Marina Go resigns Barry O'Farrell appointed

We are a footy club. Our aim is to win footy games. The last 5 years have not been that good on that front. She may have been responsible for some of our sponsors I'm not sure, but in our primary objective each year we have not achieved.
Really!! I can only assume whoever you worked for is now in liquidation ,based on your complete lack of knowledge on Corporate Governance. Furthermore only someone without a clue could dredge up the ridiculous conspiracy theories you rabbit on about. Next you'll be blaming Greenberg for the assassination of JFK.
You can't win footy games if the finances aren't in order.

That was the problem with previous administrations, they just kicked the can down the road and kept backloading. Marina had the backbone to repair it, despite the criticism she would attract for exactly what you are saying.
Just doesn't make sense two board members leave the same day

Doesn't smell right Hammer …
JFK assassination was too complex to involve Greenberg. Why are you so filled with hate champ? It’s a discussion forum. Lighten up
Now, I do agree with that.
Im no fan of Greenberg, in fact he should be replaced by V'landys asap. But a lot of our problems are as a direct result of our own incompetence. As an organisation I thought we had stepped up, but bingo off we go again. I think we would both agree that after 20 years we should have at least the front office running well. Here's to Mr Pascoe returning and doing a fine job….
Thats correct - she was originally appointed by the NRL but then re appointed by Wests when they took control. I would imagine they would want to stick with the current makeup of 5 Wests Ashfield 2 Independents and 2 non voting Balmain.
I am absolutely in agreement that our past has been poor - at all levels. But Go was great and was disillusioned by NRL front office. And yes - cheers to Pascoe and moving forward!!
@Tiger_Steve said:
I am absolutely in agreement that our past has been poor - at all levels. But Go was great and was disillusioned by NRL front office. And yes - cheers to Pascoe and moving forward!!

But if she had reached maximum term there might not have been much choice.
Yeah true. But people don't walk into a job and then make excuses why the next 3 years are going to be unsuccessful. 3 years to fix our cap. All other clubs release a player or two. Generally a high earner. It may of been woods and tedesco maybe even moses….but we would of started this next rebuild earlier. Then she presided over the next salary cap drama. Let's not make her out as a genius as some do here.
Yeah I read that today. Didn’t realise there was a maximum term in place. But her interview on alluded to her disdain for NRL leadership.
Mixed bag from Marina. I think the club handled the Taylor/ Farah drama poorly and her blind faith in Taylor caused us immense damage.
Since Pascoe's arrival the club seems to be in pretty good shape - apart from another Farah stuff up. I thought she handled the Cleary debacle pretty well with no support from the NRL.
Not surprised that she has had enough after her last dealings with them.
Let’s not forget that under her governance the WestsTigers attracted unprecedented sponsorship which, in part, led to us being one of few clubs to register a profit. Profitability was without doubt the number one goal as without profitability, you go out the back door pretty quick.
Marina is smart to leave the crappy establishment that is the NRL. Why would you stay in North Korea if you could leave and live in Bora Bora. Smart business people can walk into other high paying private organizations and not put up with what's being dished out here at the moment.