculous. Its a critical part of mitochondrial energy production which impacts literally every process in your body. You NEED carbohydrate.
Funnily enough, alcohol is metabolised extremely efficiently in the body, so much so that it is often prioritised as an immediate energy source. It produces acetyl-CoA pretty cheaply.

It's also more fun.
Also deposits more fat in the liver for future win/win.