Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

two hookers are not a problem if one has utility value. its too big a reshuffle if you lose one of the backs mid game and you dont have a mobile player on the bench.

Im sure i have seen both MM and Liddle on the park at the same time in games this year.

if you have a pack that can hold its own, then a small guy coming off the bench can create havoc which liddle is capable of doing with his pace and support play.

I'm happy with the two. If mm was asking for more money or was signed else where i would agree to going after peats and if we did sign a 3rd hooker i think it would disrupt and impact liddle's development.
I'd be looking at another journeyman DH as backup. And throw the $ towards Adam Elliott. He would complete our forward pack. He hits very hard in defence and is a strong runner of the ball. He's the closest thing we'll get to Boyd Cordner. Elliott's off contract next year and the Bulldogs will struggle to retain him if we put a biggish offer in.
The Bulldogs are hoping we take Eastwood even though he is contracted so they can sign Elliott .
Please WTs don't sign Eastwood so they keep Elliott.
@ said:
I'd be looking at another journeyman DH as backup. And throw the $ towards Adam Elliott. He would complete our forward pack. He hits very hard in defence and is a strong runner of the ball. He's the closest thing we'll get to Boyd Cordner. Elliott's off contract next year and the Bulldogs will struggle to retain him if we put a biggish offer in.
The Bulldogs are hoping we take Eastwood even though he is contracted so they can sign Elliott .
Please WTs don't sign Eastwood so they keep Elliott.

The Dogs forum has reported we've already lost interest in Eastwood. He was asking for too much apparently.
@ said:
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@ said:
So Dane Gagai has not taken up his option for 2018 with Newcastle, and has informed them he is leaving…...

Who was the knucklehead on here that was adamant that he will never ever leave Newcastle, and had first hand info from Gagai's and his family?

And does anyone know where he has signed? I heard Souths were close. Would have been a great signing for us.

Probably Demps. Happy to be corrected otherwise.

I have to admit I reckoned he wouldn't leave because Newcastle would throw the kitchen sink at him but I guess every man has their price.

Hahaha not me….
Idk Gagai or his fams.

Haha no worries mate. You're the only other person I remember saying that you'll reckon he'll stay.
@ said:
@ said:
@ said:
@ said:
So Dane Gagai has not taken up his option for 2018 with Newcastle, and has informed them he is leaving…...

Who was the knucklehead on here that was adamant that he will never ever leave Newcastle, and had first hand info from Gagai's and his family?

And does anyone know where he has signed? I heard Souths were close. Would have been a great signing for us.

Probably Demps. Happy to be corrected otherwise.

I have to admit I reckoned he wouldn't leave because Newcastle would throw the kitchen sink at him but I guess every man has their price.

Hahaha not me….
Idk Gagai or his fams.

Haha no worries mate. You're the only other person I remember saying that you'll reckon he'll stay.

Im surprised newcastle would let their only decent player go….
I thought they woulda moved heaven and earth to keep him.

I have never spoken to him tho and wouldnt make such a claim tho, lol.
Going to mention a name and will probably get negative responses as this guy has a few screws loose… Paul Carter is off contract and could come cheap for a 2nd row option.
@ said:
Going to mention a name and will probably get negative responses as this guy has a few screws loose… Paul Carter is off contract and could come cheap for a 2nd row option.

Good player.

Another grub too.
We defo wouldnt be the nice guys anymore.
Id say yes to signing him.
@ said:
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@ said:
@ said:
So Dane Gagai has not taken up his option for 2018 with Newcastle, and has informed them he is leaving…...

Who was the knucklehead on here that was adamant that he will never ever leave Newcastle, and had first hand info from Gagai's and his family?

And does anyone know where he has signed? I heard Souths were close. Would have been a great signing for us.

Probably Demps. Happy to be corrected otherwise.

I have to admit I reckoned he wouldn't leave because Newcastle would throw the kitchen sink at him but I guess every man has their price.

Hahaha not me….
Idk Gagai or his fams.

Haha no worries mate. You're the only other person I remember saying that you'll reckon he'll stay.

I said I thought he'd stay and that we shouldn't bother targeting him because Newcastle had plenty of cap space to keep him if they wanted, plus they had reportedly been using him to try and recruit others. I'm surprised he's gone, it's pretty disappointing for Newcastle.
@ said:
Going to mention a name and will probably get negative responses as this guy has a few screws loose… Paul Carter is off contract and could come cheap for a 2nd row option.

Too many errors in him. We already miss enough tackles and turn over enough ball.
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@ said:
We don't need another hooker. We need another prop and a centre.

But wouldn't you rather a high quality 80 minute hooker than a 50 minute hooker and a 30 minute hooker? Makes our bench options so much stronger.

MM is off contract and Liddle can play in reserve grade. Doesn't mean we miss out another prop and a centre, we have a heap of cap room.

No I wouldn't, and Liddle is not a reserve grader. Have a look at how much work he is getting through in 50 minutes. He'll be an 80 minute player next season. This year is about preparing him for the weekly grind of FG.
@ said:
Going to mention a name and will probably get negative responses as this guy has a few screws loose… Paul Carter is off contract and could come cheap for a 2nd row option.

Pass on him, hasn't proved himself either
Paul Carter .. not very big for a back rower .. yeah he goes in at 110%, but not sure how many years his body is going to stand up to smashing bigger bodies running at him all game. Wasn't he originally a hooker .. ??

Height 180 cm (5 ft 11 in)
Weight 98 kg (15 st 6 lb)

I believe effective back rowers should be 6 foot +, over a 100kgs and very mobile.
@ said:
Going to mention a name and will probably get negative responses as this guy has a few screws loose… Paul Carter is off contract and could come cheap for a 2nd row option.

I like him, but he is a deadset nutbag. I'm not sure how long he'd last.
@ said:
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@ said:
We don't need another hooker. We need another prop and a centre.

But wouldn't you rather a high quality 80 minute hooker than a 50 minute hooker and a 30 minute hooker? Makes our bench options so much stronger.

MM is off contract and Liddle can play in reserve grade. Doesn't mean we miss out another prop and a centre, we have a heap of cap room.

No I wouldn't, and Liddle is not a reserve grader. Have a look at how much work he is getting through in 50 minutes. He'll be an 80 minute player next season. This year is about preparing him for the weekly grind of FG.

Fair enough, in my opinion i'd prefer a proven 80 minute player in such a key position - but I hope i'm wrong. In any event I hope they don't proceed with having 2 hookers in the team. That bench spot is so valuable.
@ said:
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@ said:
We don't need another hooker. We need another prop and a centre.

But wouldn't you rather a high quality 80 minute hooker than a 50 minute hooker and a 30 minute hooker? Makes our bench options so much stronger.

MM is off contract and Liddle can play in reserve grade. Doesn't mean we miss out another prop and a centre, we have a heap of cap room.

No I wouldn't, and Liddle is not a reserve grader. Have a look at how much work he is getting through in 50 minutes. He'll be an 80 minute player next season. This year is about preparing him for the weekly grind of FG.

Fair enough, in my opinion i'd prefer a proven 80 minute player in such a key position - but I hope i'm wrong. In any event I hope they don't proceed with having 2 hookers in the team. That bench spot is so valuable.

Paul Carter plays hooker as well as backrow, but Elliott should be number 1 on the recruitment list
In the modern game a fullback has a particular skillset that is required. They do not need to tackle, they do not need a kicking game, they need to be able to run the ball and occasionally ball play to support players. They also spend a large portion of the game standing around pointing fingers and yelling at their team mates.

Based on this we should chase Mitchell Moses as our fullback for next year. He shows all the skills (or lack thereof) listed above and also has a knack for breaking contracts when things don't go his way, so is likely available.
Realistic off-contract players for our vacant positions

FB: Lolohea

Centre: Fonua

Wing: Johnston, Corey Thompson (hope not)

Second-row: Adam Elliot

This is just my prediction. Comment yours.
@ said:
Realistic off-contract players for our vacant positions

FB: Lolohea

Centre: Fonua

Wing: Johnston, Corey Thompson (hope not)

Second-row: Adam Elliot

This is just my prediction. Comment yours.

Adam Elliott is still very unlikely.

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