Live Game Thread.

@NJLM78 said:
Another week where we are on the wrong end of the penalty count.

It's a bit more even so far today. With this heat we need to hold the ball, the Titans look a bit worse for wear at the moment.
Lawrence gone for the game. Right hamstring problem. Opens the door for Simona next week.
Lawrence's hammy's playing up again. The receipt from the dislocated hip
How the hell was that ruled no try? Ridiculous. And poor Lawrence has done his hamstring again.
Titans score after Anasta doesn't find touch. Thanks Benji I mean Braith

_Posted using RoarFEED 2013_
stinking hot up here, Tigers playing ok….....except for not kicking a damn penalty which turned into a try
Pathetic from Sue. Gives away a completely unecessary penalty then leaves the yawning gap with shocking defense for the try.
Poor miss by Robbie … add to that a couple of mistakes. Gotta get better.

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