Human diet + lifestyle

Great post
I’m looking at reducing my carb intake as I’m 115kegs
Just looking into meals and planning. Do you have any suggestions of places to look for ideas

One of the best videos ever

I can load a few more but the truth is human diet should be 80 percent animal products minimum....all the fruit and vegetables today are clones and didn't exist as they are 100 years ago
Great post
I’m looking at reducing my carb intake as I’m 115kegs
Just looking into meals and planning. Do you have any suggestions of places to look for ideas
Also get some salt flakes and drink it when I went meat I got a massive headache on the third day it's the brain starting to use ketones and after using the wrong fuel for so long it has to get use to running better and when your on ketones it cleans the years of plaque out of the brain

And take omega 3 also eat lots of butter very healthy for your body no vegetable oils
Pasta and rice carbs are converted in the body to sugar it's not good for you it's a treat like a chocolate bar
Carbs are not the issue if diet is balanced. excessive energy particularly if high sugar content through Fructose is problematic. Fructose is metabolised in the liver whereas many carbs, whilst still metabolises as glucose with excess converting to fat via Insulin is healthy if balanced with fibre and unsaturated fat and energy intake is balanced.

Most dietary studies show most diets work for the duration of the study whether carnivore, keto , low fat etc but I think the Mediterranean diet optimises heart health and all other bio markers. The Blue Zone doco is excellent for understanding longevity and highlights diet is only one aspect of a healthy life.

Good on anyone who is mindful of their health. I think that’s half the battle. I’ve got to start moving more and creating some more active hobbies. Way too sedentary.
Mate, with as much respect as I can muster, you have no idea what you are talking about and need to get your information from some other source than bro culture. Keto & gluconegenesis is cute and in every gym bro article but the sad fact is keto and glucogenesis works on fat in the liver and elsewhere in the body. It produces energy that is available on a macro level but not on a cellular level.

Carbohydrates are converted to ATP -> ADP by the mitochondria in EVERY cell of the body and not only provides energy on a macro level but fuels the intra cellular metabolism. See how long you live once your mitochondria die through lack of carbohydrate.
The other aspect of this is the importance of zone 2 exercise (exercise at low to moderate effort) in maintaining mitochondrial function. It’s been shown to optimise cellular energy which will assist in better health.
Great post
I’m looking at reducing my carb intake as I’m 115kegs
Just looking into meals and planning. Do you have any suggestions of places to look for ideas
Mate I'd start with taking a look at what you eat now and isolate the meat and low carb stuff you already like eating. The theory here is you don't want this to be or feel like a diet. You want to cruise, not struggle. You're going to stick to it if you're eating what you enjoy. Learn to use spices instead of sauces for flavouring food. It doesn't have to taste bland.

Anything you eat should come from an animal or from the ground. Avoid processed things as a rule....a little cheese or Greek yoghurt is ok once it a while, but I'm talking no more than a dollop or small wedge once or twice a week.

Second...look for replacements for the "bad" things. Example...if you eat sandwiches or rolls, try to replace with a tortilla...yes it has carbs, but way less than a baguette. If you like sugar in your coffee, try a sweetener instead.

Third...remove or reduce the high carb or sugary stuff. Pasta and bread are probably your worst enemy because it's easy to consume a lot in one sitting. I'm not against rice, but try to limit the amount. realistic. You will have to eat takeaway food from time to time. Spend some time looking at KFC, Maccas etc menus and find the lowest carb/calories foods. When you are in a bind, you know what your decision will be because you've done the research and you haven't blown up your diet. With restaurants, Lebanese food is always a winner because there's plenty of meat and the bread is pretty low carb. Sashimi of course, Indian...get the grilled tandoori bbq chicken etc. Charcoal chicken with a salad. You don't need to eat tins of tuna or cook at home all the time. You need to live your life too.

You may be different, but meal prep is a discipline in itself and I've never stuck to it. I either cook fresh or eat out with the rules above. I've given some examples of what to eat out, but if you want some good ideas for cooked meals, I'll expand if you need it.

Well done for taking the first step. At 115kg, you are not far off looking good.
Great post
I’m looking at reducing my carb intake as I’m 115kegs
Just looking into meals and planning. Do you have any suggestions of places to look for ideas
Also do a leptin test if your Leptin is high you won't lose weight with all the b/s calories in calories out

I averaged about 4000 calories aday when I first started carnivore and the weight just fell off me

All calories are created different

Eating fat doesn't make you fat your body can not store fat with out high Leptin or insulin

Fat doesn't raise insulin and fills you and you can use it straight away as energy

So many lies and cons and the worst part is people can not get there head around it the are confirmation bias
Also do a leptin test if your Leptin is high you won't lose weight with all the b/s calories in calories out

I averaged about 4000 calories aday when I first started carnivore and the weight just fell off me

All calories are created different

Eating fat doesn't make you fat your body can not store fat with out high Leptin or insulin

Fat doesn't raise insulin and fills you and you can use it straight away as energy

So many lies and cons and the worst part is people can not get there head around it the are confirmation bias
You don't think you lost water weight despite eating 4000 calories?

By design, Carnivore would deplete your glycogen stores which hold 10x their weight in's to lose 5-10kg really quickly on carnivore in the first month or 2 for this reason. Then it seems to plateau. EDIT: If you are not in a deficit that is, but you can't keep eating 4000 calories a day and lose weight over time.

You can still gain weight on carnivore if you eat too much. 4000 calories is a lot to burn. It doesn't just disappear. You will get fat if you maintain this and are not exercising. 4000 calories is the same as a body builder.

Also 4000 calories of meat and fat is a lot of food. I don't know how you eat that much. What's a typical day of meals?
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Also do a leptin test if your Leptin is high you won't lose weight with all the b/s calories in calories out

I averaged about 4000 calories aday when I first started carnivore and the weight just fell off me

All calories are created different

Eating fat doesn't make you fat your body can not store fat with out high Leptin or insulin

Fat doesn't raise insulin and fills you and you can use it straight away as energy
Yea, the whole Fat is bad, sugar is good.
We made so many mistakes following American Garbage. Seriously Australia, stop following America down stupid paths.
So many lies and cons and the worst part is people can not get there head around it the are confirmation bias
Yes, but that's quite common.

Particularly when data is weird.
I.e. (slightly different issue, ill make the point but please don't go down the rabbit hole*).

So one study in newborn mothers, of 6,000 mothers, found that those who took anti-depressants in the 2nd or 3rd trimester had a 66% increase in rates of Autism. Right, that's HUGE!

Another study replicated the first study across 10,000 mothers. No significant coorelation, i.e. <5%.
Mate I'd start with taking a look at what you eat now and isolate the meat and low carb stuff you already like eating. The theory here is you don't want this to be or feel like a diet. You want to cruise, not struggle. You're going to stick to it if you're eating what you enjoy. Learn to use spices instead of sauces for flavouring food. It doesn't have to taste bland.

Anything you eat should come from an animal or from the ground. Avoid processed things as a rule....a little cheese or Greek yoghurt is ok once it a while, but I'm talking no more than a dollop or small wedge once or twice a week.

Second...look for replacements for the "bad" things. Example...if you eat sandwiches or rolls, try to replace with a tortilla...yes it has carbs, but way less than a baguette. If you like sugar in your coffee, try a sweetener instead.

Third...remove or reduce the high carb or sugary stuff. Pasta and bread are probably your worst enemy because it's easy to consume a lot in one sitting. I'm not against rice, but try to limit the amount. realistic. You will have to eat takeaway food from time to time. Spend some time looking at KFC, Maccas etc menus and find the lowest carb/calories foods. When you are in a bind, you know what your decision will be because you've done the research and you haven't blown up your diet. With restaurants, Lebanese food is always a winner because there's plenty of meat and the bread is pretty low carb. Sashimi of course, Indian...get the grilled tandoori bbq chicken etc. Charcoal chicken with a salad. You don't need to eat tins of tuna or cook at home all the time. You need to live your life too.

You may be different, but meal prep is a discipline in itself and I've never stuck to it. I either cook fresh or eat out with the rules above. I've given some examples of what to eat out, but if you want some good ideas for cooked meals, I'll expand if you need it.

Well done for taking the first step. At 115kg, you are not far off looking good.
This is excellent advice. Anyone looking to make some positive changes for their health should sticky this.
Yea, the whole Fat is bad, sugar is good.
We made so many mistakes following American Garbage. Seriously Australia, stop following America down stupid paths.

Yes, but that's quite common.

Particularly when data is weird.
I.e. (slightly different issue, ill make the point but please don't go down the rabbit hole*).

So one study in newborn mothers, of 6,000 mothers, found that those who took anti-depressants in the 2nd or 3rd trimester had a 66% increase in rates of Autism. Right, that's HUGE!

Another study replicated the first study across 10,000 mothers. No significant coorelation, i.e. <5%.
Also people being depressed should look into the fact they are low in B vitamins and zinc

And a younger friend is doing a study on violence and low B vitamins in the jail's very interesting violent behaviour and low vitamin B
Also people being depressed should look into the fact they are low in B vitamins and zinc

And a younger friend is doing a study on violence and low B vitamins in the jail's very interesting violent behaviour and low vitamin B
Do you know which B Vitamin specifically? Is it B12 by chance?