Latrell Mitchell and Connor Watson


Latrell Mitchell has missed out again on a selection for the third of fourth time in a row, Watson got calld onto the bench…... Didn't play a second.

Surely these two are eager for a first grade spot, Ivan give them a call!
@ said:
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@ said:
Clubs like the Rorters rarely ever lose players they want to keep, so unless they want rid I'd say we're unlikely to get either.


Maybe their magic is wearing off.


Funny you mention Maloney, the panel on the Sunday footy show said that Maloney has never re-signed with any club once his current contract was up,he is a journeyman who is happy to move around every two to three years.
I just had a chat to a mate who mentored Conor through his studies and still continues to support him today. I said "Conor should come over to the Tigers", unfortunately he laughed quite a bit….......
A shame Mitchell doesn't have an outspoken git like Moses as his agent or else he might already be signed
@ said:
I just had a chat to a mate who mentored Conor through his studies and still continues to support him today. I said "Conor should come over to the Tigers", unfortunately he laughed quite a bit….......

What does that mean? Connor is behind Friend, Pearce, Keary and now Tedesco. In the next 3-4 years he's only going to be a #14 at best unless there is injury or a dramatic loss of form. If he's happy to stick on the bench or reggies, good luck to him.

Or he can do a Blake Austin, realise his club wants him to play #14 but look elsewhere for a starting gig.
I'd take either. They're both talented kids. Mitchell is rough around the edges but the ability is there, Watson is going to have to go elsewhere to get a fulltime gig within the next 2-3 years.
I was thinking about Connor Watson this morning, he's off contract 2018.

Can Tigers do a Blake Austin and offer him a solid deal for 2019+? Then once he signed, go to the Roosters and ask them to release him 1+ years early?

Is it still allowed to sign players that far in advance?

It's risky but other clubs have done it - both Austin and Marty Taupau were let go 1 year early, because they'd taken up long-term deals elsewhere the season after next. We didn't see value / fairness in holding these players for 1 more season, investing in a player who was leaving, so we let them go.

I realise we need a fullback now for 2018, and if we sign Watson for 2019 then we might get stuck with an interim year, perhaps this is a strategy to consider if the on-market FB options dry up.
@ said:
I was thinking about Connor Watson this morning, he's off contract 2018.

Can Tigers do a Blake Austin and offer him a solid deal for 2019+? Then once he signed, go to the Roosters and ask them to release him 1+ years early?

Is it still allowed to sign players that far in advance?

It's risky but other clubs have done it - both Austin and Marty Taupau were let go 1 year early, because they'd taken up long-term deals elsewhere the season after next. We didn't see value / fairness in holding these players for 1 more season, investing in a player who was leaving, so we let them go.

I realise we need a fullback now for 2018, and if we sign Watson for 2019 then we might get stuck with an interim year, perhaps this is a strategy to consider if the on-market FB options dry up.

I don't think we can officially chase anyone off contract 2018 until Nov 1,2017

Not a bad plan though
Currently the Roosters have Pearce, Keary, Tedesco, Watson, Mitchell, and Manu signed up for 2018\. They are all too talented to be playing on the wing. That leaves 6 players fighting for 5 positions. Surely we can pick one of Mitchell, Watson, or Manu off? Mitchell is obviously a generational talent so would be the highest priority and also the least likely. Watson and Manu both look like class. Would take either.
Swapping Mitchell and Watson for Tedesco before the June transfer window would strengthen both teams immediately. We get a fullback that is 3/4 as good as Tedesco, plus a centre as well. Roosters get one of the top three fullbacks immediately. Probably would work out similarly in coin as well
You must be -Roosters forum is calling for him to be recalled into their side as he is too good to leave out.

Don't reckon we are going to get either him or Mitchell
@ said:
Am i the only one who thinks Connor Watson is a dud?

I dont think he is a dud, but i dont see him fitting into our squad, as I dont consider him a fullback. Im not keen on a few people we are apparently looking at though.
@ said:
You must be -Roosters forum is calling for him to be recalled into their side as he is too good to leave out.

Don't reckon we are going to get either him or Mitchell

I see maybe i haven't seen enough of him. Just bits and peices i have seen of him. He hasn't done much. few runs from DH. Seemed to be like a poor man's Lewis Brown but perhaps I haven't seen enough.

Latrell Mitchell on the other hand i think is special
@ said:
You must be -Roosters forum is calling for him to be recalled into their side as he is too good to leave out.

Don't reckon we are going to get either him or Mitchell

I think he's out of favour with the coach so it will be hard for him to make it back in….then if he's not getting along with the coach he mighten be to keen to stay there...not saying he will come here although we should throw a stack load at him but I don't think he'll stay at the roosters from what I've read
Connor Watson is a joke if he thinks he can get a starting role at the roosters. All he is a insurance plicy for nick politis . He has ten years in the nrl and should make the most of it. It could be the case in two years when he gets his chance that old Nick signs another Tedesco or Pearce. His manager is a joker
@ said:
Tigers have made no enquiries about Mitchell it's not gonna happen.

I would find it very hard to fathom that we wouldn't have even enquired. One of the games hottest young players is highly disgruntled at this club, with the coach and with the club signing a replacement for him already. He only wants to play fullback and will be leaving at some point in the near future (presuming Teddy is finally confirmed).

Whether the Roosters let him go early is one thing, perhaps depends who his agent is and how much stink they kick up. But he'll be leaving and i'm sure the Roosters will dump him like they have many others in the past.

Or does Cleary really think he's too much of a loose cannon to even consider? Surely not.
Watson seems content (for now) to bide his time at the Roosters.

“I think the Tigers might have said something to the club the other week,” Watson told

“I think the club’s pretty firm on their position that they don’t want me to go.

“I’m under contract until 2018 and that’s the way I’m thinking at the moment.”

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