Michael Maguire leaves club

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With the injuries we've had I'm not sure another coach would have made any difference although I support the decision if it means we can attract good players.
Disappointing the way it's happened. If that's what they wanted, should have done it last year.

I do think it's better to do it now than wait til the end of the season.

I just hope we have someone good lined up and it's not another rubbish recycled coach like Flanagan, Green, Brown etc.

Thank you Madge for the dedication to the club in the last 4 years and getting our salary cap in order.
Are they going to post it on the facebook page or I think they may fear the backlash haha
It’s a sad day but it had to happen. I will miss his passion but to me the game has moved past him. I hope there is a plan and ciraldo has said yes. I also hope they find the weasel in the board who leaked it to buzz yesterday.
Kimmorley interesting choice, does this mean cayless and Gardiner are rissoled also or didn’t want a crack at the top job?
Maybe, just maybe Maguire was having talks with Bulldogs / Warriors and the management put in a pre-emptive strike??? No doubt more will come out over a bit of time.
Coaching (like it or not) is a results-driven business.
Thanks Madge, but the writing has been on the wall since last year.
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