Karma ...

@ said:
It's sad that there are some getting off on this, purely because of what happened to Farah. As for me, I'm feeling fine. I came to terms a while ago, around the time Taylor was sacked that they were done. Well, Tedesco anyway. Think you'll find Taylor's treatment had a bigger impact on them than Robbie's.

I agree. These guys went because Taylor got sacked and their life coach and his masseuse didn't get a job at the club.
@ said:
Cant believe people buying into the Hooper and Buzz propaganda.

They both hate the club and are very biased in their stories, do yourselves a favor and only read it for a laugh.

I don't read that stuff and I won't. The club should be proud of their actions.
@ said:
@ said:
Never seen so many people hating and frothing at the mouth because some players aren't showing their loyalty to the club.
Wasn't long ago the board of the same club turned its back on the most loyal bloke we had - costing him the captaincy and a chance to play his last game in front of the fans he loved.
Oddly enough most of this forum supported the decision.
Karma' really is a [automatically edited].

This aint Karma open your eyes.

This is Isaac Moses propaganda at work and you've been sucked into it.

- Players wanna move on
- Manager leverages staying v going to maximise value
- Manager feeds DT continuous crap about mismanagment at board (Current board has only been in since May last yr) as an excuse for these mercenaries

The rest of the plan from Isaac was
- Fans vent againts club
- Players move on reputation in tack.

Im not buying it. The weststigers are not the only club to force a club legend out the door.

Ill give the club and current board credit for;
- resolving ownership issues
- repairing the salary cap issues
- Recruiting a high profile coach
- improving benchmarks eg Sponsorship & Memberships

I dont see anywhere near the outrage against parra who have had a previous CEO charged wirh fraud or a board that was completely sacked. Or the fact that Parra doesnt have a major sponsor. Or how about the worriors who have both halves of contract or the knights/titans being run by thw NRL.

Where is the outrage against the NRL who have allowed this salary cap farce remain un resolved for so long.

Yet we are thw only basket case - please…..

Gee, thanks for 'opening my eyes' Ken Y.
That naughty sausage Isaac Moses has sucked me in.
Not sure even if you read past the heading before ranting.
The point was that everyone is unhappy about the disloyalty and lack of respect shown to the club by certain players after the club showed those exact same things when ridding the club of Farah.
Karma - or monkey see, monkey do?
You're right that sometimes club legends get shown the door - although it's hard to remember one being treated so shabbily as Farah.
The board you give credit to backed the coach for 2 years in everything he did only to see him last 3 games after Farah's departure before getting knifed himself - again causing turmoil in the club.
Apparently that is all Isaac Moses fault.
For the record I am saddened that Moses and Tedesco won't be with us.
I never thought Woods should have been captain and he has lost any respect I had for him with his performances on Fox over the last few weeks - he won't be a loss to the club culture we need to build.
Pascoe, and to a greater degree, Ivan Cleary have got a lot of work to do to get the bus roadworthy but, as a fan, I hope they can get us there.
There is no Karma here. The existing team roster is not tough physically or mentally. I think that three coaches have proven that most of them cannot be made tougher. So as hard as these decisions are, out with the old and in with the new.

My opinion is that Cleary didn't want to touch Moses or Woods on that sort of money. Woods is not hard enough to lead a forward pack into battle and Moses just hasn't proven he is worth that much money. I expect Cleary is happy to see the back of them and has some contingencies in place. The loss of Teddy is unfortunate but he only stayed last time because of Farah, and we all know what happened there.

I don't think for a second that Cleary is devastated that we only resigned 1 of the "Big 4", but I expect he would have liked to have kept 2.
Did these blokes kind of throw it in Farah's face?
The club used moved Farah along so they could keep "our future" and then they turned around and left.
Farah must be really scratching his head now that the coach that got rid of him is gone and the players that he made way for are gone.
@ said:
@ said:
2018 will mark the completion of the post Sheens revolution. The player dominated culture was so ingrained it has taken this long. Ridiculous salary cap decisions made in 2013 are only NOW working themselves out of the club. Each coach has played their role:

Potter - (replaced Sheens), moved Benji along, promoted Brooks. He also tried to sign Farah to a two year deal, but was over ruled by a CEO that was dominated by Farah.
Taylor - Woods made captain, Farah moved along. 2017 the final year of salary cap issues.

There are also other players that had to moved on due to culture and/or salary cap.

With the above decisions made, Cleary was able to do one of two things:
Plan A: re-sign the juniors the club supported during the transition
Plan B: sign other players

1 of the 4 juniors has remained so Cleary now pushes ahead with Plan B.

Credit where it is due though - Farah wanted to stay and take responsibility for the team's performance going forward. Woods, Moses and Tedesco want the glory, but not the responsibility. Says a lot about their mindset as professional sportspeople.

Not entirely true.
Chris Lawrence is a Sheens gift that will keep on giving until the end of 2018.
We aren't out of the Sheens/Humph era yet.

Lawrence is here till end 2019
@ said:
@ said:
I don't see how moving Farah on solved any salary cap issues. Souths who had already busted their bank on top players and already with a good hooker must have taken Farah on for peanuts with WT paying about 90% at a guess. As well we are paying for Mr Ballin. Made out salary cap worse in my opinion.

I loved Farah as a player, but his sacking was his own karma for thinking he owned the club.

I was cheering for him last night, but noticed Sterlo was critical of his slow service again.

Thank god sterling is on board with the blues this year.
@ said:
@ said:
I don't see how moving Farah on solved any salary cap issues. Souths who had already busted their bank on top players and already with a good hooker must have taken Farah on for peanuts with WT paying about 90% at a guess. As well we are paying for Mr Ballin. Made out salary cap worse in my opinion.

I loved Farah as a player, but his sacking was his own karma for thinking he owned the club.

I was cheering for him last night, but noticed Sterlo was critical of his slow service again.

Thats funny, only because on Fox they were praising him for his "two quick steps" before passing. He did have a pretty good game though, geez we miss his kicking game
@ said:
@ said:
I don't see how moving Farah on solved any salary cap issues. Souths who had already busted their bank on top players and already with a good hooker must have taken Farah on for peanuts with WT paying about 90% at a guess. As well we are paying for Mr Ballin. Made out salary cap worse in my opinion.

I loved Farah as a player, but his sacking was his own karma for thinking he owned the club.

I was cheering for him last night, but noticed Sterlo was critical of his slow service again.

And yet this 'slow' service directly lead to 3 tries for the Bunnies as soon as he came on last night. I guess there's no pleasing some.
Karma or not the fact is;

1\. Moving Farah on in the fashion it occurred left a bad taste in everyones mouth. ( Farah contributed here as well )
2\. When your paying probably 80% of Farah's salary still….what was the point in moving him on?
3\. Previous board decisions have had an impact on our playing roster for 5-6 years now.
4\. All of the above decisions have had an impact on the big 3???? leaving.

Tigers can now only hope to have learned by their mistakes and move forward with players that want to be there and attract new talent to the club.

It's pointless looking for someone to blame....its happened....its out of our control now. But if there was one player we could have kept out of the last 3...I wish it was Teddy.

I do believe though that once Woods announces his move to the Bulldogs, he should step down from the Captaincy or be stripped from it if he doesn't.....the Captain of the club is about Loyalty and you cannot be loyal if your jumping ship.
@ said:
@ said:
@ said:
2018 will mark the completion of the post Sheens revolution. The player dominated culture was so ingrained it has taken this long. Ridiculous salary cap decisions made in 2013 are only NOW working themselves out of the club. Each coach has played their role:

Potter - (replaced Sheens), moved Benji along, promoted Brooks. He also tried to sign Farah to a two year deal, but was over ruled by a CEO that was dominated by Farah.
Taylor - Woods made captain, Farah moved along. 2017 the final year of salary cap issues.

There are also other players that had to moved on due to culture and/or salary cap.

With the above decisions made, Cleary was able to do one of two things:
Plan A: re-sign the juniors the club supported during the transition
Plan B: sign other players

1 of the 4 juniors has remained so Cleary now pushes ahead with Plan B.

Credit where it is due though - Farah wanted to stay and take responsibility for the team's performance going forward. Woods, Moses and Tedesco want the glory, but not the responsibility. Says a lot about their mindset as professional sportspeople.

Not entirely true.
Chris Lawrence is a Sheens gift that will keep on giving until the end of 2018.
We aren't out of the Sheens/Humph era yet.

Lawrence contract from that time ended this year..Was re-negotiated on a lesser amount under the 2017 Cap and extended until the end of 2019 by current administration..

the Lawrence contract is a non issue anyway. The renegotiation put his contract entirely outside the cap as I understand it, as the whole amount fits within the veteran player allowance. So we have the full $8.7M to spend on 29 instead of 30 players.
It's not the fact they're signing elsewhere CK. It's how they went about it and you know it.

When are you going to get over Farah? You must still hold grudges from primary school…
@ said:
@ said:
I don't see how moving Farah on solved any salary cap issues. Souths who had already busted their bank on top players and already with a good hooker must have taken Farah on for peanuts with WT paying about 90% at a guess. As well we are paying for Mr Ballin. Made out salary cap worse in my opinion.

I loved Farah as a player, but his sacking was his own karma for thinking he owned the club.

I was cheering for him last night, but noticed Sterlo was critical of his slow service again.

Yep to both your points Masterton. Robbie was loyal provided the club was how he wanted it. Sooo much smoke about that, there was most certainly a fire.
@ said:
Did these blokes kind of throw it in Farah's face?
The club used moved Farah along so they could keep "our future" and then they turned around and left.
Farah must be really scratching his head now that the coach that got rid of him is gone and the players that he made way for are gone.

Not only would Robbie be scratching his head. I would stay away from Laurie's place of rest in case the place erupts any time soon.

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