John Bateman #268

I thought Bateman was holding on for too long because the ref hadnt called held but when watching it back, he called held really early and 10mins in to the game bateman is losing is temper and inciting a penalty. What a bone head. Hardly the role model for our younger players.
More of a niggler V, hasn’t really got the physique to do either successfully. As a matter of fact I’m not quite sure what his strengths are ? Experience ? But he was voted vc so there must be something we’re missing.
His strength is his lateral defence and protecting his half with first contact.
He also runs a hard unders line creating space for those outside him and has a bit of skill for off the cuff plays such as a grubber behind the line.
A lot of the criticism is valid but he does have his strengths.
He had two good games against Parra and Sharks.
His strength is his lateral defence and protecting his half with first contact.
He also runs a hard unders line creating space for those outside him and has a bit of skill for off the cuff plays such as a grubber behind the line.
A lot of the criticism is valid but he does have his strengths.
Yep. Had two good games against Sharks and Parra.
For a bloke who loves to push and shove and give away penalties, never see him back it up with hard ball running or by hitting hard in defence.

I hate the push/shove big boy crap. He just needs to cut the crap out. He never wins.

He is a niggle type play and frame isn’t close to a bash barge style bruiser.

When he clicks he has defended and darted hard and fast issue is he looks gassed immediately after and teams know this and target him with gaps opening up.
I like when he's fighting in tackles for quick play the balls and when he's up in people's faces with good line speed. He's intense and wears people down when he plays like that. He doesn't need the extra stuff of stupid offloads and purposeless sideways running and penalties. I wasn't for him but he can be a very good player if he's more disciplined. Stop looking for the easy out.
Piss this piece of shit off.

Can't play, has no brain, and does not care about anything other then making life hard for us.
Yep. Accountability for the younger players. Should be for the experienced ones as well. Bateman, Sezar and Papalii are doing nothing.
Well. You are entitled to your expertise. Wish it was that easy. Wish he was our whole problem. You guys make it look simple.

No one said he is our whole problem. This happens a lot on this forum, you make a critism of someone and people take it as your blaming everything on them.

However, he is by far the biggest problem, so I say let's start with the biggest issue, John Bateman. GET RID OF HIM

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