Is Api the greatest Captain we’ve ever had?


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2011
This is the easiest question in the world if we winning, however it’s not something that gets too much attention at times like this. This guy man….He’d still give 100% if he was missing a limb. He has every reason in the world to half arse it and try and do a Papali’i. And I have no doubt he’s extremely frustrated, but you would never know watching him play. His effort is super human. The fact that he still cares so much speaks for his character and professionalism. He’s one person in the club, maybe the only one who can hold head high. And I thank him for it, because he deserves better than this club.
This is the easiest question in the world if we winning, however it’s not something that gets too much attention at times like this. This guy man….He’d still give 100% if he was missing a limb. He has every reason in the world to half arse it and try and do a Papali’i. And I have no doubt he’s extremely frustrated, but you would never know watching him play. His effort is super human. The fact that he still cares so much speaks for his character and professionalism. He’s one person in the club, maybe the only one who can hold head high. And I thank him for it, because he deserves better than this club.
I have to admit I thought he build his retirement fund coming here, especially with the comments he made before he started but geez he’s put in and then some. If a captain is judged by his effort and never say die attitude then he’s gotta be up there.
If a captain is judged by his effort and never say die attitude then he’s gotta be up there.
It is in the juniors. At elite level the captain has to provide more.
Interested in your thoughts on this Tucker, what do you see as their role to be a great Captain?
I think first and foremost, your captain needs to be an excellent communicator. He needs to be able to think on his feet and motivate his team under fatigue. I listen to Api talk and am not too impressed. He doesn’t inspire confidence. Manipulating the referee is a large part of the game these days. Having a captain articulate enough to argue the point without pissing the official off is worth its weight in gold. Api wears his heart on his sleeve, showing a lot of emotion when circumstances go against us. This feeds through the side and the discipline drops. The captain needs to be cool headed and emotionally disciplined.
I also see a lot of games where only half the team seems switched on. Part of the captain’s role is to use appropriate strategy to motivate, tailoring his approach to personality type. He needs to really know his players and know how to get the best out of them. It must be hard to keep an eye on what’s happening when you are so tired from over work that you can barely walk off the field, however this part of captaining largely occurs off the field. It’s not all swearing and abusing or shouting…some players need a quiet moment to
think about what their role is. The captain needs to be able to help them through tough times and ensure training is effective and if a high standard.
A good captain eludes confidence. Api is too truthful in his interviews and press conferences. He takes the blame a lot. He talks the team down a lot. He doesn’t strike me as a guy who makes you feel 10 feet tall when your confidence is down. His assessments of why we lost are too rudimentary with bugger all insight into how we can fix it. Once again, the boys feed off what is said and when all you are hearing is that we didn’t play good enough, you switch off.

Look Api is a great player. He busts his arse most weeks to get the win. He leads the way, but I don’t think he is a leader as a communicator, a motivator, or a man manager. The problem is I don’t see anyone else who is presently. Tough times.
Api leads by example, but I think he’s a pretty poor captain.
One of our best players ever though.
I think he's let down in some ways by the total lack of leadership across the side. All the great captains had a bit of a support crew to pick up some of the slack in regards to culture, communication and developing the younger guys.

Seems crazy to say he is one of our best ever players coming off 2 spoons and likely a 3rd, but I agree. Think he has Farah covered.