Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

I was just on the wests tigers podcast site and CloudyGlock (who I realise is not always popular with some forum members) posted the following (excuse the poor English):

"Wests Tigers are in discussions with Jeremiah Nanai. Discussion have progressed with genuine interest from both sides. Discussions have progressed to the point that a very substantial and serious offer will be tabled to Nanai post November 1. Club is confident are will push hard. "
Interesting - the guy only signed a 1 year extension and was on peanuts at the cows. He obviously wants to test the market. Sign him and agitate like they did for an early release.
Haven't watched it yet but I imagine it will give people something football related to debate!

Thank you for that link. An interesting interview. I love the honesty & straightforward answers & Pascoe has gone up in my opinion. Ive always rated Tim Sheens & hearing his direct way of talking, particularly about the young fellows coming through I am more confident of our future moving forward.Better times ahead.
Possibly but this is the new NRL ladies team so a seperate announcement I guess.
Look, it’s probably not exactly the gig he wanted but at least it keeps him in the club( coz I think he and a thousand others are involved in pathways, be that male or female) and I for one feel better that he wasn’t just shown the door after such a tough initiation.
Sorry I was try to make out that the mens NRL WTs were a bunch of girls blouse. Misfired attempted humour on my behalf.
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This was his smoking gun, we are making an offer to Nanai come Nov 1. Not really surprising when we had a crack at him before he signed on again for a year at the Cows
Interesting. Dunno why he'd come here though. We are not the only club with dough and if he was on the market like that other clubs would be queuing up too.
We lowballed Nanai last year, $300K per season for 2 years.
If we had offer some decent coin we could of had him next year a lot cheaper than we are going to have to pay now.
I was annoyed that Benji said that he hoped that Nanai would stay at NQ.
Thanks very much our new coach in waiting.