Round 11, Magic Round *Discussion / Spoilers*

Channel 9 in the Broncos sheds at full time, Payne Haas sitting by himself all dejected. Hope he’s got good support around him after the news surfaced. But fair to say him blocking it out, and turning up, lifting your team, has done well considering with that family dragging him down.
Problem is he has to also be that support to his younger siblings

Mum + Dad and one younger brother in prison on serious charges...

He is a genuine self-made man given the gutter trash he emerged from - but when football ends is when his real challenges will come!
I like watching them. They are hard AF.
A couple more strike players and they’d bully their way to a premiership.
Agree, they're great to watch.
Ethan Strange is a quality player, think I heard them say he was a centre at Australian schoolboys level. Very impressive if that's the case. He's certainly holding his own.
Xavier Savage is another player I like watching.
Talau always showed ability it's just the expectations fans place on young players at this club when they haven't had the quality around them to transition, is way off. To suggest all of a sudden he can play instead of owning that you may have been wrong about him...yeah right.
I hope Tigers can break Manly whenever the time comes but it's gonna be a tough task.
Maybe what makes some of the players that leave the Tigers and go on to realise their potential elsewhere is a combination of a few simple things:
1) Years spent in a side that consistently loses then moving and attaining a winning feeling in fresh surroundings.
2) Being surrounded by players who are “winners” and having elite quality teammates who can be relied upon, makes things far easier to shine.
3) For players that do have the talent the personal realisation that you have an opportunity in front of you and you must step up to make something of your career.
4) Something to prove to the doubters who have been riding you through your past career.

As a player, playing in a team full of duds, becomes frustrating and soon wears you out physically and emotionally. When you have the opportunity to play surrounded by stars then it’s like breathing fresh air, you have the freedom to play your game and find that things come off.
Why do ex Tigers all of a sudden turn into real footballers when they leave our club?.
I must be missing something.

Brooks is playing the same as he was at tigers. Solid. Tries hard. Fast hard passes. Runs often into a brick wall. Frequently almost pulling off a great play. I’m not sure if he kicked out on the full too often with us though.

Talau also shows flashes of brilliance following it up with a shocker…
That says to me we all ask the same question:
"Why is player X good there when he could have been good with us?"

As always it comes down to the administration of the club and flows downwards from there imho.We have had terrible leadership in the club for an eon and when you have poor quality people making the decisions you usually get poor results at all levels.