Luke Brooks #167

LB will never get dropped unless he get injured
Then we might actually start winning 😂
Btw it also proves that he's not trying hard enough by staying injury free for soo long 😁
I don't think it is the trying that is Brooks problem, he tries hard, he just has no game awareness and zero footy IQ, and for a half, that spells disaster
I blame the club fully for any criticism/abuse he gets online or in the media. Very few, if any people actually have a problem with him as a person. But the fact is he sucks and absolutely terrible as a halfback. Our club basically being negligent in continuing to play him as a tried failure for so long. It's pathetic really - he's on the cusp of playing 200 games and we just keep insisting.

We come out against Manly and he's playing first receiver. Why? 10 years and 200 games worth of evidence that he can't play at first receiver and Sheens who's been a first grade coach since before Brooks was even born continues with this. It's mind-boggling.

Even if we dropped him for 1 week. Not even a stint, just 1 week, so many people would be much happier. But I think fans have every right to be angry and to continue to flog a dead horse as long as the club continues to play him in the 7 jersey (or first grade generally) because it shows nothing but a commitment to failure. Einstein said stupidity was trying the same thing twice and expecting a different result ... what does trying something 190+ times, failing and then trying it again make you? At least if this was the NBA or NFL where we could get a good draft pick - we don't even get that, just continual underperformance and embarrassment on the field.

Again, no issue with Brooks himself and his failures are not for a lack of effort, but just try something different for once. It's insulting to the fans and the team for persisting with him in the 7.
No...its because he doesnt get the job done in the attacking zone.

Not true. It was a valid criticism of him earlier in the season but Brooksy has turned the corner.

He has been heavily involved in 5 of the 7 tries we've scored over the past 2 games including 2 rippers of passes right in the attacking zone. There were other passes in the attacking zone that weren't elite passes but those elite passes not many players have the ability to make.

I should also mention players around him have bombed chances that he created as well including a kick on the 5th in the attacking zone that was basically perfect last week that Bateman unfortunately didn't ground.
Just to prove that Brooksy can create and can throw elite passes in the attacking zone.

Watch those passes. They are honestly elite. Very few players in the game would make those passes.
Just to prove that Brooksy can create and can throw elite passes in the attacking zone.

Watch those passes. They are honestly elite. Very few players in the game would make those passes.
This is top level football.
Those passes are expected from your playmakers.
All spine players in every side can and do throw them.
This is a Rugby League fan forum. Not a Pinot and Picasso appreciation event.
You love rolling round in the mud, despite any and all protestations. The ladder to help you down off that big horse of yours, is in the corner to your left.
We at the Tigers don't need to climb down off a Ladder as we live at the bottom.
It's probably been said in here already - sorry tldr 119 pages - would love to see him at the Roosters next year. We wouldn't have to pay a subsidy and it would show once and for all how he would go in another system. Would love for him to do well - I know it means the usual Fox Sports crap would be spruiked, but it's not like he's going to get any better here.
It is a nonsense argument. I assume by your response you accept that it's a nonsense argument for every other position other than halfback which already makes the argument really really weak. You have to do that for every team in history. Andrew Johns won two premierships.

It's early days in the season but if Brooksy keeps this up we have some hope.
Mate Honesty Please stop. We are 0-7. He is done. its been a decade, A DECADE BRO. BROOKS IS NOT THE ANSWER
It's probably been said in here already - sorry tldr 119 pages - would love to see him at the Roosters next year. We wouldn't have to pay a subsidy and it would show once and for all how he would go in another system.
Roosters? Wouldn't work out very well - they actually drop players due to underperformance, no matter how high profile.
Mate Honesty Please stop. We are 0-7. He is done. its been a decade, A DECADE BRO. BROOKS IS NOT THE ANSWER

He might be done but to try and imply his form is the reason we are 0-7 or we've been this bad for so long is just ridiculous.

I've pointed out that his form this season is far from terrible. When his form is terrible then I'll admit it.
He might be done but to try and imply his form is the reason we are 0-7 or we've been this bad for so long is just ridiculous.

I've pointed out that his form this season is far from terrible. When his form is terrible then I'll admit it.
You were sticking the boot into him earlier this year.
Just give it up, you have no one convinced.
Just reading about how the Tigers players are getting around Brooks. Pathetic and puerile, this has happened so many times over the past few years it’s now predictable.
Team goes bad , highest paid player and game manager blamed, teammates rally around him.
Makes me want to be ill. What is it about this guy that makes him so protected by everyone in the joint when his record as a playmaker stinks and the club continues to underperform.
Stop it Tigers, just win some bloody games and the pressure will go right off him, and the rest of you.

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